30 Day Fitness Challenge

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irvinehomeowner said:
So do I have to download the app to join this thing?

I'm getting close to playing ball again so March 1st is good time to lose all this fat I put on the last 2 months.

Nope.  You don't even have to post here... Just "try" to eat healthier :)
irvinehomeowner said:
So do I have to download the app to join this thing?

I'm getting close to playing ball again so March 1st is good time to lose all this fat I put on the last 2 months.

I never thought I'd live to see the day!  :o I'm glad you're joining us. What changed your mind??
Paging Trace! I read your post last night and came on to say: "Yay!" But the post is gone now. Did you change your mind? Still going to do it but not post about it?
I'm still on the Healthy Train even though there have been a few hiccups. I'm not giving up (today). The new almonds I bought last night are not helping. I usually eat Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds. This week I switched to something new the "Bold Salt & Vinegar" variety. My eyes are watering and I'm gagging. I want to throw them away but feel like they're too expensive so I have to eat them. That's a problem I have to get over.
SoCal said:
I'm still on the Healthy Train even though there have been a few hiccups. I'm not giving up (today). The new almonds I bought last night are not helping. I usually eat Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds. This week I switched to something new the "Bold Salt & Vinegar" variety. My eyes are watering and I'm gagging. I want to throw them away but feel like they're too expensive so I have to eat them. That's a problem I have to get over.

I'll take'em!!  :P
Hiked 10 miles (3 different trails) in Peter's Canyon this morning with husband, ate all vegan so far.
Day 1 of 30: Hyperactive!

I was so hungry after the hike, finished Kale Salad with protein/mango at Native Foods, and then got one buffalo wings. Still hungry, like a very hungry caterpillar :P

YAY @ IHO.. I am glad you joined us..just change small things in the beginning if it's too hard to go Homerisque.

Power up for the rest of the month!
Qwerty- that pizza sounds delish. What place? I will check if they can make it vegan for me;)
homer_simpson said:
Started my day off with some HIIT training at the high school track. 

Had some breakfast at 6 and I'm eating my second breakfast right now!

Dieting Healthy eating isn't tough... It's only EATING! :-*

Nice! Early morning work outs are the best! Still eating Pure Protein or changed the brand?
Yes, it's not dieting, it's just making healthy choices.
Am I the only one who just realized it's March now? Where did February go? I guess we've officially "begun" our fitness challenge. Go!
I've reworked all of my dinner menus to suit both me AND my fatty. We've actually been doing this for 11 days. So far, so good.

Tonight I'm making:

Chicken soft tacos.

I seasoned chicken breasts with blackened seasoning then slow-cooked them in enchilada sauce before shredding. I mixed in sharp cheddar until melted and mixed in diced green onions. Then the rest of the toppings can be served at the table like shredded lettuce, sour cream, etc. etc. All the tortillas, Spanish rice, and other bloaty-carby stuff can be added by whomever wants it (him) and the shrinking me can stay on my side of the table in the safe zone.  :)

This is easier than me trying to pick out what I don't want to eat from the dish or worse - making a second dinner like I've had to do a few times  ::) .
nosuchreality said:
Personally, cooking for the family and dieting is easily 20X harder than doing it yourself, IMHO. 

I agree. It really is. Will Mrs. Nosuchreality be joining your efforts?

I wish my husband would get on board with me so we could do more of a team effort but he likes things the way they are. He'll be 45 soon. Unless he has an epiphany, I don't expect to teach the old dog any new tricks.  ??? Aside from a heart attack, knock on wood, what's a good way to get a man's butt in gear?
SoCal said:
nosuchreality said:
Personally, cooking for the family and dieting is easily 20X harder than doing it yourself, IMHO. 

I agree. It really is. Will Mrs. Nosuchreality be joining your efforts?

I wish my husband would get on board with me so we could do more of a team effort but he likes things the way they are. He'll be 45 soon. Unless he has an epiphany, I don't expect to teach the old dog any new tricks.  ??? Aside from a heart attack, knock on wood, what's a good way to get a man's butt in gear?

If he is 45 and not diagnosed with blood pressure/ diabetes/ cholesterol/ triglycerides, he has awesome genes that let him enjoy his wife's awesome cooking! Let him be, and shape up- he will join you to look good.. just like you :)

How are things with you? Remember, you are enrolled at 24 hour fitness, and you can walk into any of their gyms, finger print and a phone number will let you in  ;-) I want to try Zumba dancing one of these days. Have you tried it?

So far...

Friday - Tread and Shread at Equinox (5x Two minute intervals at 1.0% incline with a one minute jog in between).  My intervals went like this:

(speed = the number on the treadmill, equates to MPH).
1 minute - 6.0 speed
2 minute - 9.0 speed
1 minute - 6.0 speed
2 minute - 9.1 speed
1 minute - 6.0 speed
2 minute - 9.2 speed
1 minute - 6.0 speed
2 minute - 9.3 speed
1 minute - 6.0 speed
2 minute - 9.5 speed

Then sprints....
30 seconds - 3.0% incline - 10.0 speed
60 seconds - 4.0% incline - 9.5 speed
90 seconds - 4.0% incline - 9.0 speed
90 seconds - 3.0% incline - 9.0 speed
60 seconds - 2.0% incline - 10.5 speed
30 seconds - 1.0% incline - 13.0 speed

Saturday - HIIT at Equinox called Stacked! for 45 minutes.  Basically stacks six different exercises.  Each performed at 30 seconds without breaks in between.  Goes like this:
1, 2
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Followed by active recovery of core.  Then a second stacked series.

Sunday: Metcon3 at Equinox for 45 minutes.  10 different exercises for 1 minute each.  You do all ten straight through with no breaks.  Went through the 10 exercises 3x.

My body is so tired from the weekend...
For every 30 seconds of sprints you do try to have a recovery time of 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds to let your heart rate drop before you sprint again.

For the sprints, you should be going balls to the walls... meaning... give everything you got!

Good Job everyone!!
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm sweating from just reading kubert's post.

+1 to IHO's statement! I haven't tested classes yet. One of these days.. probably summer weekends.
So over the weekend, I tried to jog after some success with trail running. I just couldn't. Huffed and puffed after 1/2 of a mile and decided to walk.. Any tips on how to push oneself to jog?

BTW SoCal, those things that we use as door stoppers (hint: they are bells of a different kind) are supposed to work even if it meant 75 swings twice a week. Want to give them a try? I am thinking of taking the first step today: finding them.

Cubic Zirconia said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm sweating from just reading kubert's post.

+1 to IHO's statement! I haven't tested classes yet. One of these days.. probably summer weekends.
So over the weekend, I tried to jog after some success with trail running. I just couldn't. Huffed and puffed after 1/2 of a mile and decided to walk.. Any tips on how to push oneself to jog?

BTW SoCal, those things that we use as door stoppers (hint: they are bells of a different kind) are supposed to work even if it meant 75 swings twice a week. Want to give them a try? I am thinking of taking the first step today: finding them.

Trail running is a different animal compared to regular jogging on flat ground. 

You really have to pace yourself because of the change of elevation, the balancing and hard striking on the uneven grounds.  Slowly work your stamina and endurance up from the 1/2 mile run to a mile by focusing on your breathing.  Quick short breaths up the big hills and slow breaths during the flat stretches.  When you feel like you are out of gas... jog in place for a little bit and keep that momentum with you along the way... Keep pumping your legs and move!!!
homer_simpson said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm sweating from just reading kubert's post.

+1 to IHO's statement! I haven't tested classes yet. One of these days.. probably summer weekends.
So over the weekend, I tried to jog after some success with trail running. I just couldn't. Huffed and puffed after 1/2 of a mile and decided to walk.. Any tips on how to push oneself to jog?

BTW SoCal, those things that we use as door stoppers (hint: they are bells of a different kind) are supposed to work even if it meant 75 swings twice a week. Want to give them a try? I am thinking of taking the first step today: finding them.

Trail running is a different animal compared to regular jogging on flat ground. 

You really have to pace yourself because of the change of elevation, the balancing and hard striking on the uneven grounds.  Slowly work your stamina and endurance up from the 1/2 mile run to a mile by focusing on your breathing.  Quick short breaths up the big hills and slow breaths during the flat stretches.  When you feel like you are out of gas... jog in place for a little bit and keep that momentum with you along the way... Keep pumping your legs and move!!!

Let me try jog in in place next time I lose my breath..and pace myself.