Presidential Elections

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Meh, Trumpers going vote Trump.

They and their 60 lawsuits just need to lose AGAIN next fall.

ROFLMAO, there isn't any one saying Trump is their first choice going to change their mind.
Well, that's because Trump voters are ignorant assholes who only want to vote for an ignorant asshole. I guess DeSantis isn't enough of an asshole, as much as he's been trying to be.
Well, that's because Trump voters are ignorant assholes who only want to vote for an ignorant asshole. I guess DeSantis isn't enough of an asshole, as much as he's been trying to be.
You are the reason Trump voters exist. You are objectively one of the most privileged people on the planet, went to the best schools, make insane tech money, and live in a coveted area, and yet you are filled with disdain and spite for those that didn't have the same opportunities that you did.

Trump voters are simply exercising what little power they have. They can't change the system, so they express themselves by voting for the human hand grenade that can at least wreak havoc on the system that is rigged against them.

You're right though, if Trump wasn't there, DeSantis would probably be the one carrying the torch. Ramaswamy seems to be catching fire because he understands the electorate better than DeSantis. If it wasn't any of these guys, it would be somebody else. Trump voters are going to keep voting for the disruption candidates until something changes.
It's subjective so you have to watch it yourself but this sort of covers the type of reaction that I find questionable:

This clip shows some of what you're talking about:

It's interesting that Christie got mostly cheers and applause when making his points on Trump. So far, I like him and Tim Scott the best. Nikki Haley is too much of a focus group-driven establishment hack for my liking. DeSantis is an enigma because I like his governance record in Florida, but as a candidate he has been really off putting.

Remember, the reactions of the debate crowd are dictated by who they let in. Fox News probably let in a big contingent of Trump supporters. In 2016, Trump was booed repeatedly because it was mostly party donors and insiders attending the debates, but the boos meant nothing because he went on to destroy Jeb and the rest of the field.
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That's fair.

I like Tim Scott too but based on polls there aren't really any challengers.

Who knows, I think Obama came out of nowhere so maybe someone will rise up similarly.
That's fair.

I like Tim Scott too but based on polls there aren't really any challengers.

Who knows, I think Obama came out of nowhere so maybe someone will rise up similarly.
It's still very early. My theory is that this is a contest between the Trump vote and the non-Trump vote. In the early states, Trump has less than 50% support, so the non-Trump vote has a majority but is fractured between several candidates. As the non-Trump candidates begin dropping out, I expect support to coalesce around a single alternative candidate who will Hoover up the full block of non-Trump voters. That will make the contest competitive in the remaining 40 or so states that have not voted at that point. If that person can beat Trump, they will have a great shot at beating Biden as well.
PS to @LL: It's Jeb!, AMIRITE?

DeSantis needs to drop out now to save $$ and face. Other than VR, I don't see a real option to The Donald. VR has his own strategic inconsistencies that will keep him from becoming the front runner anytime soon. Time will tell, of course.
Crowds are annoying. They should remove them. They are such a distraction.

I wish candidates would be more policy oriented rather than party. I don't give a crap if you're republican or democrat tbh. I care what ones stance is on different issues and what they will be doing once in office.
i like to keep it closer to home.

Do I want to support the idiots that have contorted California such that the utilities propose class warfare for service fees or support the dogma of the Right and empower people like Madison Miner of OUSD that have openly called for discriminatory segregation of kids with IEPs.

Not much of a debate. I talk with MAGA members back Midwest and East. I simply point out the stuff their candidates actually say, then the extended family members that they’re fond of that will end up in the ghetto under their candidate.
There's a bifurcation of opinion on who won the debate: Media elites and party insiders have declared Haley the winner with Pence coming in second, while polling of voters shows Ramaswamy the winner with DeSantis in second. Interestingly, all sides seem to agree that Tim Scott had a lackluster debate performance.
There's a bifurcation of opinion on who won the debate: Media elites and party insiders have declared Haley the winner with Pence coming in second, while polling of voters shows Ramaswamy the winner with DeSantis in second. Interestingly, all sides seem to agree that Tim Scott had a lackluster debate performance.
Trump won.

show hands, who is really running for VP?

Seriously, not one with the guts or brains to say show of hands, if I win the nomination and haven’t been convicted of a crime against our nation, will you support me?
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