President Trump

?We are a nation with a culture and reason for being,? Bannon said. ?And I think that?s what unites us.?

It sure would be nice to hear details about Bannon's ideas about "our culture" and "reason for being."
Perspective said:
?We are a nation with a culture and reason for being,? Bannon said. ?And I think that?s what unites us.?

It sure would be nice to hear details about Bannon's ideas about "our culture" and "reason for being."

Actually he has in the past , on his radio program.  He has complained about too many Asian CEOs in Silicon Valley.  His worldview is basically America based on heterosexual monolithic white west European Ethnic culture. 

We used to call that racism once upon a time .  Now we couch it with fancy academic sounding terms like "alt-right " , or more recently "states rights". 

I find it amusing people on this diverse forum cheering for Trump ... reminds me of another old cliche story  .. " first they came for the .... then they came for ...  and by the time they came for me , there was no one left  "

Even other minorities looking at their narrow self interest  right now (tax cuts or whatever)  , will wake up once they are targeted in some shape or form.  Right now many are happy and content letting Mexicans and muslims be the target. 

Maybe we will get some choice comments in 40 point red font at that time. 
hilarious read ...  whatever you think of Maureen Dowd

President Trump is constantly berating the press because the accounts of his chaotic, careering first month in the job do not sync up with the glossy, self-regarding image he has in the fun-house mirror of his head and in the reflection from his circle of sycophants. Kellyanne Conway calls him ?President Action? and ?President Impact? and Bannon compares him to William Jennings Bryan. (Trump would definitely want a cross of gold to match his new Oval Office drapes.)

Back in the ?70s and ?80s, with a shameless talent for self-aggrandizement untethered to fact, Trump was able to turn himself into a celebrity. Like his mentor Roy Cohn, Trump learned to manipulate his coverage in the New York tabloids. He even came up with two alter egos, John Barron and John Miller, so he could masquerade as his own p.r. agent and spin tall tales about Madonna and Carla Bruni craving him.

?Posing as John Miller, he used to ask to go on and off the record when talking about girls lusting after Donald,? recalls Sue Carswell, who dealt with both Trump and his fake spinmeister when she was at People during l?affaire Marla Maples.

It doesn?t seem to have sunk in with Trump that he can?t manipulate the press as easily today. He?s the president. When he exaggerates and makes things up now, it has global consequences and subverts American values. It is not like whispering lies about which famous women are panting for him.

In his pouty speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, he reiterated his sour denunciation of journalists as ?the enemy of the people.? The man who made his flashy reputation by being an anonymous and pseudonymous source ? and who still spews a constant stream of wild assertions based on anonymous sources ? blustered that the press ?shouldn?t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody?s name.?
fortune11 said:
Perspective said:
?We are a nation with a culture and reason for being,? Bannon said. ?And I think that?s what unites us.?

It sure would be nice to hear details about Bannon's ideas about "our culture" and "reason for being."

Actually he has in the past , on his radio program.  He has complained about too many Asian CEOs in Silicon Valley.  His worldview is basically America based on heterosexual monolithic white west European Ethnic culture. 

We used to call that racism once upon a time .  Now we couch it with fancy academic sounding terms like "alt-right " , or more recently "states rights". 

I find it amusing people on this diverse forum cheering for Trump ... reminds me of another old cliche story  .. " first they came for the .... then they came for ...  and by the time they came for me , there was no one left  "

Even other minorities looking at their narrow self interest  right now (tax cuts or whatever)  , will wake up once they are targeted in some shape or form.  Right now many are happy and content letting Mexicans and muslims be the target. 

Maybe we will get some choice comments in 40 point red font at that time.

Stephen K. Bannon?s CPAC Comments, Annotated and Explained
Should the Democrats make this one of their political rallying cries, like the Republicans did Benghazi? Make a big deal about the failures, blame Trump directly for deaths, investigate it for four years spending millions, and just repeat ad nauseam, "YEMEN!" like the Republicans and Right media did with Benghazi.

Father of dead Navy SEAL refused to meet Trump at ceremony
Perspective said:
Should the Democrats make this one of their political rallying cries, like the Republicans did Benghazi? Make a big deal about the failures, blame Trump directly for deaths, investigate it for four years spending millions, and just repeat ad nauseam, "YEMEN!" like the Republicans and Right media did with Benghazi.

Father of dead Navy SEAL refused to meet Trump at ceremony

They probably won't , although unlike Benghazi here there is DIRECT link as Trump personally ordered the operation and Spicer called it a "success ".  Trump's personal insecurities (crowd size , hand size , image on CNN/NYT, you name it) and need to " macho posture"  led to unnecessary deaths .  But this is not the last of such tragic events,  I fear. 
Muslim Refugees Were Admitted at a Lower Rate During Trump?s Refugee Ban


During the week when President Trump?s refugee ban was in effect, refugees were allowed in on a case-by-case basis. Just 15 percent of the 843 refugees who were admitted during this time were Muslim, compared with a weekly average of 45 percent in 2016.

fortune11 said:
Perspective said:
Should the Democrats make this one of their political rallying cries, like the Republicans did Benghazi? Make a big deal about the failures, blame Trump directly for deaths, investigate it for four years spending millions, and just repeat ad nauseam, "YEMEN!" like the Republicans and Right media did with Benghazi.

Father of dead Navy SEAL refused to meet Trump at ceremony

They probably won't , although unlike Benghazi here there is DIRECT link as Trump personally ordered the operation and Spicer called it a "success ".  Trump's personal insecurities (crowd size , hand size , image on CNN/NYT, you name it) and need to " macho posture"  led to unnecessary deaths .  But this is not the last of such tragic events,  I fear.

Maybe new DNC Chair Perez should become a despicable Twitter troll like Trump? His first tweet could be something hideous you'd read from our president, "YEMEN! Trump killed a Navy Seal! TERRIBLE! Impeach this murderer! YEMEN!"

What's sick, is that tweet is not an exaggeration. That is very representative of something Trump would say.
Happiness said:
Five North Korean intelligence officials executed by anti-aircraft gun for producing fake news:

I'll bet the anonymous US intelligence officials leaking stories to the NYT are glad they don't live in North Korea.

Going by your logic , women in this country should dare not march against trump because hey at least here they can drive cars , unlike Saudi Arabia where they can't

Someone pls scream "foot shot" " foot shot" (bold 20 pt red font)
peppy said:
Perspective said:
Didn't Trump give us a whole list of "others" to hate and fear, unrelated to Jewish folks? What's the source of this hate?

When the current administration embraces Alex Jones and InfoWars, it emboldens acts like this.
It could be Liberal activists behind the threats. Would a real terrorist leave a voice mail threat to blow something up, or would he just go ahead and do it without the forewarning.  Could be Liberals just spreading more fear and chaos to undermine the new administration.
What's the source of this hate?
Just about everything out of Trump's mouth since he announced his candidacy has been filled with hate and negativity. His campaign slogan should have been Make America Hate Again.

It could be Liberal activists behind the threats

People who believe Trump can do no wrong say it's Soros paying people to make the threats. Between this and the protests and paying people to write negative comments on the internet, he must be running out of money.
I agree, that whole antisemite stuff is a load of crap. His daughter is Jewish his son in law and grandchild is Jewish. Israel loves him..that charge reekes of BS!!

Stephen Bannon: 5 things Jews need to know about Trump?s chief strategist
On Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump appointed Stephen Bannon to be his chief strategist. Before joining Trump?s campaign, Bannon was the chairman of Breitbart News, a site steeped in conspiracy theories that has featured the white supremacist, anti-Semitic ideologies of the so-called alt-right. Bannon has also been accused of making anti-Semitic remarks himself.

The Anti-Defamation League slammed Bannon?s appointment; CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called him ?hostile to core American values.?
All 5 points are thin. My dogs "Whinny"...I still love him. I have heard some don't want to send their kids to a certain high school (too many asians) too hard to compete, and they didn't get that from a pissed off exwife 10 years ago during a contentious divorce  proceeding where money was involved...thin, thin, thin.
morekaos said:
I agree, that whole antisemite stuff is a load of crap. His daughter is Jewish his son in law and grandchild is Jewish. Israel loves him..that charge reekes of BS!!

Conspicuously similar retort after making a racist comment, "But some of my best friends are black!"

Trump continues to torch the town, throwing gasoline everywhere. A defense unavailable to him is, "But I didn't intend to burn THAT house down."