President Trump

Agreed. I appreciate hearing most anecdotes, so long as they're not being offered as evidence of something much bigger while ignoring other data that may or may not be contradictory.
Back to Delta, does anyone know why they are planning on hiring so many people? What is backfilling attrition? What kind of deal did Trump make with the CEO?  Is Trump planning on nationalizing the airlines so they can be more competative with international carriers which are subsidized by the government?
This administration is no less "Chaotic" than any other...

Barack Obama: Obama was forced to withdraw his choice for commerce secretary (former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson), his backup choice for commerce secretary (former Senator Judd Gregg), his pick for Health and Human Services (former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle), and his nominee to be chairman of the National Intelligence Council (Charles Freeman). As WorldNet Daily reported, this chaos was ?compounded by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner?s admission of ?tax goofs? involving his failure to pay $43,000 in federal self-employment taxes for four separate years (until, that is, he was tapped for his Obama post). At least five other Treasury staff picks withdrew before the Obama administration had reached the 100-day mark.? And then, of course, there was ObamaCare, which resulted in the ?shellacking? that Obama suffered in the 2010 midterm election, in which the Democrats lost a half dozen Senate seats and 60 House seats.

Bill Clinton: ?Mr. Clinton?s first months were chaotic,? writes Peter Grier of the Christian Science Monitor. ?His first two nominees for attorney general, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, both eventually withdrew due to revelations that they had employed undocumented immigrants as nannies. He became embroiled in controversy over his attempt to allow gays to serve in the military? His secretary of defense, Les Aspin, proved to be too disorganized and not decisive enough to run the enormous business of the Pentagon [and] lasted a year in the job.? And then, of course, there was the first lady?s disastrous HillaryCare, which cost Clinton control of the House of Representatives?the worst election loss for a president in 100 years.

Ronald Reagan: Seventy days into his presidency, Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley while Vice President George H. W. Bush was in a plane somewhere over Texas. In the chaotic aftermath of the assassination attempt, Secretary of State Al Haig famously declared, ?I?m in charge here!? He wasn?t. No one was in charge of the nuclear football. A little over a year later, both Haig and National Security Adviser Richard Allen were fired. Haig compared Reagan?s White House to a ?ghost ship? with a crew of rivals fighting for control of the helm.
Perspective said:
Trump also confuses correlation for causation
That's pretty common.  One should expect more from a President, but this heavily describes just about every President and their supporters.

The only candidates that I think might not do this would be Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul.  (from what I've seen from them during their failed runnings.)

morekaos said:
This administration is no less "Chaotic" than any other...
I agree.  It's more chaotic than the others.
A Trump follower getting in touch with his inner feelings ... too bad the upstanding citizens of that flight didn't share them.  Before anyone starts parroting "fake news" , there is also a video in there.

This is not Trump?s America!?: Passengers rejoice when man accused of racism is kicked off flight

Man kicked off flight after allegedly harassing Pakistani passengers

Play Video1:17

A passenger on a United flight from Chicago to Houston filmed a man and woman being escorted off of the plane after he allegedly harassed a man and woman from Pakistan. (Newsflare/lwirerick)

?Goooodbyeee raaacists!?

That was the blunt ? and unquestionably sarcastic ? message one heated passenger delivered to a man and a woman as they were being kicked off a United Airlines flight Saturday evening for causing a disturbance that was blamed on racist comments.

The confrontation on Flight 1113 from Chicago to Houston began several minutes earlier, when a Pakistani man and woman wearing traditional clothing were boarding the plane, according to VHF affiliate KHOU.

As the couple placed their bags in an overheard bin, a male passenger ? who was not identified by the airline ? asked the couple if they had a bomb in their luggage, another passenger sitting nearby told KHOU.

?That?s not a bomb in your bag, is it?? the man said, according to the passenger who was not identified by KHOU. The passenger added that the couple did not immediately hear the comment, which prompted the man to repeat his remark.

KHOU reported that a woman sitting nearby alerted a flight attendant, which led other passengers to also complain about the man?s questions. When the Indian American boyfriend of the woman who alerted the attendant complained, a heated exchange followed.

?The person ahead of us turned around and asked where my boyfriend was from; my boyfriend said it?s none of your business,? the woman told KHOU. ?At that point, he said all illegals and all foreigners need to leave the country.?

Cellphone footage of the incident shows the man saying that all the ?illegals? should be kicked off the plane, moments before the man and woman were asked to collect their belongings and exit the aircraft.

?I didn?t say anything,? the man protested, shrugging.

?Happy flight home,? he added seconds later while his female companion held her middle finger up to the person filming. ?I hope you stay there.?

?Get out of here,? a woman responded. ?Racists aren?t welcome in America! This is not Trump?s America!?

?Goooodbyeee raaacists!? the woman added.

?Hey, I?ll come back, but you?ll be gone,? the man said as he walked away.

Jonathan Guerin, a United Airlines spokesman, told The Washington Post that the man and woman understood why they were asked to leave the plane and calm down. They were placed on a later flight bound for Houston, but Guerin said he did not know whether the Texas city was their final destination.

?We removed two passengers for making others feel uncomfortable on the flight and for saying some inappropriate things to customers on the flight,? Guerin said, noting that removing customers from flights because of disruptive behavior is exceedingly rare.

?Most customers appreciate a place where they feel safe and where they?re not going to be attacked, and we want to provide that,? he added.
jmoney74 said:
The media sure wants to make it look more chaotic.

He helps fuel that with his trolling reactions to the trolling media.  IMO, Trump and gang should ignore the troll bait.
fortune11 said:
A Trump follower getting in touch with his inner feelings ... too bad the upstanding citizens of that flight didn't share them.  Before anyone starts parroting "fake news" , there is also a video in there.

This is not Trump?s America!?: Passengers rejoice when man accused of racism is kicked off flight

Man kicked off flight after allegedly harassing Pakistani passengers

Play Video1:17

A passenger on a United flight from Chicago to Houston filmed a man and woman being escorted off of the plane after he allegedly harassed a man and woman from Pakistan. (Newsflare/lwirerick)

?Goooodbyeee raaacists!?

That was the blunt ? and unquestionably sarcastic ? message one heated passenger delivered to a man and a woman as they were being kicked off a United Airlines flight Saturday evening for causing a disturbance that was blamed on racist comments.

The confrontation on Flight 1113 from Chicago to Houston began several minutes earlier, when a Pakistani man and woman wearing traditional clothing were boarding the plane, according to VHF affiliate KHOU.

As the couple placed their bags in an overheard bin, a male passenger ? who was not identified by the airline ? asked the couple if they had a bomb in their luggage, another passenger sitting nearby told KHOU.

?That?s not a bomb in your bag, is it?? the man said, according to the passenger who was not identified by KHOU. The passenger added that the couple did not immediately hear the comment, which prompted the man to repeat his remark.

KHOU reported that a woman sitting nearby alerted a flight attendant, which led other passengers to also complain about the man?s questions. When the Indian American boyfriend of the woman who alerted the attendant complained, a heated exchange followed.

?The person ahead of us turned around and asked where my boyfriend was from; my boyfriend said it?s none of your business,? the woman told KHOU. ?At that point, he said all illegals and all foreigners need to leave the country.?

Cellphone footage of the incident shows the man saying that all the ?illegals? should be kicked off the plane, moments before the man and woman were asked to collect their belongings and exit the aircraft.

?I didn?t say anything,? the man protested, shrugging.

?Happy flight home,? he added seconds later while his female companion held her middle finger up to the person filming. ?I hope you stay there.?

?Get out of here,? a woman responded. ?Racists aren?t welcome in America! This is not Trump?s America!?

?Goooodbyeee raaacists!? the woman added.

?Hey, I?ll come back, but you?ll be gone,? the man said as he walked away.

Jonathan Guerin, a United Airlines spokesman, told The Washington Post that the man and woman understood why they were asked to leave the plane and calm down. They were placed on a later flight bound for Houston, but Guerin said he did not know whether the Texas city was their final destination.

?We removed two passengers for making others feel uncomfortable on the flight and for saying some inappropriate things to customers on the flight,? Guerin said, noting that removing customers from flights because of disruptive behavior is exceedingly rare.

?Most customers appreciate a place where they feel safe and where they?re not going to be attacked, and we want to provide that,? he added.

Yes, Idiots come in all stripes...
Another act of terrorism by a Trump fan (after the one in Quebec) ...  I guess while Trump is busy rounding up and deporting  those who have no voice and tweeting to defend a vile neofascist like Milo, will he speak up about this ? ... maybe not.  I admire the patriotism and courage of the bystander who stepped in to defend the victims and unfortunately got hurt in the process himself. 

I am waiting for the ... but ... but ...but ... how about this ...

An Olathe man who reportedly told two strangers ? Garmin engineers originally from India ? to ?get out of my country? before he shot them in an Olathe bar was charged Thursday with first-degree murder in the death of one of the victims.

Adam W. Purinton, 51, allegedly shot Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32; Alok Madasani, 32, of Overland Park, and another bar patron, 24-year-old Ian Grillot of Grandview.

Kuchibhotla died at a hospital after the 7:15 p.m. shooting in Austins Bar & Grill near 151st Street and Mur-Len Road.

Purinton also is charged with two counts of attempted first-degree murder in the shootings of Madasani and Grillot. Witnesses said Grillot was shot after he intervened.

Madasani was released Thursday from a hospital, where Grillot is improving. The two even talked with each other Thursday.

In a video released by the University of Kansas Health System, Grillot spoke about how he jumped at the shooter.

?It wasn?t right, and I didn?t want the gentleman to potentially go after somebody else,? Grillot said.

Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe announced the charges against Purinton during a press conference at Olathe police headquarters.

He was joined by federal law enforcement officials who said that they are investigating in conjunction with Olathe police to determine if the shooting was a bias-motivated hate crime in violation of the victims? civil rights.

At least one witness reportedly heard the man yell ?get out of my country? shortly before shooting Kuchibhotla and Madasani. The man fled on foot. A manhunt ensued. Five hours later, Purinton reportedly told a bartender at a bar in an Applebee?s in Clinton, Mo., that he needed a place to hide out because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men, The Star has learned.

The bartender called police, and Purinton was arrested without incident, Assistant Clinton Police Chief Sonny Lynch said. Purinton was not armed.

?It was a tragic and senseless act of violence,? said Olathe Police Chief Steven Menke.

After his arrest in Clinton, Purinton ? a Navy veteran, IT specialist, former pilot and air traffic controller who lives in a comfortable suburban home ? was booked into the Henry County Jail.

Purinton appeared before a judge in Henry County and waived his right to fight extradition. Bond was set at $2 million.

It was not known how soon he would be returned to Johnson County.

Both Howe and Eric Jackson, special agent in charge of the FBI?s Kansas City office, cautioned they were too early in their investigation to assign a motive or call it a hate crime.

?We?re less than 24 hours in,? Howe said. ?We want to be sure of the facts versus speculation.?

Jackson said it was not ?uncommon? for joint federal and local law enforcement investigations into possible hate crimes.

Tom Beall, acting U.S. attorney for the District of Kansas, said his office would be evaluating the case as more facts are gathered in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice.

?There will probably be more to come later from us,? Beall said.

Garmin officials broke the news to employees in an email Thursday morning.

?Unfortunately, two associates on our Aviation Systems Engineering team, Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani, were shot. We are devastated to inform you that Srinivas passed away and Alok is currently recovering in the hospital,? Garmin said in the email.

In a public statement, Garmin said, ?We?re saddened that two Garmin associates were involved in last night?s incident, and we express our condolences to the family and friends of our co-workers involved. Garmin will have grievance counselors on-site and available for its associates today and tomorrow.?

Kuchibhotla posted on LinkedIn in 2014 that he managed helicopter programs. He had a master?s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso. He earned his bachelor?s degree at the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in India.

A 2014 post on LinkedIn said Madasani was an aviation program coordinator manager at Garmin. He studied at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and at Vasavi College of Engineering in India.

Two GoFundMe pages have been set up for the Garmin workers and a third for Grillot.

One, for Kuchibhotla?s family, said ?Srini was the kindest person you would meet, full of love, care and compassion for everyone. He never uttered a word of hatred, a simple gossip, or a careless comment. He was brilliant, well mannered and simply an outstanding human being.

?His wife Sunayana and his family are now faced with incredible grief and a multitude of expenses.

?We?ve set up this fund to help them with the funeral expenses and other ongoing grief/recovery support costs. This includes the very expensive process of carrying his mortal remains back to India, so his parents can say goodbye one last time to their beloved son.?

By Thursday evening, contributors had exceeded the $150,000 goal for Kuchibholta?s fund.

The other GoFundMe page was set up by a western Shawnee man who was not personally connected to either of the victims or their families but was upset about what appeared to be ?a vicious hate crime.?

?Madasani will likely face extensive medical bills and the family of Kuchibhotla will now have to deal with the death of their beloved son, both financially and emotionally,? Brian Eric Ford wrote on the page.

?Let?s send a message that we will support those who are targeted ? and stand against all who wish to spread hate ? by raising funds to help the victims of this horrendous act of senseless violence.?

Ford said he planned to present the money raised to Garmin. Contributors had pledged more than $19,000 of the $50,000 goal by Thursday evening.

A third victim, Ian Grillot, was shot in the hand and chest. A GoFundMe site had been set up for him and had raised $67,000 of its $80,000 goal.

On Wednesday night, Kuchibhotla and Madasani had been at the bar for about 30 minutes or so. Around that same time, Grillot, a sometimes daily regular who either stops for a drink or grabs something to eat, was in the parking lot.

?Ian?s a really good guy,? said Garret Bohnen, who has served him at Austins. ?He?s been going there forever. We?ve always had a good time with him. He?s always one to defuse stuff.?

Witnesses said Purinton was drinking and spouting racial slurs at Kuchibhotla and Madasani. At one point, Purinton is thought to have been kicked out of the bar before coming back and shooting.

Grillot stepped in and was shot.

Community grieves

The Kansas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations on Thursday called for prosecutors to file hate crime charges against Purinton at both the state and federal level.

Moussa Elbayoumy, board chairman of the Kansas chapter, said that doing so would ?send a strong message that violence targeting religious or ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.?

He noted that two southwest Kansas men were sentenced in federal court on Wednesday in connection with a hate attack on three Somali Muslims outside an African grocery store in Dodge City in 2015.

And CAIR?s national headquarters in Washington, D.C., has seen an unprecedented increase in hate incidents targeting Muslims and other minority groups since the Nov. 8 election, Elbayoumy said. Indeed, he said, a report about to be released on Islamophobia in America is expected to show that last year was the worst on record for incidents of bias toward mosques.

Olathe Mayor Michael Copeland on Thursday said he was shocked and saddened.

?We pray that those in mourning will find comfort in the outpouring of love and support across our community,? Copeland said.

Austins remained closed Thursday, a day after the shooting.

Owner Brandon Blum, family and staff gathered there Thursday afternoon.

In a statement later Thursday, Blum expressed empathy for the victims and their families.

?We are so sorry that this happened on our premises,? Blum said. ?We have never experienced any sort of tragedy like this in our 30 years. For all of our loyal friends and patrons, we want to thank you for your ongoing support.?

Blum said the bar would re-open Saturday to give staff and patrons some time to process the shooting.

?We will be working diligently doing anything we can to support and help the parties that were involved,? he said.

Flowers adorned a makeshift memorial in front of the bar as a reminder of the tragedy.

Star reporters Glenn E. Rice and Steve Vockrodt contributed to this report.
Perspective said:
Hate and terror come in all colors, even white folk who love Jesus!

Wait till this tolerant, peace loving, high profile hate speech influences some lefty fool...I predict a bad outcome

This week, Judd Apatow, high profile producer of movies like 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, told a Los Angeles audience that after election night he felt ?like a person about to get raped but I didn?t know how bad it would be. Now, I feel like I?ve just been raped. I just don?t know if I?m going to get murdered.?

The crowd wildly applauded.

The audience cheered again when Apatow crudely mocked Melania Trump: ?Every day she?s not in the White House, is a day she?s not getting f***ed by Donald Trump.?

And they whooped yet again when Apatow turned his tormenting turrets on Trump?s 10-year-old son, Barron: ?He f**ing gets it. He knows his dad?s a f**ing a**hole!?

During the recent disgraceful riots at UC Berkeley, just as protestors were seen on TV smashing windows, throwing smoke bombs and flares and setting fires alight, Apatow tweeted: ?This is just the beginning. When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realise what?s at stake??


At the Women?s March in Washington DC, Madonna shrieked: ?Yes I?m angry, yes I?m outraged. Yes, I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House!?

Robert De Niro has repeatedly said of Trump: ?I?d like to punch him in the face.?

Rise up! The Revolution is coming!? Hillary-adoring Ms Perry tweeted after the election.

I think we can now see how that revolution would manifest itself

Many celebrities have raced to brand Trump the new Hitler, one of the world?s worst genocidal dictators who murdered 12 million people, including six million Jews in the Holocaust.

Cher, who demanded Trump be ?thrown in a volcano?, said his presidency would be like ?Germany was in the ?30s.?

Louis C.K. agreed: ?The guy is Hitler.?

Richard Gere preferred a different dictator comparison: ?He?s a guy who?s obviously Mussolini.? Yes, obviously ? because Mussolini was only responsible for 400,000 deaths.

Some celebrities who profess to be appalled by the disrespectful way Trump talks, have no such qualms when it comes to their own rhetoric.

?I think he?s the f**ing most vile person on the planet,? said model Chrissy Teigen. ?A monumental a**hole.?

Andy Cohen concurred, calling Trump a ?f**ing a**hole?.

Margaret Cho said Trump was ?like no ply toilet paper.?

Amanda Seyfried called him a ?snorting piece of garbage.?

The aforementioned De Niro said Trump was ?a punk, a dog, a pig, a con?a fool, a bozo.?

Miley Cyrus branded him a ?f**ing nightmare.?

Elizabeth Banks said he was a ?fat old orange P.O.S.?

Rihanna stated he is an ?immoral pig.?

Jennifer Lawrence, who had apocalyptically warned, ?If Donald Trump becomes president, that will be the end of the world,? now says the only two words she?d want to say to President Trump if she meets him are, ?F**K YOU!?

Johnny Depp, with a comical lack of self-awareness, said Trump is a ?brat?. Well you should know, Johnny boy!
spootieho said:
fortune11 said:
Another act of terrorism by a Trump fan (after the one in Quebec) ...

Does the article mention Trump at all?  Seems like you are spreading ignorant hate.

Didn't take long for that reflexive "gotcha "  .  I know you are trying to put on this veneer of objectivity here but anyone in their right mind can see from the comments the attacker made that he is not a Hillary supporter and is inspired by recent events. 

What social and human cost will these puny tax cuts that everyone is salivating over come at ?  how many deaths or incidents will it take before lust for vengeance is satisfied ? 

this is clearly an anti muslim hate crime where none of the victims are muslims.  islamophobia perpetrated by this crew in Washington hurts not just muslims but all of us. 
fortune11 said:
spootieho said:
fortune11 said:
Another act of terrorism by a Trump fan (after the one in Quebec) ...

Does the article mention Trump at all?  Seems like you are spreading ignorant hate.

Didn't take long for that reflexive "gotcha "  .  I know you are trying to put on this veneer of objectivity here but anyone in their right mind can see from the comments the attacker made that he is not a Hillary supporter and is inspired by recent events. 

What social and human cost will these puny tax cuts that everyone is salivating over come at ?  how many deaths or incidents will it take before lust for vengeance is satisfied ? 

this is clearly an anti muslim hate crime where none of the victims are muslims.  islamophobia perpetrated by this crew in Washington hurts not just muslims but all of us. 

Then by that equivalence Micah Johnson was Barack Obamas fault...We could do this tit for tat all day.

Dallas Police Shooting Motive: Suspect Micah Johnson 'Wanted To Kill White People' In Solidarity With Black Lives Matter
fortune11 said:
Didn't take long for that reflexive "gotcha "  .  I know you are trying to put on this veneer of objectivity here but anyone in their right mind can see from the comments the attacker made that he is not a Hillary supporter and is inspired by recent events. 
I'm just tired of all the hypocritical jerks who want to dishonestly spread hate 24/7.

None of this matters unless you are hoping to go with one of the many logical fallacies. 

I could suggest that people like you are part of the problem as you may be helping contribute to the hate of people like that guy.  hate escalates hate.  When you push, the stubborn will push back harder.  When they push back harder, you will push back even harder.  This moves us more and more polarized and the further we go the more people will get extreme.
I would bet that person never met a person with views like fortune but instead only listens to fox news and rush and ann coulter and the like. Spend a few hours on twitter following the #MAGA people and similar hashtags of the day and you will see what kind of warped garbage, mostly lies, that's floating around.
Loco_local said:
I would bet that person never met a person with views like fortune but instead only listens to fox news and rush and ann coulter and the like. Spend a few hours on twitter following the #MAGA people and similar hashtags of the day and you will see what kind of warped garbage, mostly lies, that's floating around.
I'd take that bet and you would lose your bet badly.  Even Fox News covers all the hypocritical hate from the hateful left.  If you have TV or internet, you would see it.  Fortune is trying to spread hate.  It seems you also want to spread hate.

Anyhow, my point went over your head.  I have no idea if that's what triggered the guy.  I provided a hypothetical alternate scenario.  You have no idea what triggered the guy.  Furthermore, Fortune's goal is logical fallacy.  Should every Islamic terrorist be labeled a Hillary supporter?  No
More proof that anytime someone uses "Protect the Constitution" or "Protect states' rights" you can quickly dismiss their argument, because it's almost certainly worthless. These expressions typically come from the Right.

Trump's administration yesterday inserted itself in the silly bathroom/gender debate arguing that this is a states' rights issue. Then, on the same day, completely ignoring "states' rights," the Trump administration suggests recreational use of marijuana will not be tolerated by the federal government. Apparently, you can have it both ways...

Sean Spicer just said we should expect an anti-marijuana crackdown under Trump
We are tying up ourselves in knots here trying to distance that shooter from trump , and whether he watches Fox News or not , but we know what category he belongs too . There is also no denying the fact that hate crimes and deadly hate crimes are up against the most vulnerable in this country .

Rather than do something to address the problem , we choose to attack the messenger , we don't want to see the evil .

Has trump said anything about it to call off that segment of his supporters who Are more prone to acts like this ? I remember George bush junior went to a mosque right after 9/11

It took something as vile as pedophilia for "conservatives " at cpac to distance themselves from milo . Never mind that up to that point he had viciously attacked minorities and women (and bill Maher is no saint here either) .

People don't wake up everyday trying to be intolerant . It is just that they prioritize their narrow self interests over the real pain that targets of hate experience .

Maybe when trump does something that starts to affect the real estate industry or home values --- at which point some of us more sophisticated and well off people, that are content to cheer on from the sidelines , will decide to act that we've had enough .
