Presidential Elections

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Should make Trump wear an orange jumpsuit to match his "hair". :)

I agree with morekaos (what?) that this will probably go nowhere. Seems like a waste of tax dollars if the allegations are just "hush money" misappropriation because this is one of those "everyone one does it"... to be fair.

But I guess it has to start somewhere.

If this was for Jan 6, that would be a different story.
Politicians in third world counties use the judicial system to attack their political opponents. If they take Trump to court, it sets a dangerous precedent for what should be a stable democracy.
morekaos said the Democrat crook has been indicted.
No surprise there at all. Democrats relentlessly excuse their own for criminal conduct then breathlessly point fingers at Republicans for trivial missteps.
Says the only person who's crazier than morekaos. Morekaos is legit crazy, but at least he's legit. You're not even legit. You published your own "book" on a website on which you could publish "1+1=2."

It's dumb to be an ideologue whose speech (not necessarily thoughts) are motivated solely by what political team he's on. Only a dummy does that.

Donald Trump is a career criminal and a habitual liar who would sacrifice you without hesitation. You wouldn't accept that from your family member. You wouldn't support your child marrying someone like that. And you wouldn't be friends with a person like that. You'd stay far away from that person. But you'll support him politically?

The fact is America had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to have an "outsider" president "disrupt" the "system" and make a positive statement and impact on this country. But the orange guy failed miserably due to his imbecility, idiocy, instability, and insanity. Everything he has was ill-gotten. What a lost opportunity. What a loser.

Speaking of losers, you will no longer be known as Starman but rather as ChocolateStarfishMan. Say hello to Fred Durst for me and don't drink all the hotdog-flavored water.
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No one believes anything the government puts out any more….can you blame them?...

Ex-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write false Hunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden’

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign prompted former acting CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation.

In private sworn testimony, Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, then-Vice President Biden.

Morell, identified as a potential CIA director under Biden, said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.”
Trump supporters linked with having small penises

Men with large penises were:

  • more confident (41.78)
  • more likely to ask for the phone number of a person more attractive than themselves (30.98)
  • better lovers (30.12)
  • and generally better at sex (29.34)
  • with a higher sex drive (27.7).
Taking attributes related to sex out of the picture, the top five attributes become:

  • being more confident (41.78)
  • more willing to ask for an undeserved pay raise at work (21.76)
  • being more optimistic (19.04)
  • and taking more risk by both not fearing walking home at night in an unsafe part of town (19.02)
  • and by engaging in dangerous recreational sports (17.94).
The top 5 attributes men with small penises exhibited were:

  • voting for Donald Trump (-16.2)
  • being religious (-11.9)
  • more inclined to gossip (-9.54)
  • being good at math (-9.64)
  • and driving a large car (-8.36).
We also asked our participants to report their actual penis measurements and found an interesting distinction along political party lines. Democrats and Republicans equally inflated their size by adding on an extra inch compared with the national length average, but Republicans reported significantly larger ball sizes (11.5) than did Democrats (6.04). Do Republicans really have larger balls or do they only believe they do? This is an important question for future research.
Could this explain things? Just asking questions. ®

He raises a key question though - how come he doesn’t see autistic people his age? The numbers have exploded since I was a kid (gen x).
He raises a key question though - how come he doesn’t see autistic people his age? The numbers have exploded since I was a kid (gen x).
Autism can't be easily identified by sight. Maybe there are tons of people his age that are autistic.

Based on how things are measured now... almost everyone is on the spectrum in some way or another.
Autism can't be easily identified by sight. Maybe there are tons of people his age that are autistic.

Based on how things are measured now... almost everyone is on the spectrum in some way or another.
That's not true. There is a clear set of diagnostic criteria.

I think RFK Jr. is more than anti-vax; He's anti-big pharma and believes that their unethical practices in developing all kinds of medications, as evidenced by some truly massive fines paid over the years, carry over to their mishandling of vaccinations.
That's not true. There is a clear set of diagnostic criteria.

I think RFK Jr. is more than anti-vax; He's anti-big pharma and believes that their unethical practices in developing all kinds of medications, as evidenced by some truly massive fines paid over the years, carry over to their mishandling of vaccinations.
While I don't disagree with the sentiment towards big Pharma, RFK jr. is not that. He is a completely down the rabbit hole of debunked claims, brain disorders are caused by vaccines, anti-vaxxer. His views and data have been and continuing rebuffed and disproven.

When people like RFK Jr. get sway, the world gets the Samoa measles outbreak of 2019.