Search results

  1. T

    Violin Lessons

    Anyone have a recommendation for local violin classes/lessons? My son (who never wants to do any extracurricular activities) was inspired by a classmate who did a violin presentation at school, and now he wants to learn to play. I'm so excited that there's an activity that he wants to try and I...
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    Rich son, poor son
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    Whatever happened to the IHB naysayers?

    I was thinking recently about how when I was house hunting, back in 2008 and 2009, I was a little nervous because several people on the old IHB forums were saying to rent, not buy, because housing prices were going to drop once all the elusive shadow inventory came onto the market. Some were...
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    Thinking of moving

    Thinking of moving, and since I'm indecisive, I want other people's opinions. Right now we're in Irvine, but we don't love the neighborhood or school we are zoned to, and we have no pool...and I've recently decided I MUST HAVE A POOL. (We could put one in, but it would have to be really small)...
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    Mud room, California style

    Sorry if this has been talked about before, but I've been a very bad TI'er and haven't kept up with the threads. Not that I can really keep up with the threads in the Real Estate section because it's crazy town over here...but anyway. We visited Orchard Hills last week, just for fun. We drove...
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    Devilicious Dougnuts

    I saw a sign for Devilicious Doughnuts coming to the plaza at Irvine Center/Jeffrey. I think they are opening in the old boba tea place that used to be there (near Sushilicious which is now closed). Apparently there is already a Devilicious Doughnuts in Mission Viejo. I checked out the menu and...
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    What would you tell your 29-year-old (or younger) self?

    Inspired by the "What do you think of my homebuying plan" thread. For us old-timers on the forum, what would you tell your younger self? What do you know now that you wish you knew then? I would say: Dump that loser and be single for a while. Do not go to law school. Do not tell future husband...
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    Irvine area served by Santa Ana schools

    I was talking to an acquaintance, and she was telling me that for the area of Irvine where she lives (off Jamboree near the 405), the area is served by Santa Ana schools. I never knew about this. She rents, but is planning on moving now that her child will be entering school next year...
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    Rance's Pizza

    I don't remember if we've discussed this before, but if you're a fan of Zachary's Pizza in the Bay Area, you have to try Rance's. Zachary's is one of my must-haves every time I visit my old stomping grounds, and there was never anything like it down here in OC (wah), until now! It's not exactly...
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    Real Conversation...

    ...that I had with my husband tonight. Him: We got a coupon for Inka. Inka makes really good fried rice. Me: I've never been there...well, maybe with my family years ago...can't remember...I probably wouldn't order fried rice if we went... (blah blah blah) Me: Oh, wait, Peruvian food! That...
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    Name that TI'er!

    Last night I was trying to imagine what TI people's real names might be. I was drugged out on Nyquil, so that might be why, but I thought, why not turn it into a fun game! So pick a TI person (or people) that you don't know personally, and try to guess what their name(s) might be, based on how...
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    How long have you been with your significant other?

    In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd ask. I just realized I've been with my husband for 13 years (married for 9). Looong time. Haha.
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    I met Socal in real life today! Here's what happened. I thought I saw her while shopping in Costco, so I walked back and forth past her aisle a few times looking at her, and then I peered through some holiday decorations in a stalker-like way trying to confirm it was her, and then I found my...
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    Random poll, sorta

    Post your: favorite store/favorite TV theme song/preferred brand of paper towels Me: Sephora/Felicity (seasons 1 and 2)/Bounty
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    Asians taking pictures of food This made me laugh.
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    Open House Experience

    A few weeks ago, I went to an open house at 19 Fremont in Irvine. It was listed by Affie Setoodeh (who in my opinion prices homes pretty low, so she can brag about getting multiple offers over the asking price and selling homes in just a few days). It was an ok Northwood, across from...
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    Knight Rider

    I just watched the pilot episode of "Knight Rider" on Netflix. So nostalgic and cheesy. I LOVED this show in the 80s! Watching it as an adult, it is so ridiculous and dated...but still fun. The pilot of KR is from 1982. 30 years!!!
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    Cute things your kids say

    I want to post this somewhere, so I'll do it here! I can't keep posting them on Facebook, because then my non-parent friends will think I'm uncool. Kidding! (They already know I'm uncool.) But anyway, yesterday my 4-year-old was having a fit about not wanting to do something, so he started...
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    If you HAD to live in Irvine...

    Question for all of you: suppose you absolutely HAD to live in Irvine. Like you HAVE to live in Irvine, or you're going to drop dead. What area of Irvine would you pick, and why?
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    Paradise Perks

    I just discovered this cute little coffee place on Jeffrey. I went there with a friend, and we both thought it was very "un-Irvine." They have a big tea selection, including a yummy peach iced tea. They have an open mic night on Wednesdays as well. So if you ever get the urge to share your music...