Mud room, California style


New member
Sorry if this has been talked about before, but I've been a very bad TI'er and haven't kept up with the threads. Not that I can really keep up with the threads in the Real Estate section because it's crazy town over here...but anyway.

We visited Orchard Hills last week, just for fun. We drove randomly into one of the model home areas, and it ended up being the most expensive ones, Trevi and Amelia. (Apparently some unseen force was just pulling us towards the priciest areas.) One of the models, I think it was in Amelia, had this cool room off the garage that made me think of mud rooms in East Coast/Midwest homes, where you walk in, take off your coat and boots, and store all the crap you want to leave by the door. The room had hooks for backpacks and room for shoes, and places for desks to do homework. My husband was VERY taken with this and now wants to turn our dining room into our mud room/homework room. I vetoed that. But I thought it was a cool thing to see in the model.

I grew up in Michigan, where a "mud room" was essential. Many new homes there have ~100 SF dedicated to this.

Out here it seems to be called a "launch," which I enjoy -- maybe because it feels like getting my kid out the door in the morning requires a call to mission control in Houston.

A floor plan without a launch is pretty much becoming a sticking point for us, if not a downright deal-breaker as we look at new homes in SoCal.

Mudrooms in CA are about as common as basements...and even with basements, you'll get a 1/2-baked version called a "CA basement" a la Gables in Columbus Square.