Presidential Elections

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BlackKnight said:
morekaos said:
You Keep saying that, Who else died as a direct result of January 6 besides a Trump supporter?

Go yourself with your fake news

Here is the list of dead people as result of Jan 06

Only Ashley Babbit was killed that day?heart attacks, accidents and suicides are not related. Lots of Americans died that day?only one was killed in the Capital and she was a Trump supporter. Nothin fake about that.
Double speak again.

And you keep skirting the growing evidence that Trump was involved... and even if you want to use your technicality of "killed at the Capital" (I'm sure the families of those law enforcement officers would like to argue that with you), that is still one too many.

Even if no one died, what Trump was trying to do (if he was involved), was more "fatal" to our nation's democracy than whatever you want to cook up about Biden or probably any other president in recent history.

Look the other way all you want... just shows your true colors.
irvinehomeowner said:
Double speak again.

And you keep skirting the growing evidence that Trump was involved... and even if you want to use your technicality of "killed at the Capital" (I'm sure the families of those law enforcement officers would like to argue that with you), that is still one too many.

Even if no one died, what Trump was trying to do (if he was involved), was more "fatal" to our nation's democracy than whatever you want to cook up about Biden or probably any other president in recent history.

Look the other way all you want... just shows your true colors.

By the time next year no one will be able to spell "J6"...mark my words..100%... I don't think its a big isn't... >:( ;D >:D
It's okay, your crystal ball is losing power... Tesla is doing well and Trump didn't get a 2nd term... and Putin having trouble with his stupid invasion.

Any other predictions you want to make so we can see the opposite?
irvinehomeowner said:
It's okay, your crystal ball is losing power... Tesla is doing well and Trump didn't get a 2nd term... and Putin having trouble with his stupid invasion.

Any other predictions you want to make so we can see the opposite?

Give them time... ;D ;D >:D
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Double speak again.

And you keep skirting the growing evidence that Trump was involved... and even if you want to use your technicality of "killed at the Capital" (I'm sure the families of those law enforcement officers would like to argue that with you), that is still one too many.

Even if no one died, what Trump was trying to do (if he was involved), was more "fatal" to our nation's democracy than whatever you want to cook up about Biden or probably any other president in recent history.

Look the other way all you want... just shows your true colors.

By the time next year no one will be able to spell "J6"...mark my words..100%... I don't think its a big isn't... >:( ;D >:D

With all the righteous indignation polls like this must blow your mind... ;D ;D >:D

Trump would beat Biden by 6 points, Harris by 11 in 2024 race, new poll shows

If the next presidential election were held today, former President Donald Trump would defeat President Biden by six percentage points and Vice President Kamala Harris by 11 percentage points, according to a new poll.

The 45th president would unseat Biden by a 47% to 41% margin, according to the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll published by The Hill. However, 12% of voters are undecided.

Harris going up against Trump would produce an even worse result for Democrats ? 49% would vote for the former president compared to 38% for the veep.
"Righteous indignation"?

Is that what you call just trying to follow the rules?

So does that mean you're opposed to democracy, transparency and just straight out moral conduct?

Let's get back to it... what do you think? Did Trump have a hand in the January 6 riot?

Don't worry about tarnishing your rep... everyone will forget your answer by next week.

irvinehomeowner said:
"Righteous indignation"?

Is that what you call just trying to follow the rules?

So does that mean you're opposed to democracy, transparency and just straight out moral conduct?

Let's get back to it... what do you think? Did Trump have a hand in the January 6 riot?

Don't worry about tarnishing your rep... everyone will forget your answer by next week.

morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
It's okay, your crystal ball is losing power... Tesla is doing well and Trump didn't get a 2nd term... and Putin having trouble with his stupid invasion.

Any other predictions you want to make so we can see the opposite?

Give them time... ;D ;D >:D

Please review this thread...the electorate has the memory of a nat..there was one?....

Topic: Once again...nothing to be done but prayers and thoughts,16124.0.html
irvinehomeowner said:
It's okay, your crystal ball is losing power... Tesla is doing well and Trump didn't get a 2nd term... and Putin having trouble with his stupid invasion.

Any other predictions you want to make so we can see the opposite?

Sun Tzu once said "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." This situation is about to get a lot worse...pointed this out in 2019, before anyone even knew who Hunter Biden was...

morekaos said:
Well I said it long ago..Hunter is the Anchor That Slow Joe just can't slip...

morekaos said:
fortune11 said:
What's the over/under on when he starts attacking Biden's dead wife and kids?

He might but i guarantee he will sink his teeth deep into Hunter. 

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn?t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden?s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden?s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts ? usually more than $166,000 a month ? from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

The general prosecutor?s official file for the Burisma probe ? shared with me by senior Ukrainian officials ? shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.

Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made ?specific plans? for the investigation that ?included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.?

Emails blow apart Biden story: Messages found on computer along with sex and drugs pics of Democrat candidate?s son suggest former Vice President DID meet his boy?s Ukraine business contacts - despite his denials
Email cache raises new claims about Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukrainian firm
He apparently introduced Joe Biden to an executive at gas company Burisma
Biden would later pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor investigating the firm 
Prosecutor was fired amid concerns which were shared by other countries
irvinehomeowner said:
Funny... no commentary on the missing phone calls and diary logs on January 6.

If it smells fishy...

...And you gulped it down...hook...line...sinker...blinded by TDS you so wanted it to be does the media but like I said...nothing ever seems to stick....probably because nothing is ever there to begin with...From CNN (who broke the false story) it must be true!...Right?

Official review of Trump phone logs from January 6 finds record is complete

The mystery of the seven-hour gap has fueled furious speculation as to why calls are missing. That includes allegations that Trump was using ?burner phones? (which he has denied) or that the logs were purposely suppressed.

But the gap might have a less mysterious explanation.

According to multiple sources familiar with Trump?s phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump?s typical phone habits. He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office. The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.

The six pages of White House switchboard logs for January 6, 2021, are completely based on an official review of White House records, according to a source familiar with the matter. There are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones that do not go through the switchboard.
CNN - of all "news" sources - reporting this. Proof once again that even a broken clock is in fact right twice a day.

Science found a cure for Polio, a life extending series of palliatives for those with AIDS, and vaccines capable of pushing the COVID-19 pandemic off the stage, but a cure for TDS? I doubt one will ever be found - other than turning off MSNBC, all of the 3 letter "news" shows (over the air and cable), and any comments on the interwebs. Most people I've spoken with who have gone on a "news" diet have all said it was the best thing they ever did for their own mental health.

PS - Hunter Biden is the new Bread and Circus's. Neither side of this wants a "President Kamala" - the D's know they will be DOA for years to come if Harris is elevated through the 25th Amendment or by other means. The R's want President Aricept to continue twisting in the wind for as long as possible. No reason to change brand names when what's known at this time is working so well in their favor. Besides, as with Hunter Biden and the rest, no one ever really gets in trouble anymore. It's like watching a fan favorite character on any Sci-Fi show get killed in one episode. We all know it's not fatal and fully expect to see them 1-2 episodes later.  Too bad, but that's where we are today as a nation.
What is the issue with Hunter Biden?

Heard someone on the radio say that this could be connected to bio-terror.

I agree that both sides have warts... I'm just tired of only hearing morekaos takes.
The ball is now rolling downhill....the question becomes, how can they get rid of Kamala before the midterms?...

Whistleblower who handed Hunter's abandoned laptop to congressmen and reveals he has 450 gigabytes of DELETED material including 80,000 images and videos - and has fled to Switzerland fearing retaliation from White House
Whistleblower Jack Maxey gave a copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden's  abandoned laptop in the spring of 2021 has published dozens of stories exposing Hunter's drug use, sex obsession and questionable business dealings
For the past two weeks, Maxey has been in hiding in Zurich, Switzerland, working with IT experts to dig out more data from the 'laptop from hell'
He says he intends to post them all online in a database in the coming weeks
Maxey says he has found '450 gigabytes of erased material' including 80,000 images and videos and more than 120,000 archived emails
The former podcast host says he fears retaliation from the Biden administration
He says that after contacting about the laptop last year, black suburban SUVs appeared outside his house
..This is gonna hurt... ;D ;D >:D

Joe's missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income - as emails show he paid Hunter's legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as 'big guy' to get a 10% cut in another
Emails from Hunter's laptop reveal Joe Biden agreed to pay his son's legal fees for his deal with a Chinese government-controlled company
Joe was able to pay the bills after earning millions of dollars through his and his wife's companies after he left office as vice president
But an analysis by of the president's financial records shows $5.2million is unexplained
The 'missing millions' and emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop suggest Joe would have a 10% share in Hunter's blockbuster deal with the Chinese
The revelation ties the president even closer to Hunter's overseas business dealings, despite the White House's denials

Boy...did Florida dodge a bullet with this typical Democrat D-bag...

He almost beat DeSantis to be Florida?s governor. Now Andrew Gillum is indicted

Andrew Gillum, the former mayor of Tallahassee who came within about 34,000 votes of beating Ron DeSantis in the 2018 race for Florida governor, was indicted by federal authorities and arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday, according to court documents.

The 21-count indictment
, which was unsealed Wednesday following his arrest, accuses Gillum and another associate, Sharon Janet Lettman-Hicks, with conspiracy, wire fraud and making false statements, according to a news release from the Department of Justice.

morekaos said:
The problem is this guy falls into both categories. He is as far left as they come and has a ton of his own corruption baggage to boot...He's all yours.

platform that includes Medicare for All, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in its current form, a $15-per-hour minimum wage, and corporate tax hikes to fund education.

Florida Democratic activists love Andrew Gillum. They seem oblivious to the investigation.
One Democratic candidate for governor draws big crowds in Tampa Bay. A public corruption investigation looms over him.

morekaos said the Democrat crook has been indicted.
No surprise there at all.  Democrats relentlessly excuse their own for criminal conduct then breathlessly point fingers at Republicans for trivial missteps.