ICE or EV?

Which car(s) will you be buying next?

  • ICE ICE Baby (morekaos dinosaur option)

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • EV forEVa (unicorns for all)

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • PHEV (I still have range anxiety)

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Hybrid (can't plug in yet)

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Alternative fuel (Hydrogen, vegetable oil, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
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Was reading an article on how Hyundai is "all in" on EV's, what with their own "battery build to 100% finished car" megafactory in Georgia when I learned about this: a joint venture between Saudi Arabia and Foxconn to build EV's

Weird pairing to say the least.

Was reading an article on how Hyundai is "all in" on EV's, what with their own "battery build to 100% finished car" megafactory in Georgia when I learned about this: a joint venture between Saudi Arabia and Foxconn to build EV's

Weird pairing to say the least.

Saudi has been trying to diversify so they are less dependent on boom/bust oil prices. Still........... gas in most of the country is mid $2's to low $3 range. Only out west is gas higher......... so tough sell on the EVs. Eliminate rebates and the market will be even worse imo here in the U.S. but other countries have higher oil prices so maybe it's worth it elsewhere.
I'm waiting for the price of classic E-Type Jaguar convertible EV's to drop before committing to a non-ICE product.

As I have said for a long time..Toyota had it figured out,,,the fools rushed in and now they are paying the price…🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈

Electric Vehicles Set to Be Auto Market's 'Next Big Flop,'

Waning EV Demand
Speaking at an auto show in Japan last week, Toyota chairman and former CEO Akio Toyoda told reporters that waning EV demand is a sign that people are waking up to the reality that EVs aren't the silver bullet against the supposed ills of carbon emissions they're often made out to be.
"People are finally seeing reality" about EV technology, Mr. Toyoda told reporters ahead of the Japan Mobility Show in Tokyo last week, speaking in his capacity as the head of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, the organizer of the event.
Mr. Toyoda has been a long-time skeptic of a full-steam-ahead adoption of EVs. He stepped down from his role as CEO of Toyota this year amid criticism that he wasn't serious enough about pushing the company into a quick adoption of battery-powered cars.
Mr. Toyoda's response to journalists who asked for his thoughts about falling EV demand, suggests he feels vindicated in his reluctance.
"There are many ways to climb the mountain that is achieving carbon neutrality," he said while implying that consumers are finally waking up from a dreamscape pushed by climate change alarmists that puts EVs on a pedestal and overhypes their benefits while downplaying their drawbacks.
His remarks came as demand growth for EVs in various markets has slowed, leading some companies to dial back their electrification plans.
Don’t believe anything a Chinese government subsidized company tells you…nothing.😂😂😂🦄🌈
How about out of South Korea? :)

Who says EVs are not selling in the US? Hyundai and Kia’s most popular electric models set new September US sales records, with momentum expected to continue into the end of the year.

I think this has more to do with the incentives H/K is doing for their EVs. Ford has terrible leases and despite some price drops and rebates... Tesla and others are still more attractive.
Barrons and pretty much every company that makes them…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂🦄🌈

EVs Were Supposed to Be the Answer. Now They’re the Problem.

Electric vehicles were supposed to be the answer. Now they are the problem. Investors are reeling, wondering if there is a growth problem for the disruptive tech that auto makers worldwide have embraced.

There are a few key issues to consider. None of them are existential for EVs, but they do mean that all car makers—even Tesla (ticker: TSLA)—need to work harder in years to come.

The EV problem really came home to roost on Monday. EV-related shares, including those of EV leader Tesla, tanked while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite both rallied 1.2%. And shares of Chinese EV leader BYD (1211.Hong Kong) fell 3.6% in overseas trading on Tuesday.

Bad news has been chipping away at investor confidence for a while and a couple of things came Monday that were the proverbial straws breaking e the camel’s back. ON Semiconductor (ON), which makes chips that go into cars (more chips going into EVs than traditional cars) provided weak fourth-quarter sales guidance while battery maker Panasonic (6752.Japan) cut its fiscal year 2024 sales outlook.

That followed downbeat updates from this past week from Mercedes-Benz (MBG.Germany) and Volkswagen (VOW.Germany) about slowing EV sales and decisions from Ford Motor (F) and General Motors (GM) to slow their EV-related spending due to weakening demand.

Tesla played its part in the current debacle too
. Its third-quarter earnings missed Wall Street estimates and CEO Elon Musk sounded downbeat about growth rates amid rising interest rates and declining vehicle affordability on the company’s conference call.

Supply matters, too. Sales growth rates are decelerating while the number of EVs on the market is accelerating. In the U.S., more than 35 EV models sold more than 1,000 units in the third quarter. That’s up from just over 20 a year ago and less than 15 in the third quarter of 2021.

High supply combined with staleness isn’t a good thing for any industry. Still, selling EVs just isn’t as easy as it was. “We’re in main street people now…early adopters are gone,” adds Narayan.
So predictable and so unnecessary…the market is a vengeful lover….

Top analysts break down the 'meltdown' of the global electric vehicle market

Deutsche Bank's lead auto technology analyst Emmanuel Rosner said that the EV adoption curve is clearly slowing down. As a result of this, a "meltdown" is currently striking both investor expectations and previously earnest automakers.

"Companies have planned massive investment on the premise of much faster adoption of EVs; this is not playing out," Rosner told CNBC. "It's a real meltdown of expectations, which has resulted in a meltdown of stock prices."

The culprit behind the 'meltdown'

The issue at hand is a gap in the EV adoption curve. The early adopters, Rosner said, didn't care about higher prices and nascent infrastructure. But it will take time to get the mass market interested in going electric when the lack of infrastructure still supports range anxiety and the prices still run higher than a gas-powered car.

And despite Tesla's consistent price cuts, Rosner said, the car company likely won't have an EV that's affordable enough for the mass market until around 2025.

"Affordability is going to be the biggest lever," he said.

CarGurus' industry analyst Kevin Roberts likewise said that it is this unique combination of higher prices and ongoing range and infrastructure anxiety that has led to this bump in the EV adoption road.

"We saw automakers moving quickly to get new EVs to marketplace," Roberts told CNBC. "But what we're seeing now is a lot of early adopters have likely adopted, and with the pricing parity still not there, we're likely seeing some hesitancy toward mass adoption at this rate."

Interest rates are so high there are better lease deals on EVs than ICE because of the incentives. Even some PHEVs are pretty cheap leases.
You always lay off workers when you’re doing well…Duh…Econ 101!…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈

Chinese Tesla rival Nio cuts 10% of workforce as CEO predicts ‘intense competition’

  • Chinese electric carmaker Nio plans to cut 10% of its workforce amid “fierce competition,” CEO William Li said Friday.
  • The job cuts will be completed by November.
  • Like many Chinese electric vehicle startups, Nio has been hit by weak consumer sentiment in the world’s second-largest economy, stiff competition and a price war kicked off by Elon Musk’s Tesla.
I couldn’t make this up if I tried…we have now gone full circle….the ultimate battery powered EV will be powered by….a gas V6!!😂😂😂🦄🌈

Stellantis’ new Ram pickup is an EV — with a gas-powered generator in case the battery runs out

· Stellantis plans to produce an industry-first pickup for its Ram Trucks brand that’s equipped with an onboard gas engine and electric generator.

· The truck can operate as a zero-emissions EV until the vehicle’s battery dies and an electric onboard generator — powered by a 3.6-liter V6 engine — kicks on to power the vehicle after its initial charge.

· Ram CEO Tim Kuniskis characterized the new Ram 1500 Ramcharger pickup as the “ultimate answer for battery-electric trucks.”