The 2020 Presidential Election discussion on potential impact of growing National Popular Vote interstate compact member states?  (195 EC votes as of yesterday).
"I'm the hunted one, I missed my think too much of me kid. I'm not that clever"
Nancy Solatzo to the Don.

Trump's payback begins: President tells Bill Barr to declassify ALL documents related to 'spying' on his 2016 campaign and orders intelligence chiefs to help the AG with his investigation

Trump demands that the agencies 'shall promptly provide such assistance and information as the Attorney General may request in connection with that review'
The order also allows Barr to declassify any information he sees fit during review
Last month, Barr said at a Senate hearing that 'spying' on Trump's campaign was carried out by U.S. intelligence agencies
The memo included the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Energy
It also included the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of National Intelligence and the Director of the CIA
Pretty much saying that he could have charged Trump...he would have.

In his statement, Mueller said his office could not bring criminal charges against the president because the team believed it to be unconstitutional.

?If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime, we would have said so,? said Mueller, adding, ?Charging the president with a crime is not an option we could consider.?

"It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge,? said Mueller, further explaining the reasoning.
?If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime, we would have said so,? said Mueller, adding, ?Charging the president with a crime is not an option we could consider.?

holy contradictory statement, batman!

in other words, "we could not charge the president with a crime because he did not commit one."

that's how the rule of law works, folks.  if you cannot be charged with a crime, you did not commit one :) god bless america!

The U.S. will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 ? and more duties will be added in the coming months if Mexico does not take action ?reduce or eliminate the number of illegal aliens? crossing into the U.S., the White House said Thursday.

It comes as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Thursday sent a letter to congressional leaders, kick starting the process of approving updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

I mean...I just don't...I...speechless.
Irvinecommuter said:

The U.S. will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 ? and more duties will be added in the coming months if Mexico does not take action ?reduce or eliminate the number of illegal aliens? crossing into the U.S., the White House said Thursday.

It comes as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Thursday sent a letter to congressional leaders, kick starting the process of approving updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

I mean...I just don't...I...speechless.

mexico is paying for the wall!  ;D
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:

The U.S. will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 ? and more duties will be added in the coming months if Mexico does not take action ?reduce or eliminate the number of illegal aliens? crossing into the U.S., the White House said Thursday.

It comes as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Thursday sent a letter to congressional leaders, kick starting the process of approving updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

I mean...I just don't...I...speechless.

mexico is paying for the wall!  ;D

I hope you dont honestly believe that.
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:

The U.S. will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 ? and more duties will be added in the coming months if Mexico does not take action ?reduce or eliminate the number of illegal aliens? crossing into the U.S., the White House said Thursday.

It comes as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Thursday sent a letter to congressional leaders, kick starting the process of approving updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

I mean...I just don't...I...speechless.

mexico is paying for the wall!  ;D

I hope you dont honestly believe that.

Man i had started reading this forum again as the nutjobs were silent but now here we go again ... nothing logical you say or do matters w this crowd : )
Yet another example of how Trump fails to grasp the concept of the global economy

In a series of tweets Friday morning, Trump wrote that if his proposed 5 percent tariff on all Mexican imports were to go into effect on June 10, a policy unveiled less than a day ago, then not only would Mexico be forced to address the influx of migrants crossing its borders headed for the United States, but also that drug smuggling would decrease, that US manufacturers would return stateside, and that the US trade deficit with Mexico could be remedied.
fortune11 said:
Man i had started reading this forum again as the nutjobs were silent but now here we go again ... nothing logical you say or do matters w this crowd : )

Yeah...I just thought Trump's tariff announcement follows his administration's attempt to get a free trade agreement with Mexico to be approved in Congress was a hilarious (probably tragic) contrast.
Irvinecommuter said:
Yet another example of how Trump fails to grasp the concept of the global economy

In a series of tweets Friday morning, Trump wrote that if his proposed 5 percent tariff on all Mexican imports were to go into effect on June 10, a policy unveiled less than a day ago, then not only would Mexico be forced to address the influx of migrants crossing its borders headed for the United States, but also that drug smuggling would decrease, that US manufacturers would return stateside, and that the US trade deficit with Mexico could be remedied.

joke's on gopro, who just moved their manufacturing from china to mexico to avoid tariffs LOL
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:

The U.S. will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 ? and more duties will be added in the coming months if Mexico does not take action ?reduce or eliminate the number of illegal aliens? crossing into the U.S., the White House said Thursday.

It comes as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Thursday sent a letter to congressional leaders, kick starting the process of approving updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

I mean...I just don't...I...speechless.

mexico is paying for the wall!  ;D

I hope you dont honestly believe that.

mexico is paying for the wall, and you're paying for an increased cost of goods from mexico

i.e. you're paying for the wall

LOL  8)
let's do some quick math, just for fun

in 2018, we imported $346.5 billion in goods from Mexico.  at 25% tax, that's about $87b in revenue.  let's say the wall costs $30b just for fun.  that's 4 months where you have to pay 25% more for avocados so that we can build the wall.  tariffs go back down to 0%, everyone wins.

was that really so bad?
Kings said:
let's do some quick math, just for fun

in 2018, we imported $346.5 billion in goods from Mexico.  at 25% tax, that's about $87b in revenue.  let's say the wall costs $30b just for fun.  that's 4 months where you have to pay 25% more for avocados so that we can build the wall.  tariffs go back down to 0%, everyone wins.

was that really so bad?

Yes because the wall is dumb and the economic impact of a tariff is way way beyond $87B.  There are direct costs...which leads to higher prices...which leads to lower consumer consumption and lower production.  Round and round we go into wonderful economic down spiral.

Oh and it makes us look like the angry kid who no one wants to play with.  For example:

Trump?s 180-degree turn on one of the largest U.S. trading partners is sending a ominous message to the international community that he can?t be trusted, Wall Street policy analysts said, adding that China, already skeptical of Trump?s reliability, is now less likely to sign a trade deal with him.

?We view this action as further deteriorating the U.S.-China trade fight. Chinese officials have stated their concern about the reliability of President Trump as a trading partner. These tariffs were announced the same day as significant advancement of the USMCA. If China does not believe a deal will stick, why negotiate?? said Ed Mills, public policy analyst at Raymond James, in a note.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Trump are set to meet at the G-20 summit in Japan next month, but the Mexican tariffs put into further doubt that a ?substantive? meeting is possible, Mills added.

?Trump?s readiness to hit a trading partner with new tariff threats soon after striking a trade deal will make China still more cautious about signing up to a deal that Trump then reneges upon, humiliating its leadership,? Krishna Guha, policy strategy analyst at Evercore, said in a note. ?Beijing will remain open to talking, but this cannot help prospects for an early breakthrough at G20.?

I was going to ignore this, but it is frustrating , just the level of ignorance.

For the 100th time = Mexico is not paying the tariffs . The companies importing that stuff are . And nearly every survey has shown a vast majority of them are going to jack up prices on the consumer, you . With a special penalty thrown in if you buy avocados while wearing a stupid red hat .
Just like hackers and viruses... I don't think a wall is going to stop what we want to stop.

Let's build peace and love instead. :)