How much does the Irvine Company hate this site?

<p>If I am TIC, I would appreciate the free and powerful marketing that this site provides. This site clearly demonstrates that Irvine is such a unique place that nearly everyone who posts on this site has the desire to purchase in Irvine. Even more so for a few specific neighborhoods such as Northpark which someone mentioned not seeing much price cut.</p>

<p> </p>
I'm guess I'm one of the few who lived in Irvine and decided not to stay. I need trees, less traffic, more open space, less stucco.
Since there's been a leak based on IrvineRenter having a party, we all need to have IrvineRenter parties! With mixed drinks using Kool-Aid and bubble machines for decor, of course.

On a more serious note, I'd agree with nirvinerealtor that this site puts *Irvine* in a good light. We frequently point out the features of Irvine, like a high job ratio, good climate (even by SoCal standards) and a particular style of community, that make it desirable and likely to weather the storm better than most places. Even those of us who don't like Irvine-style living acknowledge many people do and that TIC has done what it set out to do well. IMO the take-home message from this blog is that the housing bubble was so monstrous and out-of-control that even well-designed areas with comparatively bright futures, like Irvine, are going to get absolutely creamed.

At some point, things will flip around and it will make sense to buy in Irvine again. At that point, if this blog is still around, it will be an *asset* to sales in Irvine because it will be a trustable source for bullish information when all the traditional sources like realtors and mainstream economists have negative credibility.
<em>"At some point, things will flip around and it will make sense to buy in Irvine again. At that point, if this blog is still around, it will be an *asset* to sales in Irvine because it will be a trustable source for bullish information when all the traditional sources like realtors and mainstream economists have negative credibility."</em>

The administrators had lunch recently, and this was one of the things we discussed. We were going against the flow of public opinion and ridiculed when this started for our bearish views. When prices crash and actually become affordable again, the general public will hate real estate and they will be telling their friends never to buy a home. When that times comes, we will be telling everyone to buy, and again, they will think we are crazy.
<p>Buffet, fearful when others are greedy, greedy when others are fearful.</p>

<p>Not enough fear out there for us to get greedy just yet. </p>

No, <strong>I AM</strong> IrvineRenter and...say hello! to my lil' friend

<embed id="VideoPlayback" pluginspage="" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" wmode="transparent"></embed></p>

<p>Yes indeed, Real Estate can be a dirty, crazy business.</p>
Will you come clean as to your identity after the mkt really does hit bottom and is on the way back up and you are saying so? A long time from now I guess. . .
The whole thing almost begs of an urban-legand like treatment. "I saw Irvine Renter at (fill-in location)" Meanwhile at TIC war-rooms, spies phone-in alleged latest whereabouts, and flags on a map of the ranch plot Irvine Renter's movements... on a Board at TIC is a conspiracy diagram with a shadowy figure of a bear at the top, entitled "Irvine Renter."

According to my sources, the marketing department at IAC (trying to keep up their brand image) has almost done what you described. Apparently they are only one step short of bringing in an FBI profiler...
<p>What do they expect to do once they find you? Hang, draw, and quarter you?</p>

<p>I guess this blog is making a difference, or they wouldn't bother. Or the egos of the bigwigs are so immense that they cannot bear to be shown up?</p>
If they were really serious about shutting the site down, they would be sending out letters from lawyers, subpeonas to web hosts, and filing lawsuits like Nintendo does. I think they are probably more concerned that IR works for TIC.
<em>"That has me thinking about non-disclosure agreements".

</em>How many of you guess that this is what happened to bkshopper? (We miss you bk !)
IrvineRenter (to Bren): "<a href="">Hey Don, get some rest. You look tired</a> ..."
IrvineRenter was <a href="'s_Waldo">spotted today</a> at the Oak Creek shopping center...

Does anyone remember the scene from The Thomas Crown Affair when he returned the painting to the museum?

<embed width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="VideoPlayback" quality="high" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" src=""></embed>

I had this vision of everyone going to a model complex in Woodbury or Portola Springs with the I am IrvineRenter T-shirts on...
<p>Irvine Renter - </p>

<p>What ever you do, don't look up! And wear a ball cap. Take a move out of the Gene Hackman - spy movie - play book. TIC is probably going over satellite imagery trying to discover your identity. In the meantime, I'll phone in some bogus tips on your whereabouts... from prepaid cell phones of course.</p>