Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

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Morons gotta Moron...

Spike of Homicides Causes Oakland Mayor to Reverse Course on Diverting Funds From Police

Schaaf said although she still supports the diversion of funds to social services, in order to curb the increasing violence, she'll ask the city council to stop the reversal that is supposed to take effect next year, according to The Associated Press.

This decision comes after three people were killed this weekend, making the total number of homicides this year 127.

The Portland City Council and the mayor removed millions of dollars from the police budget in June 2020. However, the council recently passed a budget increase that added $5.2 million to the $230 million budget allotted for police.

Increasing homicides, a flux of officers leaving, and political pressure have also caused cities like New York City and Los Angeles, which have held some of the largest Black Lives Matter protests and have a long history with police brutality, to increase their police budgets, as well.
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Donald Trump Jr. praises European 'riots' over COVID-19 restrictions and claims Americans sit back 'like sheep

I guess I was right: Europe protest/riots okay?
Fox news check? They actually interviewed him saying this

Right media biaS

Yah but were they looting too?..that seems a strictly an American BLM thing. ;D ;D >:D

Fake News wont cover this. If it is so peaceful. Why does the Dutch have to shoot at rioters? They are burning things down. (Vehicles and destroying property)

35,000 protest by the EU headquarters turned violent!!!
Netherlands they had to have mounted police and dogs to control the crowd with water cannons.
Basically almost all Europe.
No fawk news coverage tho.
Jr is all talk bro.

By the way Mike Flynn has said the Q movement is total nonsense according in Lin audio. lol
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Donald Trump Jr. praises European 'riots' over COVID-19 restrictions and claims Americans sit back 'like sheep

I guess I was right: Europe protest/riots okay?
Fox news check? They actually interviewed him saying this

Right media biaS

Yah but were they looting too?..that seems a strictly an American BLM thing. ;D ;D >:D

You always have said racist shit even before the BLM. Double standard? It okay for Europe to riot and burn chit?

eyephone said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Donald Trump Jr. praises European 'riots' over COVID-19 restrictions and claims Americans sit back 'like sheep

I guess I was right: Europe protest/riots okay?
Fox news check? They actually interviewed him saying this

Right media biaS

Yah but were they looting too?..that seems a strictly an American BLM thing. ;D ;D >:D

You always have said racist shit even before the BLM. Double standard? It okay for Europe to riot and burn chit?

Answer the question.
More Idiots in charge whos need to signal and fawn have led to tragedy.

Waukesha parade killer Darrell Brooks got $1,000 bail despite scoring 6 out of 6 on risk of new criminal activity in bond assessment and 4 out of 6 on likelihood of failure to appear in court, new docs show
Darrell Brooks, 39, was granted a $1,000 bail despite answering 'yes' to all six questions regarding the risk factors when allowing him out on bail
The assessment took note of Brooks' criminal history, which spans more than two decades, beginning when he was just 17 years old
He also has a history of skipping court and scored a 4 out of 6 on the evaluation of his failures to show up for his hearings
Social media footage from the parade showed Brooks speeding in his SUV and colliding into a group of people marching in the middle of the street
Brooks is being charged with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide and faces life in prison if convicted
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Donald Trump Jr. praises European 'riots' over COVID-19 restrictions and claims Americans sit back 'like sheep

I guess I was right: Europe protest/riots okay?
Fox news check? They actually interviewed him saying this

Right media biaS

Yah but were they looting too?..that seems a strictly an American BLM thing. ;D ;D >:D

Fake News wont cover this. If it is so peaceful. Why does the Dutch have to shoot at rioters? They are burning things down. (Vehicles and destroying property)

35,000 protest by the EU headquarters turned violent!!!
Netherlands they had to have mounted police and dogs to control the crowd with water cannons.
Basically almost all Europe.
No fawk news coverage tho.
Jr is all talk bro.

By the way Mike Flynn has said the Q movement is total nonsense according in Lin audio. lol

I did answer the question you moron.
You tried to get to get my identity by giving credential. Do you think I give a fuck about you?

(That might be illegal by the way knowingly giving out fake financial credentials)
You impersonated a person. It goes to show your character.
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Donald Trump Jr. praises European 'riots' over COVID-19 restrictions and claims Americans sit back 'like sheep

I guess I was right: Europe protest/riots okay?
Fox news check? They actually interviewed him saying this

Right media biaS

Yah but were they looting too?..that seems a strictly an American BLM thing. ;D ;D >:D

Fake News wont cover this. If it is so peaceful. Why does the Dutch have to shoot at rioters? They are burning things down. (Vehicles and destroying property)

35,000 protest by the EU headquarters turned violent!!!
Netherlands they had to have mounted police and dogs to control the crowd with water cannons.
Basically almost all Europe.
No fawk news coverage tho.
Jr is all talk bro.

By the way Mike Flynn has said the Q movement is total nonsense according in Lin audio. lol

I did answer the question you moron.
You tried to get to get my identity by giving credential. Do you think I give a fuck about you?

(That might be illegal by the way knowingly giving out fake financial credentials)
You impersonated a person. It goes to show your character.

No looting...not like here. The purpose here almost seems to be looting, Very American and movement specific.

Just burning bikes, cars, and property in the Europe riots.

Makes perfect sense
Europeans and Musslims causing riots in Europe. lol
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Just burning bikes, cars, and property in the Europe riots.

Makes perfect sense
Europeans and Musslims causing riots in Europe. lol

Here is a whole segment just on the riots...there's tons more where that came from...they cover is like a blanket.

Media bias. That is good trump jr said something. It proves my point. Double standard.

Have fun rioting with the Moors!
Wait , now it?s media bias? You said they don?t cover it?bad. The when you see they did cover it ?it?s media bias??make up your mind or at least make a cogent argument.
Yes, SF administration policy is working out great. Wow, people actually need to feel safe in order to spend money in your city??how unfair and hypercapitalist. Stay home then we will just apply for more PPP!

Wall Street execs beg JPMorgan to CANCEL 20,000-strong conference in San Francisco because of out-of-control 'smash-and-grab' crime

Wall Street financiers pleaded with JPMorgan to move its 40th Annual Healthcare Conference online amid concerns for their personal safety
The firm plans to hold the event from January 10 to 13 at the Westin St Hotel in Union Square, San Francisco
Location is just blocks away from where a shooting spree unfolded in November
Larceny theft remains the most common crime committed in San Francisco, increasing by about 15 percent from last year
Shoplifting has risen in the state since 2014 - following the passage of a ballot that downgraded the theft worth less than $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor
'I'm scared, the amount of lawlessness now is astounding,' one senior Wall Street executive said. 'Violence is a huge topic of discussion at our bank'
The conference, which was held remotely in 2020, serves as a bridge to connect global industry leaders and pharmaceutical firms with potential investors
This is what happens when you let the "morons" run things (that seems to be the favored word these days.)

LA cops arrest 14 suspects in connection with 11 smash-and-grab robberies - but release ALL of them because of California's 'zero bail' policy
LAPD chief says 14 alleged robbers suspected of ransacking businesses between November 18 and 28 bailed out or met no-bail criteria, and one is a juvenile
Arrestees accused of stealing nearly $340,000 worth of goods from LA stores
Chief Moore and Mayor Eric Garcetti called for end of 'zero bail' policy for suspects who commit violent crimes
Security experts agree organized crime networks are responsible for many of 'smash-and-grab' retail thefts, low-level crooks getting paid $500 to $1,000
White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed the coronavirus pandemic was 'a root cause' of the crimes
Coincidence?  I think not...

Twelve U.S. cities, all led by Democrats, broke annual homicide records in 2021
Blue cities were disproportionately receptive to the Black Lives Matter defund-the-police movement pushed by progressives in 2020.

TU.S. cities broke annual homicide records in 2021 ? and all were led by Democrats.

Philadelphia topped the list, surpassing 500 murders as of Nov. 26 ? breaking last year's numbers with a month left to go in the year. The last time there were this many people killed in the City of Brotherly Love was in 1990.

Rounding out the top five are Indianapolis with 246 killed, Columbus with 179, Louisville with 175, and Baton Rouge with 137.

Philadelphia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million, reached 521 homicides by Dec. 6, an increase of 13% from the previous year. By comparison, New York, with roughly 8 million residents, had 443 homicides as of Dec. 5.

Others in the dirty dozen were: Albuquerque (82 murdered), Tucson (80), Portland (72), Rochester (71), Toledo (62), Austin (60), and St. Paul (35).

Despite these cities seeing the sharpest rises in murder rates, Chicago still leads the nation in total homicides for the year, with 739 by the end of November.

An analysis published by ABC News suggests there's "no clear answer" to explain the cities' record-breaking murder totals, although the report fails to mention that all of the cities it lists are run by Democrats, who were disproportionately receptive to the Black Lives Matter defund-the-police movement pushed by progressives in 2020.
It?s astonishing how out of touch and stupid these people are?standing in the rubble of their own creation they ask ?why???amazing!

SF Mayor London Breed Announces Crime Crackdown; 'Less Tolerant Of All The Bulls--t That Has Destroyed Our City'

?It?s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,? she said. ?And it comes to an end when we take the steps to more aggressive with law enforcement. More aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerate of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city.?

?It's absolutely outrageous. Obviously it cannot continue," Pelosi said. "But the fact is that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don't know where? and we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm."
