Well-known member
EVs will survive and continue to grow. Newspapers used to say the Internet was a fad too... where are they now?
Really?…said this just last month and said the same throughout this thread……again, you go from one owner to two..technically, that’s an increase but really who cares?...mass adoption is faltering and in the end will not meet any of the overly optimistic expectations. Traditional ICE manufacturers who ran into the market without thinking it through are re-evaluating and pulling back, to the detriment of their shareholders. Sole EV Producers have no other offerings so are pinned into “full speed ahead” and are failing at an alarming rate. Only the government sponsored companies are not publicly faltering (like China) but most privately funded ones are dying. The revolution you believe in is dying a slow and proper death that a free market executes on fools. That Is not to say some will not survive…never said they won’t, but the market will cull out the weaklings and it will not be a “transition” that our government wastefully blew our money on. I don’t care if you like or own an EV…just don’t do it on my dime. What makes me mad is those morons wasted all that money chasing unicorns and rainbows, created inflation and deficits and guys like you cheered it on….
No matter the color of the lipstick on the pig…this is the ultimate executioner…it’s a losing metric that they used to use to describe .com companies. Revenue growth was emphasized over profit growth (or in this case lower losses)…That was snake oil in 1998 and still is now…See... you're the one who keep bringing stock price into the convo and then when we show you how well an EV stock is doing you change the narrative.
So just like Tesla before, your opinion on Rivian has solidified their success.
Porsche Taycan Turbos Have Lost Up To $100,000 Value In 4 Years
This high-performance, German EV has taken a big drop in
Dang that is cheap. Fueling might be inconvenient, but if I were in the market for an economy sedan that I would exclusively drive locally, this would be near the top of the short list. But alas, I don't have a need for that at this time.$67k list on a brand new hydrogen powered Toyota Mirai.
Minus $40k dealer incentives.
Minus $15k free fuel.
Net $12k. (Not including taxes or fees...)
Deal, or No Deal?
2023 Toyota Mirai Gets $40,000 Cash Incentive, Is Now Dirt Cheap
Toyota is offering steep discounts on the Mirai after Shell closed its hydrogen refueling stations in