30 Day Fitness Challenge

qwerty said:
thanks Coleman.  dont wait too long. we waited till we were 35, wanted to be financially secure and all that good stuff. but part of me wishes we had the baby 5 years ago, if you can, i would recommend to have a kid in your early thirties (dont know how old you are). pros and cons to each i guess.

I actually think mid 20s to late 20s is ideal... but I know people aren't set yet to do that (some not even married).
irvinehomeowner said:
Congrats... is that your first kid? Maybe that's why you've been chimichanga lately. :)

yeah its our first, planning on having one more, ideally a boy, either way we are only having two max. my wife makes me chimichanga, the baby is easy.
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
thanks Coleman.  dont wait too long. we waited till we were 35, wanted to be financially secure and all that good stuff. but part of me wishes we had the baby 5 years ago, if you can, i would recommend to have a kid in your early thirties (dont know how old you are). pros and cons to each i guess.

I actually think mid 20s to late 20s is ideal... but I know people aren't set yet to do that (some not even married).

yeah we got married at 31, wanted to enjoy life by ourselves and do some international travel before the baby got here, a benefit of that is should you get divorced there is no child support to worry about  :)
I'm 30 and wife is turning 29. We want to secure/achieve a few milestones in our lives prior to bringing in another person.
Tyler Durden said:
Why would you wish to have kids earlier? I'm about 2 years older than you, and I would say hell to the NO on earlier.

Well I'll be 53 when she graduates high school. 57 when she is done with USC, she will just be starting her life and I'll be 57, by the time she is 30, I'll be 66 and close to being in diapers - dead man walking. It would be nice to see them older while I still have some good years. Then there is the grand kids thing. I only had one grandparent, my daughter has two (my inlaws), I'd like to be alive to spend some time with the grand kids as well. The grass is always greener right?
Play date Qwerty!! My son needs a new girlfriend, the one in our neighborhood is moving already :(

Yeah we will definitely do it. Although we need to wait till she gets all of her shots. Right now we only take her on walks in her stroller.  Everyone keeps telling us to avoid places with lots of people for now
qwerty said:
Tyler Durden said:
Why would you wish to have kids earlier? I'm about 2 years older than you, and I would say hell to the NO on earlier.

Well I'll be 53 when she graduates high school. 57 when she is done with USC, she will just be starting her life and I'll be 57, by the time she is 30, I'll be 66 and close to being in diapers - dead man walking. It would be nice to see them older while I still have some good years. Then there is the grand kids thing. I only had one grandparent, my daughter has two (my inlaws), I'd like to be alive to spend some time with the grand kids as well. The grass is always greener right?
Hehe... parenthood changes perspective. I think I said the same thing as above a few times.

My parents had me young, prior to their "careers" and while it was hard on them financially, no regrets. I even got to play ball with my dad before his knees/back issues (we owned 2on2 games against my cousins). I just hope to be able to walk when my kids are teenagers.

I guess if you are in great shape and have no health problems, having kids while you're older is not that bad of a risk but I've seen too many people get hit by stuff like the Big C, heart attack, etc to know that there are zero guarantees.

And... statistically, I do believe it's harder to have kids after 30 (I know quite a few people in that boat, some had to do fertility treatments, others ended up not having any).
Congratulations Qwerty! Welcome to the weird world of parenting.
I will be 42 when I drop mine off to college..but I haven't gone to Rome with a sketch book yet. Trade offs :) Just enjoy life as it comes without regrets and have fun! There is never a perfect age or a perfect time for anything.
qwerty said:
Play date Qwerty!! My son needs a new girlfriend, the one in our neighborhood is moving already :(

Yeah we will definitely do it. Although we need to wait till she gets all of her shots. Right now we only take her on walks in her stroller.  Everyone keeps telling us to avoid places with lots of people for now

Yeah let me know bud.  :)

I agree, having kids at a younger age (after school and having a stable income) is probably best.  Like IHO, I would love to play basketball with my little guy and have the energy to help him with homework or what not.
Play date Qwerty!! My son needs a new girlfriend, the one in our neighborhood is moving already :(
Careful... you don't want your kid associating with a kid from the *wrong* side of the tracks. :)

  Like IHO, I would love to play basketball with my little guy and have the energy to help him with homework or what not.

At your current rate of energy, even with a gradual decline, your child should be fine, haha.

Social Security is still viewed as a retirement fund?  I thought this current generation viewed it as a bonus allowance during the golden years.
Coleman said:
Social Security is still viewed as a retirement fund?  I thought this current generation viewed it as a bonus allowance during the golden years.
I view it as a tax on my money that I will never see again.

EDIT: Dang... I owe Tyler a Coke.
irvinehomeowner said:
Coleman said:
Social Security is still viewed as a retirement fund?  I thought this current generation viewed it as a bonus allowance during the golden years.
I view it as a tax on my money that I will never see again.

EDIT: Dang... I owe Tyler a Coke.

irvinehomeowner said:
I just hope to be able to walk when my kids are teenagers.

Back to the health-related aspect of this thread:

Are you just waxing poetic? I hope so. If not, I'm really sorry to read this. I had no idea it was that severe. You must be in an incredible amount of pain.  :(
Not really in pain, I just know that I get knee injuries occasionally and there will come a time where I will either get them replaced or something else.
