The 2020 Presidential Election

On all this Biden stuff and other hit pieces ... I mean the media stopped caring about Trump's grab-her-by-the-pussy remarks after a couple weeks in 2016.  There's an occasional one-off comment here and there, but that's it.

Stories have press cycles.  That's reality, not any bias.  But ? Believe it or not, talking about Uranium One every day, three years after the election was decided and with no new information, isn't exactly how it's suppose to work. Sean Hannity out there trying to keep Hillary Clinton in the news all year through sheer force of will is something to behold !

And may I add not v dissimilar from what some other MAGA poster do here :)
so many sexual assault allegations against biden, you would think trump nominated him for the supreme court!
Good lord ...

?Trump says it would have been harder to legislate if GOP kept the House in midterms, saying it ?would?ve been impossible? for him to accomplish anything because he?d have to satisfy various factions.?

Smith forces candidates through a knothole sideways...doomed!! ;D

For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

A glimpse at the guest list for the Rev. Al Sharpton?s confab here this week would surely astonish any New Yorker arriving in a time machine from the 1980s. Every major Democrat who has launched a White House bid has cleared their schedule to get in front of the Reverend.
Few things once seemed more improbable, save perhaps for the White House being occupied by Donald Trump, who once competed with Sharpton for screaming tabloid headlines and airtime on what was then a nascent medium known as ?trash TV.?

?No one wants to be on the negative end of his organization,? said Christina Greer, who teaches black ethnic politics at Fordham University in New York.

Candidates now publicly genuflect before him, as Beto O?Rourke did when the former Texas congressman took the stage soon after the conference got underway Wednesday.
thank you wall st, very cool!

70% of Wall Street thinks Trump will be reelected in 2020

A new poll of Wall Street insiders shows that a vast majority expect President Donald Trump to win reelection in 2020.

While Joe Biden was viewed as the most stock market-friendly possible Democratic candidate for the White House, more than 70% of survey respondents told global investment bank RBC Capital Markets that they expect Trump to be reelected.

?Most expect Trump to win in 2020, but there?s still some nervousness around the event,? Lori Calvasina, RBC?s head of U.S. equity strategy, wrote to clients. Sixty-seven percent ?of our March 2019 survey respondents believe that Joe Biden is seen as the most acceptable Democratic candidate by the stock market for the White House. No other candidate got a significant number of votes.?
Soon there will be nothing left but Smith. The Dem field is being forced into narrower and narrower lanes.

The intolerant Left thirsts for blood

The Left has won the culture war, and now it's exiling anyone with sympathy for the losing side. Two recent incidents evince a growing trend to try to ban any view on gender or sexuality from public life that is to the Right of the American Civil Liberties Union.

These episodes demonstrate the illiberalism and intolerance of the Left, which is now willing to use governmental and institutional power to smash those who don?t agree with it on sexual morality.

Our culture rightly regards some opinions as beyond the bounds of reasonable debate. We?d expect a city to be unwelcoming to a restaurant whose owner funded the Islamic State. We wouldn?t expect Yale Law School to host speakers advocating slavery.

What makes these recent stories of intolerance so striking is that the views and actions being branded as intolerable are entirely within the mainstream.
Obama sees Smith, but they cant stop him.

Obama had it right ? a circular firing squad is on the way

President Barack Obama was right to warn the Democratic Party that, unless it reshapes its course, it may create a circular firing squad. Historically, just look to the Democratic Party of 1972, when George McGovern lost 49 states to Richard Nixon, another controversial, polarizing president. It was both the high point of the progressive movement in the party and the low point of the party?s presidential power.

Except for a brief recovery post-Watergate with Jimmy Carter, Democrats did not come back from their 1972 record loss until 1992, and that was with a 41 percent vote for President Bill Clinton, aided by the entry of independent Ross Perot into that year?s presidential race. Even with that help, it took a return to the center to reignite the fortunes of the Democratic Party and we got 49 per cent in 1996.

And the congressional Socialists led by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez are even threatening mainstream Democrats with primaries. Yup, replacing moderates in swing districts with left-wing democratic socialists is surely the way to expand the majority. Suburbanites are clamoring for them. Higher taxes is just what hard-pressed suburban voters with lots of responsibilities are seeking.

The public face of the party today is far removed from what created a solid group of freshmen in suburban districts. And they have been bombarded with a lot more than just slogans. Ocasio-Cortez, who pulled down about 15,000 votes in a Democratic primary in a safe district, is world-renowned now for the Green New Deal ? just a little program to nationalize the energy industry while promising guaranteed incomes for all; its price tag has been put at $93 trillion. It?s Ocasio-Cortez who drove Amazon out of New York, not understanding that the tax breaks for the company would have come from 10 times the tax revenue that the new jobs would have created, or that their absence blows a $27 billion hole in future budgets. Comically, she thought you could spend the $3 billion on other things.
aoc is the best thing to happen to the republican party (after trump).  her completely nonsensical plans and endless media appearances give republican (and independent) voters hours of comedic value and puts just enough kick in the butt to get to the polls in 2020 to completely rock the vote like they did in 2016.
Kings said:
aoc is the best thing to happen to the republican party (after trump).  her completely nonsensical plans and endless media appearances give republican (and independent) voters hours of comedic value and puts just enough kick in the butt to get to the polls in 2020 to completely rock the vote like they did in 2016.

Yawn .... Have you guys recovered from the kick in the butt you received in November last year 
My MAGA financial experts / advisors

Do you know what ?countercyclical capital buffer? for financial institutions  is ?  AOC does .  Now furiously look it up via google .

PS ? oh and by ?rumbling? I assume you mean ?
rambling ? - maybe AOC can teach some English too while she is at it :)
I have been both.  I Bartended in one of the best bars in the south bay from the age of 16. ( I lied and was slinging drinks when I was still in high school).  Both jobs are very lucrative and fulfilling.  What I learned from all those years behind the bar was discipline, organization, hustle, people skills and the value of hard work to make a buck.  All values that I think AOC did not.  She was thick headed enough to whimsically visit the very bar she worked in when they closed due to minimum wage policies that she herself advocated and totally missed the irony of her bemoaning its closing.  Smith is blind to anything that doesn't advance Smith.  Just cause one of her handlers gave her a multi-syllabic word to play with doesn't make her smart.  She will be the Democrats downfall.  I welcome her and her friends injection into the party from the last (shellacking) election.
Stop watching so much Fox . They are literally obsessed w AOC since she is the new boogeyman after Hillary . It also helps that she is photogenic .

Every now and then you see a republican geezer CEO on Fox News upset that ?AOC won?t go out w me so I can teach her capitalism ?  . It is getting to creepy levels .  Get a life people and enjoy the spring weather  !