Irvine Crime Wave

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Come on, you couldn't take a skinny FCB in a 1 on 1 scrap? He was probably going to the bank to pull out palettes of money for an all-cash transaction @Trevi-OH.  ;D :D ;)

I keed, I keed.

aquabliss said:
Not long ago I was at that Wells Fargo ATM and I swear a guy popped out from behind that right side.  I freaked out and almost punched him out of reflex.  He was a skinny Chinese guy just there to use the ATM - probably took a shortcut walking from Woodbury East but that I thought I was about to be robbed.
aquabliss said:
Not long ago I was at that Wells Fargo ATM and I swear a guy popped out from behind that right side.  I freaked out and almost punched him out of reflex.  He was a skinny Chinese guy just there to use the ATM - probably took a shortcut walking from Woodbury East but that I thought I was about to be robbed.

This was in Fountain Valley but one time, ignorantly, went to an ATM pretty late at night.  Some guy was creeping over from the parking lot.. Not sure if he was going to do anything but a cop car came up and honked their siren a little.  He was just walking so cops didn't do anything but who knows.  Never again. 
I'm more afraid of the fcb drivers.  Especially if they think they're still China where traffic lights and lane assignments are optional. 
irvinehomeowner said:
AW said:
I'm more afraid of the fcb drivers.  Especially if they think they're still China where traffic lights and lane assignments are optional. 
Isn't this most non-US/Canada countries? :)

Yep, mainly at poorer countries.  With fcb's, they can afford to live here and buy a bimmer straight cash and their horrible driving skills/etiquette
AW said:
irvinehomeowner said:
AW said:
I'm more afraid of the fcb drivers.  Especially if they think they're still China where traffic lights and lane assignments are optional. 
Isn't this most non-US/Canada countries? :)

Yep, mainly at poorer countries.  With fcb's, they can afford to live here and buy a bimmer straight cash and their horrible driving skills/etiquette

are you guys talking about this FCB?
iacrenter said:

Guys, please consider deleting this thread. It's a big ouchie for California Court. I'm worried about his emotional state. As he told me when I've shared news articles, it upsets him greatly when any news is shared about crime in Irvine. Please do your part to protect his feelings on the forum. 1) Only positive things are allowed on T.I. 2) No bad people live in Irvine. 3) There is no crime. 4) Everything not positive can be easily explained away. 5) Nod and smile.
Home Invasion Robbery in Quail Hill. The police are asking for help finding the dudes on the loose.

PRESS RELEASE #07-06-2015
Subject : Man Arrested for Residential Burglary: Irvine Police Detectives Seek Public Assistance to Identify Outstanding Suspects
Contact : Farrah Emami, Public Information Officer, Irvine Police Department    949-724-7112


On Friday afternoon, July 3, 2015, suspects were seen moving back and forth between a condominium and an idling vehicle in the fire lane on Tall Oak in Irvine. When the vehicle left the area suddenly, witnesses alerted the Irvine Police Department with descriptions of the three men and their vehicle. Officers arrived to discover the front door of a residence had been pried and the contents of the home had been ransacked. Included in the missing property was a large amount of US currency, Japanese currency and a designer handbag.

Irvine Police Detectives immediately began an investigation into the rental vehicle driven by the suspects. One suspect, David McNeal (3-27-74), was arrested later the same day when he returned the vehicle to a rental car agency in the city of Pomona. At the time of his arrest, he was in possession of US, Japanese and Iraqi currency.  A search warrant was executed at his nearby Pomona residence where additional foreign currency, Rolex watches, nine rifles and two handguns were discovered. The investigation into the recovered property is ongoing; however, preliminarily at least two of the handguns were confirmed to have been stolen in previous residential burglaries in Los Angeles County.

The search for the other involved suspects is ongoing.

Suspect #1: Male, black, approximately 55-60 years old, 5'10" tall, heavyset, wearing dark clothing. He walks with an unusual gate and uses a cane.

Suspect #2: Male, black, 30-35 years old, wearing a dark hat and dark saggy jeans.

McNeal was booked into the Orange County Jail for the felony charges of residential burglary and grand theft (California Penal Code 459 and 487).

Anyone with information about this incident or the two outstanding associates of McNeal should contact Detective Metevia at 949-724-7276 or
The description of Suspect #1 sounds like a pimp daddy. Or they're looking for Cedric The Entertainer.
SoCal said:
Home Invasion Robbery in Quail Hill. The police are asking for help finding the dudes on the loose.

Your lead description is misleading. It should read: "Residential Burglary in Quail Hill." Home invasion and robbery are more serious crimes that only happen other cities 😉
My friend use to live on tall oak, if it's the same town home/condos, that's a long flight of stairs going from the ground level entrance to the living areas.  they must've gotten a good workout :)
Wonder if they were casing the banks there and realized that the homes were easier targets and close to freeways and escape. 
Is this why Laguna Altura prices shot up, cuz they have a gate😅
iacrenter said:
SoCal said:
Home Invasion Robbery in Quail Hill. The police are asking for help finding the dudes on the loose.

Your lead description is misleading. It should read: "Residential Burglary in Quail Hill." Home invasion and robbery are more serious crimes that only happen other cities 😉

My bad. For those craving a more P.C. term we'll go with: "Security-Challenged Home Invites Trespassers"... err, nah, we can do better, how about... "Home Goods Shoppers Get 100%-Off Discount At Residence".
SoCal said:
iacrenter said:
More WTF news

It's to be expected. With an increase in population comes an increase in crime. Such is the way of the world.

I guess but two murders already and we're only half way through the year. IPD will have to do some creative accounting to keep up the "safest city" moniker.
sad story...

if the husband just filed for divorce with wife cheating evidence, does wife still gets 50% and child support?