Midterm Elections

eyephone said:
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Are you kidding me. I?m not going to click the link you posted.

why not?  afraid of the truth?

I don?t click links from a nice person.


I never said nice.

This is coming from a guy that showed the tax charts and said hey look we are winning. But in reality to tax rate increased under Trumps plan.

what did you say then?  i saw nice  :)
Anyone else getting "junk texts" from various "committees to elect ABC candidate"? I get at least 3 per day now. No way to shut them off. Blegh.

Our neighborhood had a "get out the vote" person walking the neighborhood - but really to push Katie Porter's candidacy. Anyone else have a door knockers come up and bang on your door this week?

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People said:
Our neighborhood had a "get out the vote" person walking the neighborhood - but really to push Katie Porter's candidacy. Anyone else have a door knockers come up and bang on your door this week?

My .02c

ah yes, the "register to vote, but only if you vote democrat" ground team with democrat stickers on the back of their clip boards  ;)
I'm pretty brisk with anyone coming to the front door, not wanting to buy anything, have people dump their ads on my door stop, etc. The person came and went nicely however from our Nextdoor group:

"Strange man with flashlight and clipboard..."

Man standing in the dark out front of our house with a clipboard and flash light. He looked startled to see us walking towards him. We asked if everything was OK and he said he was waiting for his coworker. As we passed him he asked if we wanted to turn in our voters ballot. My husband said that was illegal and told the guy he better move along. The man became irate. He began calling us racists and we must hate democrats. Called my husband a dick. to grow a dick, etc, etc, etc."

The tale goes on, but you get the gist of the story with this snippet.

These doorknockers are really the heavy consumers of Party Kool-Aid and can be overly aggressive with their messaging. (Note - I've not said which party. Anyone with the fortitude to knock on doors knowing the rejection rate has to have a pretty thick skin and excessive commitment to their cause). At some point in time over the days remaining, I'm sure we're going to see something in the OCR about one of these canvassers getting a can o'whoopass opened on them. 

Doesn't make it right, just what it is.

PS - For anyone unclear on the term: https://www.amazon.com/BluePirate-Can-of-Whoop-Ass/dp/B018PIKF7G

My .02c
I've received a call or text from the Republican Party daily for at least two weeks. It's been fun responding.

Yes, I'm a registered Republican. I live in CA. It's the least worst option here.
Yes , cry me a river.  We are free to complain from our seat of privilege in affluent Orange County but at least you are not going through this ?

How to Punish Voters
The prosecution of individual voters for fraud is a trend that seems intended to intimidate.


When residents in Quitman County, Ga., elected a majority-black school board for the first time in 2010, Mr. Kemp?s office and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation sent armed investigators to interrogate residents about voter fraud and ultimately charged 12 organizers. One Quitman resident, Debra Dennard, was charged with two felonies for helping her partly blind father fill out his absentee ballot. Lula Smart was accused of assisting voters by carrying their sealed absentee ballots to the mailbox. She was charged with 32 felony counts. If convicted, she faced over 100 years in prison.
And I never want to hear the phrase ?played the race card? applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-?identity politics? crusaders have a harsh word to say about it
Soylent Green Is People said:
Anyone else getting "junk texts" from various "committees to elect ABC candidate"? I get at least 3 per day now. No way to shut them off. Blegh.

Our neighborhood had a "get out the vote" person walking the neighborhood - but really to push Katie Porter's candidacy. Anyone else have a door knockers come up and bang on your door this week?

My .02c

Im getting them from volunteers for Non profits urging me to vote for the Califirnian propositions
fortune11 said:
And I never want to hear the phrase ?played the race card? applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-?identity politics? crusaders have a harsh word to say about it

THere's a reason the poorly educated, anti-semites, racists, and White Nationalists unconditionally love Trump.

This is Trump on whether Soros is funding the migrant caravan, after the synagogue mass shooting: ?I don?t know who, but I wouldn?t be surprised. A lot of people say yes.?

This is Trump gaslightlieg. I'm gonna say something provocative and demonstrably false, but I'm going to deny that I'm saying it. I'm just repeating what others have said. So I'm not responsible for the veracity or racist character of the content. I'll also confirm that many others believe this, even if I don't necessarily believe it, adding weight to its truth.

This is not acceptable behavior from your neighbor, much less POTUS.
Perspective said:
fortune11 said:
And I never want to hear the phrase ?played the race card? applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-?identity politics? crusaders have a harsh word to say about it

THere's a reason the poorly educated, anti-semites, racists, and White Nationalists unconditionally love Trump.

This is Trump on whether Soros is funding the migrant caravan, after the synagogue mass shooting: ?I don?t know who, but I wouldn?t be surprised. A lot of people say yes.?

This is Trump gaslightlieg. I'm gonna say something provocative and demonstrably false, but I'm going to deny that I'm saying it. I'm just repeating what others have said. So I'm not responsible for the veracity or racist character of the content. I'll also confirm that many others believe this, even if I don't necessarily believe it, adding weight to its truth.

This is not acceptable behavior from your neighbor, much less POTUS.

so who is funding the caravan effort?  genuinely curious who you think it is, because poor people who can't survive in their own poor country cannot afford to travel on foot over 2,000 miles over the course of a month.  not to mention the organized trucks driving people and cash handouts.
Kings said:
Perspective said:
fortune11 said:
And I never want to hear the phrase ?played the race card? applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-?identity politics? crusaders have a harsh word to say about it

THere's a reason the poorly educated, anti-semites, racists, and White Nationalists unconditionally love Trump.

This is Trump on whether Soros is funding the migrant caravan, after the synagogue mass shooting: ?I don?t know who, but I wouldn?t be surprised. A lot of people say yes.?

This is Trump gaslightlieg. I'm gonna say something provocative and demonstrably false, but I'm going to deny that I'm saying it. I'm just repeating what others have said. So I'm not responsible for the veracity or racist character of the content. I'll also confirm that many others believe this, even if I don't necessarily believe it, adding weight to its truth.

This is not acceptable behavior from your neighbor, much less POTUS.

so who is funding the caravan effort?  genuinely curious who you think it is, because poor people who can't survive in their own poor country cannot afford to travel on foot over 2,000 miles over the course of a month.  not to mention the organized trucks driving people and cash handouts.

The caravan could been easily resolved by Trump threatening Mexico. But he doesn?t. (see my previous post regarding this)

I guess Trump can send troops to the border, but why not Afganistan? According to reports we are losing in Afghanistan.

?Article: Taliban control more territory in Afghanistan than at any point since 2001, US inspector says

In its quarterly report for the US Congress, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said, "The Taliban now controls more territory than at any time since 2001."

The Afghan government currently controls or influences only 55.5% of the country's districts, marking the lowest level recorded since SIGAR began tracking district control in November 2015.?

The commander in chief (Trump) is not giving the tools and additional troops which is needed to fight the war in Afghanistan. It?s really sad.

Once again I'll say it.  You can have these fools.  Breathtaking. Not even Taylor Swift can save them. I will take them when thy actually have a job, are more mature and intelligent and have paid more taxes...that demo shows up.

12 Young People on Why They Probably Won?t Vote

Tim | Age 27 | Austin, Texas | Has Never Voted
I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.

Megan | Age 29 | San Francisco, California | Last Voted: 2014
I rent and move around quite a bit, and when I try to get absentee ballots, they need me to print out a form and mail it to them no more than 30 days before the election but also no less than seven days before the election. Typically, I check way before that time, then forget to check again, or just say ?Fuck it? because I don?t own a printer or stamps anyway.

Thomas | Age 28 | New York, New York | Last Voted: September 2018, New York Democratic Primary
I vote when I feel like I have to. But I mostly consider it something that sucks a lot of people?s time and energy away from actually building power with the people around them. For a while, I thought it was an immoral act to vote. It means that we?re giving our approval to a system that I totally do not want to validate.

Jocelyn | Age 27 | Arlington, Massachusetts | Last Voted: 2016
It was easier to get my medical-marijuana card ? not a right, or even federally legal ? than it was to register to vote.

Nathan | Age 28 | San Diego, California | Last Voted: 2016
You?re not prepared for all the candidates. You?re sent things in the mail, but as a 28-year-old, I read everything online. I love that literally everyone is promoting actually registering to vote, but it?s never how to vote or the steps to voting or what you do next after you?ve registered to vote. After that, it kind of just drops off and you?re left in the dark, like, I don?t know what to do next, you know?

Anna | Age 21 | New York, New York | Has Never Voted
I?m trying to register in my hometown of Austin, Texas. It?s such a tedious process to even get registered in Texas, let alone vote as an absentee. There?s no notification service about the status of my voter registration. There?s a small, outdated website where you can enter your information and check. When I was at the post office to register, this poor girl, clearly also a college student like me, didn?t know what ?postmarked? meant and had no idea how to send an important document by mail. Most people my age have zero need to go to the post office and may have never stepped into one before. Honestly, if someone had the forms printed for me and was willing to deal with the post office, I?d be much more inclined to vote.

Kings said:
Perspective said:
fortune11 said:
And I never want to hear the phrase ?played the race card? applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-?identity politics? crusaders have a harsh word to say about it

THere's a reason the poorly educated, anti-semites, racists, and White Nationalists unconditionally love Trump.

This is Trump on whether Soros is funding the migrant caravan, after the synagogue mass shooting: ?I don?t know who, but I wouldn?t be surprised. A lot of people say yes.?

This is Trump gaslightlieg. I'm gonna say something provocative and demonstrably false, but I'm going to deny that I'm saying it. I'm just repeating what others have said. So I'm not responsible for the veracity or racist character of the content. I'll also confirm that many others believe this, even if I don't necessarily believe it, adding weight to its truth.

This is not acceptable behavior from your neighbor, much less POTUS.

so who is funding the caravan effort?  genuinely curious who you think it is, because poor people who can't survive in their own poor country cannot afford to travel on foot over 2,000 miles over the course of a month.  not to mention the organized trucks driving people and cash handouts.

Let's walk through your logic, asking some simple basic questions far too many Trump enthusiasts fail to ask on a daily basis. How much more does it cost to travel by foot and hitchhiking, than struggle to survive daily living in Central America? Who would benefit most by creating a caravan of brown folks, full of rapists, murderers, and communicable diseases long thought eradicated a century ago, marching to invade the US? Politicians in these countries have started these caravans before. For some reason, this one has gained a lot of attention, even as it fades.

But yea, let's not try to think. Let's just assume a Globalist Jew is behind this conspiracy. #MAGA!
morekaos said:
Once again I'll say it.  You can have these fools.  Breathtaking. Not even Taylor Swift can save them. I will take them when thy actually have a job, are more mature and intelligent and have paid more taxes...that demo shows up.

12 Young People on Why They Probably Won?t Vote

Tim | Age 27 | Austin, Texas | Has Never Voted
I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.

Megan | Age 29 | San Francisco, California | Last Voted: 2014
I rent and move around quite a bit, and when I try to get absentee ballots, they need me to print out a form and mail it to them no more than 30 days before the election but also no less than seven days before the election. Typically, I check way before that time, then forget to check again, or just
say ?Fuck it? because I don?t own a printer or stamps anyway.

Thomas | Age 28 | New York, New York | Last Voted: September 2018, New York Democratic Primary
I vote when I feel like I have to. But I mostly consider it something that sucks a lot of people?s time and energy away from actually building power with the people around them.
For a while, I thought it was an immoral act to vote. It means that we?re giving our approval to a system that I totally do not want to validate.

Jocelyn | Age 27 | Arlington, Massachusetts | Last Voted: 2016
It was easier to get my medical-marijuana card ? not a right, or even federally legal ? than it was to register to vote.

Nathan | Age 28 | San Diego, California | Last Voted: 2016
You?re not prepared for all the candidates. You?re sent things in the mail, but as a 28-year-old, I read everything online. I love that literally everyone is promoting actually registering to vote, but it?s never how to vote or the steps to voting or what you do next after you?ve registered to vote. After that, it kind of just drops off and you?re left in the dark, like, I don?t know what to do next, you know?


Um, sure. Now post ANY video from a Trump rally confirming EVERY stereotype of MAGA folks.
Again don?t believe this guy. Morekaos forgot to mention that the Tennessee Senator race is virtually a toss up/tie. This is due to the endorsement of Taylor Swift.
(Another key fact that you leave out)

morekaos said:
Once again I'll say it.  You can have these fools.  Breathtaking. Not even Taylor Swift can save them. I will take them when thy actually have a job, are more mature and intelligent and have paid more taxes...that demo shows up.

12 Young People on Why They Probably Won?t Vote

Tim | Age 27 | Austin, Texas | Has Never Voted
I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety.

Megan | Age 29 | San Francisco, California | Last Voted: 2014
I rent and move around quite a bit, and when I try to get absentee ballots, they need me to print out a form and mail it to them no more than 30 days before the election but also no less than seven days before the election. Typically, I check way before that time, then forget to check again, or just say ?Fuck it? because I don?t own a printer or stamps anyway.

Thomas | Age 28 | New York, New York | Last Voted: September 2018, New York Democratic Primary
I vote when I feel like I have to. But I mostly consider it something that sucks a lot of people?s time and energy away from actually building power with the people around them.
For a while, I thought it was an immoral act to vote. It means that we?re giving our approval to a system that I totally do not want to validate.

Jocelyn | Age 27 | Arlington, Massachusetts | Last Voted: 2016
It was easier to get my medical-marijuana card ? not a right, or even federally legal ? than it was to register to vote.

Nathan | Age 28 | San Diego, California | Last Voted: 2016
You?re not prepared for all the candidates. You?re sent things in the mail, but as a 28-year-old, I read everything online. I love that literally everyone is promoting actually registering to vote, but it?s never how to vote or the steps to voting or what you do next after you?ve registered to vote. After that, it kind of just drops off and you?re left in the dark, like, I don?t know what to do next, you know?

Kings said:
eyephone said:
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Are you kidding me. I?m not going to click the link you posted.

why not?  afraid of the truth?

I don?t click links from a nice person.


I never said nice.

This is coming from a guy that showed the tax charts and said hey look we are winning. But in reality to tax rate increased under Trumps plan.

what did you say then?  i saw nice  :)

Kings said:
eyephone said:
Are you kidding me. I?m not going to click the link you posted.

why not?  afraid of the truth?

I don?t click links from a _____ person.