How much does the Irvine Company hate this site?

I was referring to the mayor's valuation as a benchmark, not as part of a grander scheme. I recall reading that figure that as something the mayor said one time about a year ago. I did not mean to imply that it was part of a broader scheme in which the mayor was involved in something with TIC to pump up values through use of the press, but that's one theory you can have I suppose. I didn't think my earlier comment implied that, but oh well, maybe others read it that way too. . .

As far as land, I was making more of a traditional residential comparison. True, people will inhabit the towers, but that's in a very dense commercial part of Santa Ana.

By "objective," I did mean financial, yes, that's correct.

Overall there are pros can cons for TIC as far as this site goes. Yes, pretty much everyone on here wants a piece of Irvine or NC, and likes different parts of it. For as much positive that comes out of here though, I think that knowing what's behind a product in a larger sense takes away some of the magic of it-- and dollars eventually.

My grandfather lived in LA, and knew someone who was working on the original Star Wars. He toured the props-- little scale model X-Wings or whatever-- and when the movie came out he just couldn't get excited about it (as so many others were, of its being so special at the time). I think when you see the Wizard it takes something away. Why did life insurance premiums cut in half from 199X to 200X? People had access to information that they never had had before, and competition drew the price down. More information in the hands of the little guys is not so good for the big guys. . . Again, overall, I think this site will hurt TIC's bottom line over time, financially. They only publicize the good, and this website can talk about the good and bad. Feel free to have your own viewpoint about this, and thanks for everyone's input.
Thanks for the clarification ISB. I like your life insurance example but i think it worked the oppisite way as well. The buble and inflated home values were driven by the easy access to real estate information and services through sites like and and speculators fervor was fueled by internet blogs and tv shows featuring house flippers.

Off topic, i think the time to buy an investment property is the day those house flipper shows get canceled.

Busting a Rogue Blogger

<p><strong>Troll Tracker has been unmasked as a patent lawyer for Cisco. Now they're both facing litigation. </strong>

<a href=""></a>

<img height="220" alt="" width="370" src="" /></p>

<p> </p>
<p>Rocker, </p>

<p> Decent article, but blogging about the company you work at is a BIG, BIG no-no. At best it is foolhearty, keeping your trap shut about what you do for your company and who you work for is one of the major tenants of being anonomyous.</p>

I just want to inform everyone that I am the TIC "troll". I was assigned over two years ago to investigate and discover who IrvineRenter is. Today he slipped and posted from a TIC IP address. This is the confirmation, that he has been providing this blog and forums with inside information. Our attorneys immediately advised us to terminate IrvineRenter and have him sign a gag order, in which we agreed to keep his identity confidential. In this agreement he will no longer be posting on the internet in regards to real estate, specifically Irvine, for 7 years. While we do not regret this decision, we only wish we silenced him sooner. Our investigation is on going and will continue until we silence this blog entirely.

TIC wishes you all the best of luck in finding a home to buy. I most likely will not be back.

Unmasking IrvineRenter and his gang on the main blog could have been an excellent April Fool's Day joke, with a message of TIC: <strong>You are owned! <strong>Bwahahaha</strong>!</strong>

<p>This is how I like to think IR and the gang looks like:</p>

<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>

<p>or maybe:</p>

<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p>I like the Spaceball gang. . . I can imagine IR "jamming" TIC's "radar"</p>

<p><embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" wmode="transparent"></embed></p>
<p>The joke's on all of us...the IHB crew did such a good job of obfuscating their identities that we thought they were all boys. But the truth is out now... Z, IR and G are girls!! Here they are out near Brightwater at Huntington Beach...</p>

<p><img alt="" src="**http%3A//'s_angels1.jpg" /></p>
If any of the three actually looked like Lucy Liu, my wife would have been all over them. Sadly, they all looked like Cameron Diaz
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1228059370]IR, now that your identity is known, have you receive any threats and or bribes from the Irvine Company?</blockquote>

Good Question!
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1228059370]IR, now that your identity is known, have you receive any threats and or bribes from the Irvine Company?</blockquote>

Not a peep, which pleases me totally. I imagine they don't want to call even more attention to the IHB, and since there is nothing they can do about us, they will just leave us alone.