Government Shutdown

eyephone said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.

trump wasn't up for election

LOL...keep telling yourself that.

i will...all the way through 2024  ;)

That?s right your guy Kanye is running in 2024!
What up bro!

(Mety you like that?  ;))

How do you like the sound of The President West?

Kenkoko said:
qwerty said:
A lot of white Americans, primarily the racist onees :) are frustrated that their white america as they knew it continues to get infused with brown and yellow. They blame the Asians for being to smart and taking their spots in colleges, they blame the Mexicans for taking their low skilled low paying jobs that they didn?t want to do anyway.  How about you just work harder.

People tend to think of these white racists as non-college educated blue collar workers. But I?ve seen wealthy and highly educated white people being just as racist at heart but are just smarter about it.

I work in a multidisciplinary clinic in south OC with about half a dozen white medical doctors. Part of my job when ownership brought me in was to do some internal auditing. These white MDs have no idea that I have full admin access to their private electronic conversations and they would say some degrading and outrageous racist stuff about our nonwhite staff. I give them some credit they never acted out or said anything out loud. But I know they are frustrated with our (non-white people) existence.

This reminds me of the football game between Aliso Niguel and Santa Ana.

?USA Today article: As chronicled by the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles CBS affiliate KCAL, among other outlets, Friday?s football game between Aliso Niguel and Santa Ana in Orange County, Calif. became controversial when members of the Aliso Niguel school showed up with signs declaring, ?We will Trump you? and ?We love white,? and ?Build the wall.?

As soon as he saw the signs, Santa Ana principal Greg Bishop became enraged and demanded they be taken down. While it?s unknown if they were removed during or before the game, the signs were clearly made to underscore the disparity in racial makeup of the two schools; while Aliso Niguel?s student population is predominantly white, Santa Ana students are 99 percent Hispanic, per KCAL.

?This is no different than our national discourse, but this is one principal who is not going to stand for it,? Bishop told The Times. ?

?After talking to the principal and watching her and her assistant principals snag the signs away from these disrespectful and out-of-control students ? it seemed to help,? Bishop posted on Facebook. ?Afterwards, it became more about football, athleticism and a healthy competition.?

That wasn?t until after Aliso Niguel?s own principal, Deni Christensen, had confiscated at least three signs from the stands: The aforementioned ?We will Trump you? sign, another reading ?Trump 2020? and, finally, a ?Bring back Obama? sign.

And while she said that no Aliso Niguel administrators saw any ?Build the Wall,? signs, Christensen couldn?t rule out that it may have been posted and then taken down before it was seen.

While some Aliso Niguel parents and supporters defended the signs, which were posted on the school?s red-white-and-blue-themed game, at least one observer decried the sentiments as clearly racist.

?No matter how folks wants to downplay the chants, the signs, by the home team, this is racism. This is how folks express racism in 2018,? Jeffrey Dickman, a county trail and bikeway coordinator, commented on one of Bishop?s Facebook posts about the game. ?Aliso Viejo should act quickly to disavow the hate messages from its students and insure our beloved symbols are distinguished from its opposites.?


My comment: It?s really sad how the students from Santa Ana were treated. It?s a high school football game between two Orange County high schools not USA vs Mexico.

eyephone said:
Kenkoko said:
qwerty said:
A lot of white Americans, primarily the racist onees :) are frustrated that their white america as they knew it continues to get infused with brown and yellow. They blame the Asians for being to smart and taking their spots in colleges, they blame the Mexicans for taking their low skilled low paying jobs that they didn?t want to do anyway.  How about you just work harder.

People tend to think of these white racists as non-college educated blue collar workers. But I?ve seen wealthy and highly educated white people being just as racist at heart but are just smarter about it.

I work in a multidisciplinary clinic in south OC with about half a dozen white medical doctors. Part of my job when ownership brought me in was to do some internal auditing. These white MDs have no idea that I have full admin access to their private electronic conversations and they would say some degrading and outrageous racist stuff about our nonwhite staff. I give them some credit they never acted out or said anything out loud. But I know they are frustrated with our (non-white people) existence.

This reminds me of the football game between Aliso Niguel and Santa Ana.

?CBS article: As chronicled by the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles CBS affiliate KCAL, among other outlets, Friday?s football game between Aliso Niguel and Santa Ana in Orange County, Calif. became controversial when members of the Aliso Niguel school showed up with signs declaring, ?We will Trump you? and ?We love white,? and ?Build the wall.?

As soon as he saw the signs, Santa Ana principal Greg Bishop became enraged and demanded they be taken down. While it?s unknown if they were removed during or before the game, the signs were clearly made to underscore the disparity in racial makeup of the two schools; while Aliso Niguel?s student population is predominantly white, Santa Ana students are 99 percent Hispanic, per KCAL.

?This is no different than our national discourse, but this is one principal who is not going to stand for it,? Bishop told The Times. ?

?After talking to the principal and watching her and her assistant principals snag the signs away from these disrespectful and out-of-control students ? it seemed to help,? Bishop posted on Facebook. ?Afterwards, it became more about football, athleticism and a healthy competition.?

That wasn?t until after Aliso Niguel?s own principal, Deni Christensen, had confiscated at least three signs from the stands: The aforementioned ?We will Trump you? sign, another reading ?Trump 2020? and, finally, a ?Bring back Obama? sign.

And while she said that no Aliso Niguel administrators saw any ?Build the Wall,? signs, Christensen couldn?t rule out that it may have been posted and then taken down before it was seen.

While some Aliso Niguel parents and supporters defended the signs, which were posted on the school?s red-white-and-blue-themed game, at least one observer decried the sentiments as clearly racist.

?No matter how folks wants to downplay the chants, the signs, by the home team, this is racism. This is how folks express racism in 2018,? Jeffrey Dickman, a county trail and bikeway coordinator, commented on one of Bishop?s Facebook posts about the game. ?Aliso Viejo should act quickly to disavow the hate messages from its students and insure our beloved symbols are distinguished from its opposites.?


My comment: It?s really sad how the students from Santa Ana were treated. It?s a high school football game between two Orange County high schools not USA vs Mexico.

Agreed...and a more recent event

The Star-Tribune quoted parent Jeanna Orris as saying, ?I have no issues with a Trump flag at our game last night in regards to racism. It could be seen as ?It?s actually pretty cool [young people] are paying attention to things going on in our country.??

Orris reportedly said, ?They were not trying to be offensive. Our little town is the least racist ? I just don?t understand how this got turned into a race thing.?

Former school coach Crystal Flint said, according to the Star-Tribune, ?You got freedom of speech, but would that remotely be appropriate? No, it would not.?

Flint asked if the flag was used specifically because the majority of Roosevelt?s players are black. ?Why is politics being represented at sports?? she is quoted as saying. ?Is there an intimidation factor? ? I think it?s divisive in this racial climate that we have.?

Roosevelt spokesperson Dirk Tedmon told the Star-Tribune that the district doesn?t allow ?political advertising? at games.

Irvinecommuter said:
Mety said:
How do you like the sound of The President West?

Better yet...First Lady Kim Kardashian!  Think about the ratings!

Could be someone else for that position by then... Okay, let's not get carried too much.  ;D

The biggest  political mistake republicans on TI can make is anchoring themselves to nov 2016 outcomes and living in that fantasy world .

Not dissimilar to the mistake dems made in 2008 of assuming a permanent majority based on demographic trends and the- then obama coalition.
fortune11 said:
The biggest  political mistake republicans on TI can make is anchoring themselves to nov 2016 outcomes and living in that fantasy world .

Not dissimilar to the mistake dems made in 2008 of assuming a permanent majority based on demographic trends and the- then obama coalition.

Dems are the master of destroying their own fate.  Hopefully they have learned their lesson.

If one studied history, one would have seen that Trump was the most "logical" result of Obama being elected.  This country elected a bunch of racists and let Congress be dominated by former-confederate supporters after the Civil War and Lincoln.  Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896...30 years after the end of the CW and death of Lincoln. 
Kenkoko said:
qwerty said:
A lot of white Americans, primarily the racist onees :) are frustrated that their white america as they knew it continues to get infused with brown and yellow. They blame the Asians for being to smart and taking their spots in colleges, they blame the Mexicans for taking their low skilled low paying jobs that they didn?t want to do anyway.  How about you just work harder.

People tend to think of these white racists as non-college educated blue collar workers. But I?ve seen wealthy and highly educated white people being just as racist at heart but are just smarter about it.

I work in a multidisciplinary clinic in south OC with about half a dozen white medical doctors. Part of my job when ownership brought me in was to do some internal auditing. These white MDs have no idea that I have full admin access to their private electronic conversations and they would say some degrading and outrageous racist stuff about our nonwhite staff. I give them some credit they never acted out or said anything out loud. But I know they are frustrated with our (non-white people) existence.

Working at the intersection of high finance and management consulting , I have seen more than my fair share of such over privileged morons.  Given I am of mixed ethnic  heritage , some of these people feel ?safe ? when passing obnoxious comments which would get them raked over the coals if said in public .  And you always see them referring to others of their ilk as ? he is a good guy ? . Even when they want to diss another over privileged moron like the one time a CFO was quietly managed out with a generous severance for having an affair with an intern.  People around him still started off with ?he is a good guy but .... ?
i'm excited for the 2020 democratic primary.  it's going to be a bloodbath battle royale to see who can go furthest to the left to try to distance themselves from trump.  all the meanwhile trump is picking people off one by one from his golden trump tower.  if there is one thing that we've learned about trump is that he's literally untouchable when it comes to scandals.  in order for the dem primary winner to beat trump, they must take the highest road above all roads - if they get into a shooting match with trump, they will see to the same fate as hillary, pocahontas, breadline bernie, creepy tim kaine, and all others who tried to go toe to toe with the reigning champ  >:D
Irvinecommuter said:
fortune11 said:
The biggest  political mistake republicans on TI can make is anchoring themselves to nov 2016 outcomes and living in that fantasy world .

Not dissimilar to the mistake dems made in 2008 of assuming a permanent majority based on demographic trends and the- then obama coalition.

Dems are the master of destroying their own fate.  Hopefully they have learned their lesson.

If one studied history, one would have seen that Trump was the most "logical" result of Obama being elected.  This country elected a bunch of racists and let Congress be dominated by former-confederate supporters after the Civil War and Lincoln.  Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896...30 years after the end of the CW and death of Lincoln.


But what trump has done is nothing short of political malpractice 101 .  He was never going to lose racists or the Jesus crowd anyways  . But he has done everything in his power to thin out support from every other constituency.
Kings said:
i'm excited for the 2020 democratic primary.  it's going to be a bloodbath battle royale to see who can go furthest to the left to try to distance themselves from trump.  all the meanwhile trump is picking people off one by one from his golden trump tower.  if there is one thing that we've learned about trump is that he's literally untouchable when it comes to scandals.  in order for the dem primary winner to beat trump, they must take the highest road above all roads - if they get into a shooting match with trump, they will see to the same fate as hillary, pocahontas, breadline bernie, creepy tim kaine, and all others who tried to go toe to toe with the reigning champ  >:D

Ironically..the reverse situation of 2016 where Dems had their candidate and GOP were having like 12 people debates.

And at this one cares about scandals...people care about competency.  -15% favorable v unfavorable is real.
the sooner the left realizes their inherent bias and how fake news is poisoning their mind, the better!

I Failed the Covington Catholic Test
Next time there?s a viral story, I?ll wait for more facts to emerge.

Like many people who spend too much time on Twitter, I watched with indignation Saturday morning as stories began appearing about a confrontation near the Lincoln Memorial between students from Covington Catholic High School and American Indians from the Indigenous Peoples March. The story felt personal to me; I live a few miles from the high school, and my son attends a nearby all-boys Catholic high school. I texted him right away, ready with a lesson on what the students had done wrong.

?They were menacing a man much older than them,? I told him, ?and chanting ?Build the wall!? And this smirking kid blocked his path and wouldn?t let him leave.? The short video, the subject of at least two-thirds of my Twitter feed on Saturday, made me cringe, and the smirking kid in particular got to me: His smugness, radiating from under that red maga hat, was everything I wanted my teenagers not to be.

?Where were they chanting about building the wall?? my son asked. His friends had begun weighing in, and their take was decidedly more sympathetic than mine. He wasn?t sure what to think, as he was hearing starkly different accounts from people he trusted. I doubled down, quoting from the profile of Nathan Phillips that The Washington Post had quickly published online, in which he said he?d been trying to defuse a tense situation. I was all-in on the outrage. How could the students parade around in those hats, harassing a man old enough to be their grandfather?a Vietnam veteran, no less?

By Sunday morning, more videos had surfaced, and I started looking for the clip that showed them chanting support for the wall. I couldn?t find it, but I did find a confrontation more complicated than I?d first believed. I saw a few people yelling terrible insults at the students before Phillips approached, which cast an ugly pall over the scene. I saw Phillips approach the students; I had believed him when he said he?d intended his drumming to defuse the tension, but I also wondered how a group of high-school students could have gleaned that when he didn?t articulate it in a language they might understand.

I hated the maga hats some of the kids were wearing, their listless tomahawk chops, the way some of their chanting mocked Phillips?s. But I also saw someone with Phillips yelling at a few of the kids that his people had been here first, that Europeans had stolen their land. While I wouldn?t disagree, the scene was at odds with the reports that Phillips and those with him were attempting to calm a tense situation.

As I watched the longer videos, I began to see the smirking kid in a different light. It seemed to me that a wave of emotions rolled over his face as Phillips approached him: confusion, fear, resolve. He finally, I thought, settled on an expression designed to mimic respect while signaling to his friends that he had this under control. Observing it, I wondered what different reaction I could have reasonably hoped a high-school junior to have in such an unfamiliar and bewildering situation. I came up empty.

Let?s assume the worst, and agree that the boy was being disrespectful. That still would not justify the death threats he?s been receiving. It would not justify the harassment of the other Covington Catholic student who wasn?t even in Washington, D.C., but who was falsely identified as the smirker by some social-media users. Online vigilantes unearthed his parents? address and peppered his family with threats all weekend long, even as they were trying to celebrate a family wedding, accusing them of raising a racist and promising to harm their family business.

The story is a Rorschach test?tell me how you first reacted, and I can probably tell where you live, who you voted for in 2016, and your general take on a list of other issues?but it shouldn?t be. Take away the video and tell me why millions of people care so much about an obnoxious group of high-school students protesting legalized abortion and a small circle of American Indians protesting centuries of mistreatment who were briefly locked in a tense standoff. Take away Twitter and Facebook and explain why total strangers care so much about people they don?t know in a confrontation they didn?t witness. Why are we all so primed for outrage, and what if the thousands of words and countless hours spent on this had been directed toward something consequential?

If the Covington Catholic incident was a test, it?s one I failed?along with most others. Will we learn from it, or will we continue to roam social media, looking for the next outrage fix? Next time a story like this surfaces, I?ll try to sit it out until more facts have emerged. I?ll remind myself that the truth is sometimes unknowable, and I?ll stick to discussing the news with people I know in real life, instead of with strangers whom I?ve never met. I?ll get my news from legitimate journalists instead of from an online mob for whom Saturday-morning indignation is just another form of entertainment. And above all, I?ll try to take the advice I give my kids daily: Put the phone down and go do something productive.
Kings said:
the sooner the left realizes their inherent bias and how fake news is poisoning their mind, the better!

LOL...until Fox News stops actually lying and making up things, the crown remains with it.

Oh...I am still waiting for a Trumpster to write something similar about Trump's failed promises and complete lack of competency.
Re Covington high ?  there was unquestionably a mob mentality. IT WAS THE INDIGENOUS MARCH... why were these boys there in MAGA hats? Why was a Catholic school ostensibly non profit carting kids around w/MAGA hats? And what more do you need to know than tomahawk chops & whooping?
eyephone said:
Why do you always use a right leaning website to support your argument?

morekaos said:
Always two sides to every story...

The Media Wildly Mischaracterized That Video of Covington Catholic Students Confronting a Native American Veteran

Journalists who uncritically accepted Nathan Phillips' story got this completely wrong.

morekaos said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Shoot the messenger, his points are valid. As are these. China's economy is getting crushed and they want a way out.  We will win this in the end.

Trump will win the China trade war

Lol...complaining about shooting the messenger now?  This is from a person who basically dismiss every non-Fox News media outlet.

yes, morekaos dismisses every non-fox news media outlet...that's why he has posted links (just on this page of this thread) from: the hill, wapo, wsj, cnbc, usatoday  ::)

...because I don?t but when I do it?s because  none of the left leaning media outlets will tell the truth...Sometines, like the Atlantic article above you might find an exception but overall it?s near impossible to cut through the blind left biases.
fortune11 said:
Irvinecommuter said:
fortune11 said:
The biggest  political mistake republicans on TI can make is anchoring themselves to nov 2016 outcomes and living in that fantasy world .

Not dissimilar to the mistake dems made in 2008 of assuming a permanent majority based on demographic trends and the- then obama coalition.

Dems are the master of destroying their own fate.  Hopefully they have learned their lesson.

If one studied history, one would have seen that Trump was the most "logical" result of Obama being elected.  This country elected a bunch of racists and let Congress be dominated by former-confederate supporters after the Civil War and Lincoln.  Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896...30 years after the end of the CW and death of Lincoln.


But what trump has done is nothing short of political malpractice 101 .  He was never going to lose racists or the Jesus crowd anyways  . But he has done everything in his power to thin out support from every other constituency.

Are you saying Jesus crowd is racist?

If Jesus crowd in your definition is someone who goes to church, acts nice, smiles like a good person, says he/she is a Christian, but doesn't really love God, doesn't repent, a hypocrite, then you are pretty right.

If Jesus crowd in your definition is a genuine Christian who believes in Jesus, who has forgiven sinners by dying on the cross but rose from dead and is alive, who also clearly showed no racism when He walked on earth and loved everyone who admits one's sinful life, then you are far from knowing the truth. Please read the Word of God yourself instead of making a decision from seeing bunch of hypocrites. 

"You will seek me(God) and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13

Mety said:
fortune11 said:
Irvinecommuter said:
fortune11 said:
The biggest  political mistake republicans on TI can make is anchoring themselves to nov 2016 outcomes and living in that fantasy world .

Not dissimilar to the mistake dems made in 2008 of assuming a permanent majority based on demographic trends and the- then obama coalition.

Dems are the master of destroying their own fate.  Hopefully they have learned their lesson.

If one studied history, one would have seen that Trump was the most "logical" result of Obama being elected.  This country elected a bunch of racists and let Congress be dominated by former-confederate supporters after the Civil War and Lincoln.  Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896...30 years after the end of the CW and death of Lincoln.


But what trump has done is nothing short of political malpractice 101 .  He was never going to lose racists or the Jesus crowd anyways  . But he has done everything in his power to thin out support from every other constituency.

Are you saying Jesus crowd is racist?

If Jesus crowd in your definition is someone who goes to church, acts nice, smiles like a good person, says he/she is a Christian, but doesn't really love God, doesn't repent, a hypocrite, then you are pretty right.

If Jesus crowd in your definition is a genuine Christian who believes in Jesus, who has forgiven sinners by dying on the cross but rose from dead and is alive, who also clearly showed no racism when He walked on earth and loved everyone who admits one's sinful life, then you are far from knowing the truth. Please read the Word of God yourself instead of making a decision from seeing bunch of hypocrites. 

"You will seek me(God) and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13

I can't speak for Fortune but I believe he is referring to the evangelicals who support Trump, who claim that everything is okay because Trump is anti-abortion and protects "religious [they mean Christian] freedom" while ignoring everything else.  The mental and spiritual gymnastics I have see proposed by evangelical "leaders" like Falwell or Dobson is mindblowing and would lead to Jesus flipping some tables (IMO).

Evangelical leadership have turned into the Pharisees of our days.
@Mety ? Not exactly.  Jesus crowd = significant portion of white evangelicals living in red states = trumps shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose base

Even within non college whites , non evangelical supporters are actually LOT lower in number than southern evangelicals. This is actually an accurate and surprising find , once you dig deeper into who the non college white voter base is 
fortune11 said:
@Mety ? Not exactly.  Jesus crowd = significant portion of white evangelicals living in red states = trumps shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose base

Even within non college whites , non evangelical supporters are actually LOT lower in number than southern evangelicals. This is actually an accurate and surprising find , once you dig deeper into who the non college white voter base is

So you were referring to people more like fake hypocrites. It's got nothing to do with Jesus then. I also do not agree people using His name as a political weapon while their lives do not reflect Christ at all. But then again who am I to judge, right? Only God will know fully what's in one's mind.

And he(Jesus) said to them, ?You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. - Luke 16.15
