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    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      Just the leading edge…honeymoon should last till the day after the DNC…👍🏽😂😂😂🇺🇸
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      How about Coup-mala?😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      Let’s begin a list…👍🏽😂😂😂 Sharon Stone pledges to leave USA if Donald Trump is elected US President in November...
    • morekaos
      morekaos reacted to sgip's post in the thread ICE or EV? with Haha Haha.
      Even The Almighty hates Tesla:
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread ICE or EV?.
      Porsche is jerked back to reality….along with all the others…Toyota had this figured out from the start…like I have always said🙄😂😂😂👍🏽🦄🌈...
    • morekaos
      morekaos reacted to sgip's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like.
      Scrub, scrub, scrub...
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      The lies continue…when the past hurts your narrative…deny it and insert your own…😂😂😂 Pro-Harris media scrambles to erase ‘Border Czar’...
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      I posted that several years ago…when there was talk of Brandon getting rid of her by appointing her to the Supreme Court…it is still...
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      Thanks, and he did win😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      …and by the way, I’m delighted with the Democrats pick. It only solidifies Trump’s inevitability. Give it a week or two to get over this...
      • IMG_3144.jpeg
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      Actually , I was just pointing out that I was right again…like Covid or EV’s….you were being lied to and now everyone realizes it😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
    • morekaos
      morekaos reacted to irvine buyer's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like.
      These are all centrally organized and funded by NGOs abusing their tax-exempt status. Anyone notice the seemingly identical tents at...
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
      Contrary to popular belief…violence is often aimed at Trump supporters (and Trump) not the other way around…if he wins the election...
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread Dow?.
      i’m not as hot as everyone else on Jolly bee fried chicken🤷🏽‍♂️ been selling into this rally though
    • morekaos
      morekaos replied to the thread ICE or EV?.
      Turning out just like they said…promises made…promises kept…cheaper, cleaner more abundant transportation….don’t you feel the least bit...
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