How does everyone think of Greatpark?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I said it's a nice to have and never said there was anything wrong with a retail center, but it still doesn't bother me if retail was far from me, if it really bothers potential buyers they'll just move on from GP or sell and move out. I lived at the Village for 4+ years and rarely got Starbucks or used that Village market. I'm sure there are others like me that don't care as much as those in this thread, since there are how many people living in all the GP and PS hoods, thousands!

Maybe it's b/c I grew up where we had to drive 15+ min or more with traffic to go to the closet retail, and about 20-30 to the nearest Price Club or Target and 30-45min for good Chinese food. Or that I don't go to these places very often even though it's close by since I stock up at Costco, 99 Ranch, and use Target/Amazon shipping. Covid times have made me way more efficient with planning any errands & shopping and I plan to keep that efficiency when Covid ends.
My visits to bank are 3-4 times a year, grocery store 6-8 times a year, starbucks nearly zero. So, WB is 2.4 miles or 5.4 miles from me is not a bother. But I guess there is enough of demographic that visits town center several times a week and hence the proximity could be a big deal for them?

Like akkord, I am used to go longer distances in past. I still drive to Park ave. costco many times even though technology is nearby.
Maybe take you, your ego and your detailed habits out of it and just think.... if WB town center used to be a ghost town but now is insanely packed with complaints about traffic in and around it...that would indicate yes, THOUSANDS of people do need access to a town center and if one was in PS/GP, that would be a benefit to everyone... but you and Cornflakes. 

But hey listen, clearly you guys are the real winners here.  12 years of PS and still no retail.  6 years of GP and still no retail.  Positive they quote your shopping habits in feasibility studies :)
bones said:
Maybe take you, your ego and your detailed habits out of it and just think.... if WB town center used to be a ghost town but now is insanely packed with complaints about traffic in and around it...that would indicate yes, THOUSANDS of people do need access to a town center and if one was in PS/GP, that would be a benefit to everyone... but you and Cornflakes. 

But hey listen, clearly you guys are the real winners here.  12 years of PS and still no retail.  6 years of GP and still no retail.  Positive they quote your shopping habits in feasibility studies :)

there was a thread I was following where both the City and fivepoint argued they both have open spaces zoned to have grocery stores so neither of them would build one unless it get rezoned properly. not sure what ever happened to that. I also saw some news around fivepoint starting build outs in the open space south of great park blvd with all the plans, but never seen any action beyond them clearing out the dirt at few spots. They built these cute little container shops by the stadium at the Great park but then covid happen! There used to be someone on here IHS something handle, that knew a lot about insights. wonder what details he has now around all these grocery store/retail plans!
Yes a retail center benefits everyone, but like you said at the end of the day it's about $ and poor planning since GP isn't master planned like Irvine Co, and PS is their red headed step child. 

You would think everyone wants larger lots, I'm in this group too, but builders are going smaller lots and more dense b/c they want more $, homes make more $ than retail centers is my assumption why there is no retail close to PS/GP.  The 3CWG IHO wants is extinct for new homes as are larger setbacks that the majority want. Maybe retail is next to go even though the majority wants it.
I can agree to disagree, retail not close by would not bother me, others want retail close by so view it as a negative for GP/PS since it's currently overcrowded.
I heard that a shopping plaza is planned to be built cross street from PS High School and Altair. Is this confirmed? How soon will they start break ground, and how soon it will be done?
The only shopping center approved by the city for GP is FivePoint X near Great Park Blvd. and the Sports Park.

FivePoint recently updated their website with more information:

?FivePoint X Marks the Spot for Food and Retail for Orange County Great Park Visitors

Imagine walking through a modern European village with unique and enticing restaurant and retail offerings, a place where both neighboring residents and out-of-town visitors from across the region meet to sip their favorite drinks, break bread with friends and family, and shop along pedestrian-friendly pathways. Some will walk or ride their bikes from nearby homes, while others may reserve a room and stay overnight in rooms located directly above their favorite dining and retail spots.

This vision, adjacent to the Orange County Great Park, is one step closer to reality with the City of Irvine?s recent approval of FivePoint X, a 425,000 square-foot ?mixed-commercial? site located directly across the street from the Great Park Ice facility and a short walk to the nearby Orange County Great Park Sports Complex. The new development will offer something fresh and innovative within the community and serve a niche in the city.


Plans for the 58-acre site also include a full-service hotel with meeting space, a fitness center and restaurant, as well as a separate extended-stay hotel. Both will serve athletes and families who visit from near and far away places to compete at Great Park Ice and the sports complex.

Additionally, FivePoint is establishing a pop-up location alongside the Championship Soccer Stadium at Orange County Great Park that will host several smaller vendors and serve as a ?restaurant incubator?. Food will be served from a series of converted shipping containers, and select retail offerings are planned as well.?

The pop-up village the stadium looks almost done if you visit the site, but due to COVID-19 pandemic, we?ll see when they open this pop-up village. I last heard of a possible takeout and delivery option for the pop-up village if they open it.






They definitely need another retail center in PS or GP. I remember they were originally due to have a retail center in PS and then scrapped that idea. They keep scrapping all of these non-residential ideas which lead to everybody going to the same one or two shopping centers. Woodbury Town Center went from being a complete ghost town with empty shelves at Ralph's to being a deathtrap of speeders, traffic and oblivious pedestrians.
Cornflakes said:
Wow we have some really strong feelings for retail here in this forum.

Haha. I actually don?t care that much. I have similar shopping habits to you guys but the argument that it doesn?t bother ME, so it?s not an issue, is ridiculous. It?s like the big lot/small lot argument that IC went on and on about.
Have some trust in the free market sustem. They build enuf housing and things get worse with access to retail and people stop buying GPN and property values plummet 80 pct and city comes to realization that lack of retail is root of all problem and they will move to make builders do some retail development in GP.

Or all the retail lovers will get fed up and leave to better areas where they dont have the WBTC deathtraps and the city will be beautiful again.

Give it time.
bones said:
Cornflakes said:
Wow we have some really strong feelings for retail here in this forum.

Haha. I actually don?t care that much. I have similar shopping habits to you guys but the argument that it doesn?t bother ME, so it?s not an issue, is ridiculous. It?s like the big lot/small lot argument that IC went on and on about.

The convenience is what it comes down to for bones and IHO and what I'm saying is an extra couple miles is no big deal if you want to avoid Woodbury or pick up stuff on the way home from school/work.  Lot sizes aren't changing once you buy and your SOL.

BTW there is coffee in GP and supposedly building a high end gym in GP.  Guess there is that food spot inside the Ice Rink too.  When they build retail after Covid its good for everyone. 
If there is a crowded basketball court near IHO or he doesn't like the people there I assume he drives a bit farther to play at a gym or court he likes, it's not a big deal.

If there is a boba spot near bones, but she doesn't like the boba or long lines, I assume you drive a bit farther to what you like and it's a non issue for you, or just grubhub =D

That's just how I think of it.
akkord said:
If there is a crowded basketball court near IHO or he doesn't like the people there I assume he drives a bit farther to play at a gym or court he likes, it's not a big deal.

If there is a boba spot near bones, but she doesn't like the boba or long lines, I assume you drive a bit farther to what you like and it's a non issue for you, or just grubhub =D

That's just how I think of it.

I don't drink boba or do long lines.  I skip them completely, that boba thread is a foreign language to me (so is the mochi donut one), but can coexist with the boba/the long lines/the people who drink them just fine.  If the lack of retail center doesn't bother you, then just move on...

The IHO bball analogy is off no?  So there IS a basketball court, he just doesn't like the people playing on it.  There is NO retail center in the GP....
I don't mind a debate with bones, we all have different views or it'd get pretty boring.  We get to entertain TI too. 