Government Shutdown

Assuming everyone has seen or will see that video at some point of this catholic high school field trip disaster

when you have a bunch of white kids screaming 'build the wall' at native indigenous folks (the original Americans) it's very apparent that 'the wall' has nothing to do with border security, it's simply a monument to white supremacy ...

The MAGA hat is the white hood of our generation.
A lot of white Americans, primarily the racist onees :) are frustrated that their white america as they knew it continues to get infused with brown and yellow. They blame the Asians for being to smart and taking their spots in colleges, they blame the Mexicans for taking their low skilled low paying jobs that they didn?t want to do anyway.  How about you just work harder.
qwerty said:
A lot of white Americans, primarily the racist onees :) are frustrated that their white america as they knew it continues to get infused with brown and yellow. They blame the Asians for being to smart and taking their spots in colleges, they blame the Mexicans for taking their low skilled low paying jobs that they didn?t want to do anyway.  How about you just work harder.

People tend to think of these white racists as non-college educated blue collar workers. But I?ve seen wealthy and highly educated white people being just as racist at heart but are just smarter about it.

I work in a multidisciplinary clinic in south OC with about half a dozen white medical doctors. Part of my job when ownership brought me in was to do some internal auditing. These white MDs have no idea that I have full admin access to their private electronic conversations and they would say some degrading and outrageous racist stuff about our nonwhite staff. I give them some credit they never acted out or said anything out loud. But I know they are frustrated with our (non-white people) existence.

morekaos said:
Always two sides to every story...

The Media Wildly Mischaracterized That Video of Covington Catholic Students Confronting a Native American Veteran

Journalists who uncritically accepted Nathan Phillips' story got this completely wrong.

Everyone can only speak to their own POV.  Phillips gave a great interview on NPR this morning about why he did what he did.

The worst part of the whole thing is that the "adult chaperones" failed to act like adults:

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events.

They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

There are a lot of things the adults could have done including having a constructive dialogue with all those involved but no...let's pretend this is a pep rally and football game.
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Elections have consequences:

A Buzzfeed News report claims Mr Trump instructed Michael Cohen to lie about plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Cohen has been sentenced to jail for lying to Congress and other offences.

Mr Trump responded on Twitter by referring to Cohen's convictions and saying Cohen was lying about the Moscow project to "reduce his jail time".

Mr Trump has also previously denied ever directing his former lawyer to break the law.

The intelligence committee of the House of Representatives will investigate the claims, says its new chairman, Adam Schiff.

"The allegation that the President of the United States may have suborned perjury before our committee in an effort to curtail the investigation and cover up his business dealings with Russia is among the most serious to date," Mr Schiff wrote on Twitter.

"We will do what's necessary to find out if it's true," he added.

Four glaring problems with this fake news story...

1.  A Buzzfeed News report
2.  Michael Cohen
3.  Adam Schiff
4.  Russia

Other than that..totally believable

You want to bring up Russia. Trump always said on tv like 100 plus times that he has no business with Russia and there?s no conflict of interest.

It turns out there is a signed letter of intent that Trump signed for a building/project in Russia.
eyephone said:
You want to bring up Russia. Trump always said on tv like 100 plus times that he has no business with Russia and there?s no conflict of interest.

It turns out there is a signed letter of intent that Trump signed for a building/project.

Rudy is like the worst canary in the Trump coal mine...
fortune11 said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
DACA has always been on the table, he has always been willing to use that chip, the Dems will reject it. He?ll call them on it, this works to his advantage.

Poll numbers are down. He cares about the poll numbers more than you can imagine. The other rumor is he complaining that Democrats are winning the showdown.

If your rumor is correct , then it is a win for Dems with their base .  Stupid thing is trump had the exact same deal on the table last year and he walked away from it . 

Just like with trade talks and North Korea and etc etc he is the dimmest negotiator we have ever seen . It is as if he wants to continue narrowing his base to the tiniest possible . His true base really is the Jesus crowd (evangelicals) .

It's the Art of the Deal! 

When Republicans held both chambers of Congress last year, a more comprehensive agreement to resolve both issues fell apart. Trump rejected a deal that included $25 billion in border wall funding, along with legal status and a possible path to citizenship for up to 1.8 million undocumented immigrants. Lawmakers have sought a solution to protect the immigrants for years, and made it more of a priority when Trump tried to end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in 2017.

Even evangelical support is eroding.  It's basically older white bitter people and young white "nationalists".

At the beginning of the year, the Washington Post asked Jerry Falwell, Jr. whether there was anything Donald Trump could do that would endanger his support among evangelical leaders. ?No,? Falwell replied. ?I know anything he does, it may not be ideologically ?conservative,? but it?s going to be what?s best for this country, and I can?t imagine him doing anything that?s not good for the country.?

Well, Falwell and his fellow leaders may be standing firm, but when it comes to the evangelical rank in file, maybe not so much.

At the beginning of December The Marist poll found 73 percent of white evangelicals approving of the job Trump was doing as president, compared to 17 percent who disapproved. Six weeks later, Marist?s numbers are 66 percent and 23 percent respectively.

No doubt, that?s still a whole lot of evangelical support for the president. By comparison, the entire national sample went from 49 percent disapproval v. 42 percent approval to 53-39. But it?s notable that the approval margin among white evangelicals shrunk 13 points, compared to just a seven-point shift overall.

Even more notably, just 58 percent of white evangelicals said they would definitely vote for Trump in 2020. Given that 80 percent of them voted for him in 2016, that ought to give the president?s reelection campaign the willies.
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.

trump wasn't up for election
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.

trump wasn't up for election

LOL...keep telling yourself that.
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.

trump wasn't up for election

LOL...keep telling yourself that.

i will...all the way through 2024  ;)
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
yes yes, trump has no support.  nobody believes in this guy and he'll never amount to anything!

...sound familiar?  2020 is a lot closer than you think.  history repeats itself more often than you think  ;)  oh the irony if nothing has been learned and the media and all of the dems fall prey to the same exact thought process  ;D

If there was only an election in the last I don't know...3 months where we could gauge the support level of both Trump and the Dems....if only.

trump wasn't up for election

LOL...keep telling yourself that.

i will...all the way through 2024  ;)

That?s right your guy Kanye is running in 2024!
What up bro!

(Mety you like that?  ;))