Is Larry a hypocrite?

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Is Larry a hypocrite?
? Thread Started Today at 10:34am ?

I just wanted to get this new forum going with a spicy topic!

While I'm personally thankful to have come across the IHB (and and the knowledge gained from Larry's excellent presentations - as well as forum member contributions), I'm a little miffed at the abrupt closure of the boards.

Is it just me, or does it strike anyone else as hypocritical to amass hundreds of hours of research, developing and defining reasons not to buy in this market, only to then start your own brokerage firm and then close down a vocal discussion group that often bolstered your (previous) views about the market? I wonder if Larry "Pravda" Roberts will delete this little diddy of a blog, as I'm sure it doesn't suit his current arrangement:

Maybe, just maybe Larry and Shevy feel that IR2 and USC are stealing too many clients....
"Maybe, just maybe Larry and Shevy feel that IR2 and USC are stealing too many clients.... "

I was wondering the same thing myself. Im guessing that had to be a contributing factor. So basically IR2 and USC are responsible for the IHB forums being shut down.
I think they saw the conflict that will unravels. You have IHB, for the most part, telling readers not to buy for the last 3 years. Then IHBroker comes along telling people to buy. Just doesn't go hand in hand.

It's a tough spot to be in for Larry and Chevy Chase.
They lost perspective. Remember this Avatar Larry used for so long ?

But I personally think USC really was a significant part of what was the decision to close the forum. He was out hustling them and using the forum as part of the extension of his efforts to close some business. But rather than IR or Zovall taking him aside and asking him to be aware of what was happening. They decided to "Take their Marbles and go home".

So Hypocrite yes. For doing a 180 Degree shift in the charter of the website and forum back in April.

But worse is closing down the forum because they have been outsold and are now bitter. That shows real inexperience in people and management skills.

I wanted to add this tidbit I just recalled.

Back in April when Trooper left and the whole melt down happened. Zovall and I exchanged a couple of E-mails.
He was really upset that some of us were going to set up a Separate Forum on our own and do an "Mass Exodus". He was upset that I mentioned that a website/forum was not rocket science.

Well its funny how time changes things. What was important to him back in April ? Now he is the one that made the decision for us to move along.
Yeah, USCtrojanCPA was a sly fox. He was able to use the forum to not only get good deals on coupons (cheap bast@rd). But also got a few buyers. All along we didn't even see Chevy Chase on the forum.

Man, must you bring that Larry Avatar over to this new forum. It's blasphemy. I almost threw up.
Larry reminds me of the character in

Only Larry (nerdy guy), sells his soul to hook up with the good looking girl (Shevy - okay, a stretch with the gender mis-match) in order to gain popularity and sell homes.
[quote author="tyr"]

But I for one plan to take it easy on Larry and Zovall. You might disagree with their approach and strategy, but they put more time and effort into IHB than most of us combined. (Emphasis on most...I know nude, cayci, graph and others put a lot of time in too.) If they want to monetize it, that's their right. The internet is a big place. There's room for all of us. Look how quickly and easily this site was set up. If this site doesn't work out, there will be another. No biggie.[/quote]

Time and effort doesn't take away from the fact that they're hypocrites.
[quote author="tyr"]But I for one plan to take it easy on Larry and Zovall. You might disagree with their approach and strategy, but they put more time and effort into IHB than most of us combined. (Emphasis on most...I know nude, cayci, graph and others put a lot of time in too.) If they want to monetize it, that's their right. The internet is a big place. There's room for all of us. Look how quickly and easily this site was set up. If this site doesn't work out, there will be another. No biggie.[/quote]

I think you're close, but for me at least, that analysis is not quite right.

I don't think anyone questions Z's "right" to do whatever he wants with his property. I don't think anyone wishes them ill or failure. What is being questioned is (1) what they are doing, and (2) how they are doing it.

There are a lot of people who want to see them succeed and who have tried to provide them experienced guidance, but they were not interested. Fine, that is their right. What is particularly irksome, however, is that in their chosen method of going forward, they caused a lot of collateral damage.

My additional take-away from your comment is that you don't fully grasp the difficulty of creating and continuing a successful online community. As much as I appreciate this site, the proof will be in the pudding. We have already had one well known person drop from it and others indicate that they will not be joining us here at all.
[quote author="tyr"]

But I still wish Larry and Zovall the best. They've at least earned that, haven't they?[/quote]

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't wish them ill will. I do however, abhor duplicity...
Aww... Less than 24 hours and I'm already in an internet spat. It's just like old times.

A lot of assumptions based on 3 posts. I don't grasp the difficulty of creating and continuing a successful online community? Maybe, maybe not.

My understanding of your thoughts on internet communities came from this:

The internet is a big place. There's room for all of us. Look how quickly and easily this site was set up. If this site doesn't work out, there will be another. No biggie.

From that, you seemed to minimize the impact of closing the forums. That prompted my comment.

But you now seem to recognize that closing the forums does have a large impact on those who participated in them.

There's a lot of hostility here, and my sole point is that it's misplaced -- it's anger about change, about being abandoned, about a community dying, about friends being lost. All completely understandable.

So now I'm just confused. ???

If I read it correctly, everything else was not directed at me.

I would disagree with you, though, about the anger being misplaced. I think it is pretty much being placed on the people who caused the "change, . . . abandon[ment], . . . [dying] community . . , [and lost] friends . . . ."

Where do you suggest we place the blame and anger (or, really, disappointment)?
Since you guys like spicy, I'll throw in a few juicy little spicy nuggets for conversation that most of you didn't know. Not sure if IR2 or I were the cause of the closure of the site, but it does seem kinda fishy given the following:

Back in late Sept Zovall contacted IR2 and myself about meeting up to discuss something. We exchanged a few PMs and I met up with Zovall over at Jamboree Diamond Plaza in early Oct. He was interested with IR2 and myself joining Shevy over at IHBrokers. He and IR had prepared a commission split agreement that discussed the commissions that would be owed to IHBrokers if I was an agent under them or if I wasn't. The first thing that I noticed is that they is the commission split was so high that I would not be able to do my trademarked commission kickback to my buyers as thanks for their business. IHBrokers wanted to commission split of 30-50% plus a $1,000 per transaction (compare this to my broker's which is a 0% split with $495 per transaction and an annual due of $600/yr). What really turned me off was Zovall's response to my telling him that I've always helped my buyers out...he response was "Well, I guess you won't be able to make those commission contributions under this proposed arrangement." There was no way I would join them if that meant I wouldn't be able to do what I felt was the right thing to do for my buyers. I told Zovall I would be more than happy to become a sponsor on the site and pay some monthly dues (similar to some of the car forums I'm on), but he did not seem interested in that.

Most of you guys and gals know that I'm not typical realtor and will never be one mainly because I think the compensation structure is seriously flawed and because I just can't drink the kool-aid they have those mindless idiots drinking.

I sure hope that Zovall and IR didn't cut of their noses to spite their faces.
[quote author="qwerty"]"Maybe, just maybe Larry and Shevy feel that IR2 and USC are stealing too many clients.... "

I was wondering the same thing myself. Im guessing that had to be a contributing factor. So basically IR2 and USC are responsible for the IHB forums being shut down.[/quote]
I'm innocent damn it! :-X <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
Anger, misinterpretation, personal attacks... Who are you?

You still haven't answered my question. Where should the anger be placed? Or are you now saying people shouldn't be angry at all?

[quote author="tyr"]

The anger is misplaced because what people are feeling doesn't have to be the reality. In other words, people are overestimating the collateral damage of zovall's announcement and they are lashing out unnecessarily. [/quote]

Moving on...

It appears that we disagree on whether or not a community that generally wants to remain together can do so in spite of the admin's retirement? I think it can. You seem to think it can't. (Otherwise, why point out my naive understanding of the difficulties involved?)

I didn't say it wouldn't, I said that "the proof would be in the pudding." I don't have a crystal ball and can't see the future. I've seen some communities survive and others not. I would like to see it survive, but am not prepared to call the move (and not "retirement") "no biggie." I remain cautiously optimisitic.

It will certainly be a different, and lesser, place if BK and Grace do not join us.
Who are you tyr? You obviously are a long time IHB'r, or you wouldn't know that Eval has come and gone a few times. Why afraid to put up your IHB name?
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA"]Since you guys like spicy, I'll throw in a few juicy little spicy nuggets for conversation that most of you didn't know. Not sure if IR2 or I were the cause of the closure of the site, but it does seem kinda fishy given the following:

Back in late Sept Zovall contacted IR2 and myself about meeting up to discuss something. We exchanged a few PMs and I met up with Zovall over at Jamboree Diamond Plaza in early Oct. He was interested with IR2 and myself joining Shevy over at IHBrokers. He and IR had prepared a commission split agreement that discussed the commissions that would be owed to IHBrokers if I was an agent under them or if I wasn't. The first thing that I noticed is that they is the commission split was so high that I would not be able to do my trademarked commission kickback to my buyers as thanks for their business. IHBrokers wanted to commission split of 30-50% plus a $1,000 per transaction (compare this to my broker's which is a 0% split with $495 per transaction and an annual due of $600/yr). What really turned me off was Zovall's response to my telling him that I've always helped my buyers out...he response was "Well, I guess you won't be able to make those commission contributions under this proposed arrangement." There was no way I would join them if that meant I wouldn't be able to do what I felt was the right thing to do for my buyers. I told Zovall I would be more than happy to become a sponsor on the site and pay some monthly dues (similar to some of the car forums I'm on), but he did not seem interested in that.

Most of you guys and gals know that I'm not typical realtor and will never be one mainly because I think the compensation structure is seriously flawed and because I just can't drink the kool-aid they have those mindless idiots drinking.

I sure hope that Zovall and IR didn't cut of their noses to spite their faces.[/quote]

Dang! thanks for the scoop. It's definitely your fault then. I can't see how they'ld be able to compete with you. And since they can't compete they shut down your source of income (IHB forum). Very interesting. And since I see IR2 on this new forum. I take it he didn't agree to their business proposal? I say we should ban USCtrojanCPA from this new forum. Lets take a vote. Haha!

So they (IHBrokers) finally revealed their true colors. That money in the pockets come before clients. Nothing wrong with that. It's business. But please don't pretend otherwise.
[quote author="tyr"]By the way, would someone please step up and smite me? You know you want to. It's OK. I want the dubious distinction of being the first TIer with negative karma. Who's gonna get me first?[/quote]
There you go...happy now? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
[quote author="tyr"]
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA"]
There you go...happy now? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->[/quote]

You've got a nice karmic uppercut. Thank you![/quote]
Hope it doesn't come bite me back in the booty. haha <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ;D
[quote author="Trooper"]Who are you tyr? You obviously are a long time IHB'r, or you wouldn't know that Eval has come and gone a few times. Why afraid to put up your IHB name?[/quote]

If I was a betting man, tyr = awgee. Same tone and intonation (that you can glean from the written word <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )

If so, just man up awgee....what do you have now, some sort of financial tie to IHB?