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  1. cubiczirconia

    Less testing, relaxed schooling? While Duncan admitted testing isn?t going away completely ? it?s still necessary to have some standardized rubric for ensuring children are where they need to be ? the role of...
  2. cubiczirconia

    Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

    Haha! What's with people wanting other people to take care of their children as friends? There are enough paid services in OC. I can understand if you have to make a quick run to the doctor, or if it's an emergency. But don't push your children on others. I had a similar experience with a...
  3. cubiczirconia

    Ants Anyone?

    I keep ant baits in the bathrooms and kitchen- no ants for the past three years or so. First year in Irvine was pretty bad. I had to go to Home Depot and buy a spray- never knew the beautiful home came with ant issues.
  4. cubiczirconia

    First Day of School Tips

    More like 5-6-7-8 for Hicks Canyon kids. I am not ready for this transition, but don't want to change to another elementary school also. IHO- what grade are your kids now? Jr High?
  5. cubiczirconia

    First Day of School Tips

    I sent one back to school two weeks ago- TUSD will start next week. I had to drop the Suffer-more Sophomore at the curb. Didn't even dare to ask if she wanted to be walked to the classroom. Younger one is still OK with me walking with her, probably. Our last year at Hicks. Any Orchard Hills...
  6. cubiczirconia

    Any tips lowering electrical bills

    In my understanding, your electricity bill is your electricity use + your charges based on your peak usage. A/C is at 76 in my house- that can't be compromised. LED bulbs all over the house, laundry sun down, etc to keep the load down. Better insulation is key.. but if it's a newer house, you...
  7. cubiczirconia

    What Temperature do you set your Air Conditioning at during Summer?

    77 day and night. Edison bill is around 130.. Haven't gone beyond 150 yet. I keep the blinds on, do laundry early in the morning or late at night. Your electric bill is measured based off of your peak use??
  8. cubiczirconia

    Toddler learned "I don't like that!" and "Stop it!" from preschool

    It's a response to bullying that most schools teach. STAR response?? I forgot, been too long. Stop that. I don't like that. Why are you doing that? Then the kids are expected to report to the teacher..
  9. cubiczirconia


    Mine got out of braces a while ago, but oh I remember the pain :) She had the Herbst appliance, and every time she opened her mouth too much in choir, it would come apart. So many trips the dentist, couldn't eat this- couldn't eat that, gum pain.. finally done. Good luck!
  10. cubiczirconia

    Front Door Package Thievery

    LOL! I knew this was coming right when I hit enter.
  11. cubiczirconia

    Front Door Package Thievery

    No packages stolen, but still amuses me to come home to a huge package at the door step, with a door mat on it.
  12. cubiczirconia

    Anyone knows about a good summer chess camp for kids?

    Even if you double them up, there is that unsupervised window. IMO public schools/ city run camps are good only if there is a chauffeur parent or grandparent.
  13. cubiczirconia

    So when do you change your hairstyle?

    Been surfing TI for fifteen minutes and finally found something that I get :P Anyone watching FOB, other than Farmmmmmmmmmmmmie (what's the M-obsession?)
  14. cubiczirconia

    What color is this dress!?!?

    White and gold for me, and the other three in the house say it's blue and black.
  15. cubiczirconia

    All 4 IUSD high schools are in the top 100

    Pioneer has changed a lot in the past 2/3 years. I would rather go with Orchard Hills/Beckman combo. But then OH has that wannabe Irvine vibe to it. How is the magnet middle school?
  16. cubiczirconia

    First Day of School Tips

    Ugh! Which school is that? I would be concerned if my kid went through this- I am fine with looking thru me the first day of school. If you didn't get your teacher a gift, or her favorite coffee, or knew her through your older kid, chances are you will be ignored in public schools. But within a...
  17. cubiczirconia

    Back To School: The 70s vs. Today, a lot has changed

    Laughed so much, my mouth hurts :-) The timing totally rocks because I just got my bento boxes via Amazon prime.. Indian tiffin boxes- haha, they are suddenly cool- it was uncool to take that box to school when I was in school.
  18. cubiczirconia

    First Day of School Tips

    I had that issue all the time. Kids are six years apart, so not fun dealing with two schools. The pick ups were ten minutes apart- be in the first few cars for the first pick up, and then for the next one, be late ;-) If you picked up older one first, you can pull your car into the drive through...
  19. cubiczirconia

    First Day of School Tips

    School starts in a week for one, another one stays on until regular TUSD begins. This year will be challenging for us, one kid in high school and the other in elementary, different school districts, different schedules and different work loads. We have braced up, made some changes in lifestyle...