President Trump

The president meeting with the CEO is different than an employee meeting with HR to sign their employment contract. Let's see how well the airline industry survives rhe isolationist ideology of this administration.

Anecdotally, I heard Europeans arerethinking transiting through the US to South America and other destinations because of the uncertainty of border control.  People are afraid to go out of the country for fear of not getting back in. And of course Americans are now too afraid to go to Europe because of the huge refugee problem.

Poll: Putin favorability surges with Republicans
February 21, 2017 - 05:57 PM EST

Russian President Vladimir Putin?s favorability among Americans is at its highest point since 2003, with Republicans behind his gains, according to a new Gallup poll released Tuesday.

Twenty-one percent of Americans have a favorable view of the Russian president in the survey ? up from 13 percent in 2015 ? while 72 percent have an unfavorable view.

Putin?s favorability is up 20 percentage points among Republicans, with 32 percent holding a favorable view of him today, compared to 12 percent in 2015.

Ten percent of Democrats have a favorable view of Putin today, compared to 15 percent in 2015. The Russian leader?s favorability among independents is up 11 percentage points, with 23 percent having a favorable view of him today compared to 12 percent two years ago.

Some 28 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Russia itself, while 70 percent hold an unfavorable view of the country.
The poll comes as President Trump enters his second month in office after promising to mend U.S.-Russia relations. The intelligence community in a report last month concluded that Putin ordered an influence campaign with the goal of helping Trump win the White House.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called for an investigation into Russia's hacking of emails belonging to Democratic political organizations, including the Democratic National Committee.

The poll was conducted from Feb. 1-5 by telephone, surveying 1,035 adults throughout the country. It has a margin of error of 4 percentage points, with a 95 percent confidence level.
interesting read

When the Enemy of Your Enemy Is ? Your Enemy
February 22, 2017 4:00 AM

In November, students at a historically black university in New Orleans led a massive protest against a speaker heavily supportive of Donald Trump. Socially Engaged Dillard University Students, the group organizing against the speaker, wrote an open letter: ?His presence on our campus is not welcome, and overtly subjects the entire student body to safety risks and social ridicule. This is simply outrageous.?

The speaker?s safety was guaranteed by the university, and he proceeded to explain, ?I will be Donald Trump?s most loyal advocate.?

The protesters were of the political Left; they chanted, ?No KKK! No fascist USA!? Protesters were hit with pepper spray, and two were arrested.

So, here?s the question: Did this make inviting the speaker worthwhile?

The answer should be obvious: From this account of events, you don?t have enough information to say. The speaker could have been Sheriff David Clarke or Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich.

But it wasn?t. It was David Duke, who also said, at the same event, ?There is a problem in America with a very strong, powerful, tribal group that dominates our media and dominates our international banking. I?m not opposed to all Jews.?

If you did not answer that the story provided too little information for you to judge, it?s time to check your biases. Did you decide that the speaker was on the right because the protesters were on the left? Did you decide that the speaker had something valuable to say if he ticked off the Left enough, if he melted enough snowflakes?

Unfortunately, many conservatives have embraced this sort of binary thinking: If it angers the Left, it must be virtuous. Undoubtedly, that?s a crude shorthand for political thinking. It means you never have to check the ideas of the speaker, you merely have to check how people respond to him.

That?s dangerous. It leads to supporting bad policies and bad men. The enemy of your enemy isn?t always your friend. Sometimes he?s your enemy. Sometimes he?s just a dude sitting there minding his own business.

You don?t have enough information to know.

The logic of ?if he melts snowflakes, he?s one of us? actually hands power to the Left, by allowing leftists to define conservatives? friends. It gets to choose whom we support. This isn?t speculative. It happened during the 2016 primaries, when the media attacked Trump incessantly, driving Republicans into his outstretched arms. The media?s obvious hatred for Trump was one of the chief arguments for Trump from his advocates: If, as his detractors claimed, he wasn?t conservative, then why would the leftist media hate him so much?

To be fair, after Mitt Romney?s bludgeoning at the hands of the media, there was at least a shred of justification for this logic. Romney wasn?t a hard-core conservative, wasn?t a personal shambles, and got savaged by the media anyway, simply for the sin of having an R after his name. The same happened to John McCain, a ?maverick? Republican the leftist media had openly pushed for years. If the media opposed Trump with all their heart and all their soul, that must have been some sort of reaction to Trump himself.

It wasn?t, though. It was a combination of factors, including the fact that Trump was amazing press and the press thought Trump an unusually weak candidate. More-honest leftist commentators openly preferred Trump to more-conservative candidates such as Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio.

But Trump?s war with the media carried him to the nomination, and from there to the presidency.

In fact, Trump continues to live off of this backward logic. His press conference last week was no ballet of informational expertise and policy knowledge, nor was it a brilliant recasting of his policy successes. It was a blunderbuss attack on the media, entertaining in the extreme, occasionally daft, occasionally ridiculous. Yet many on the right immediately concluded that it was the most successful press conference in world history, not because it was successful with Americans per se ? there was no evidence of that ? but because it was a successful assault on the media, who had it coming.

Never mind if Trump lied to the media. They were angry. That showed it worked. Watching Chuck Todd fulminate and Chris Wallace rage and Don Lemon bemusedly tut-tut scratched conservatives where they itch ? and it made Trump a hero.

None of this is to argue that Trump is a leftist or that conservatives are wrong to support many of his policy prescriptions. But if your standard of right and wrong is whether the Left hates it, you?re making a category error.

It?s not good enough to just be opposed by the Left ? you must actually oppose the Left. We must ask what someone is fighting against, not merely whom. We must ask what tools they?re using ? and we must insist they use the truth. Ideas and values matter more than identity.

But not anymore. The Left?s identity politics is focused on racial, ethnic, and sexual identity ? aspects of identity that place you somewhere in the hierarchy of intersectionality. The Right?s identity politics comes with a label: enemy of the Left. So long as you?re wearing that button, you?re presumptively on our side and you?re nearly bulletproof.

Until it turns out that you?re not. Until we jump the wrong way because we substituted political laziness for a philosophy. Until we embrace somebody nasty because the other side hated him or her and stop caring about truth so long as the other side is triggered.

Then we become the bad guys. And that?s a problem.

? Ben Shapiro is the editor in chief of the Daily Wire.

a new CNN/Time poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

While nearly three-quarters of the 1,024 adults questioned for the poll said they had never seen or known anyone who saw a UFO, 54 percent believe intelligent life exists outside Earth.

Sixty-four percent of the respondents said that aliens have contacted humans, half said they've abducted humans, and 37 percent said they have contacted the U.S. government.
So the dumbo and his bumbling crew  reorganized the National Security Council by mistake !!  That's how winners roll I guess :)

McMaster May Reorganize Trump?s Foreign Policy Team Once Again

While the decision to give Mr. Bannon a seat was a conscious one, Mr. Trump?s team did not intend to reduce the role of the intelligence director or Joint Chiefs chairman, officials said. In crafting their organization order, the officials said, Mr. Trump?s aides essentially cut and pasted language from Mr. Bush?s organization chart, substituting the national intelligence director for the C.I.A. director, who back then was the head of the nation?s spy agencies.

What Mr. Trump?s team did not realize, officials said, was that Mr. Obama?s organization chart made those two positions full members of the committee.

As a practical matter, Mr. Trump?s aides may not have intended a substantive change, but the political symbolism of elevating Mr. Bannon while seemingly demoting military and intelligence leaders was an immediate distraction.
Mnuchin (I really wish immigrants would Americanize their names upon entry like in the good ol' days!) promised tax reform by August this morning on CNBC, and backtracked on his patently false prior statement on the network that their tax reform would not result in a tax decrease for "rich" people.

Let's get this done. Something good must come out of this administration...
That's a national net gain. If we are being state specific then just post an announcement from a major corp around the same time the Cali corp announces its moving their jobs. Interestingly enough I am posting some LA jobs new on that thread so I will bump it now.
morekaos said:
That's a national net gain. If we are being state specific then just post an announcement from a major corp around the same time the Cali corp announces its moving their jobs. Interestingly enough I am posting some LA jobs new on that thread so I will bump it now.

You're celebrating base hits daily, while ignoring strike outs, and forgetting that the game is nine innings...
Anecdotal information helped me accurately predict this election.  Sometimes anecdotes reflect reality.  I pointed that out during the election on this very board, that listening to the main stream echo chamber and the narrow area around here in southern cali blinded people to the coming changes. I think its why the left is still so stunned with the outcome. They just couldn't see it coming and now wont admit they got run over by it.  Groping for excuses instead of learning from it and dealing with it.  Better to just deny it and yell NO!!
Anecdotes help reasonable people better understand trends and big complex stories better, but reasonable people never forget that they're simply anecdotes. However, they're mostly used by people intending to manipulate (sales people, politicians, etc.) others. The anecdotes help frame the narrative they're trying to sell, and they often make for entertaining stories - story telling being a big factor in convincing people to continue listening to you and believing your narrative.

Trump being solely an entertainer and sales person, LIVES in the anecdote space.
But to offhandedly assume that ALL anecdotal information or ANY causal correlation is FALSE just because they come from a source you don't like is also narrow and petty.  Sometimes both may be true even if you don't like what they tell you.