Crime Soars After Democrats Smear Police, Cut Budgets

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I didn?t say you did anything wrong. I just was asking why Fox News is so important to you and other liberals?  It?s just one station Amongst many, why obsess?
California, New York and Illinois are the top 3 states with most people moving out. Florida, Texas and Arizona are the net gainers.


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akula1488 said:
California, New York and Illinois are the top 3 states with most people moving out. Florida, Texas and Arizona are the net gainers.

Almost all of the out-migration is in blue states and almost all in-migration is in red states.  People are voting with their feet.
It's Mayors really who exercise significant control over the safety of their cities...

'You're a disgrace?the City of Chicago is tired of it': Police dispatcher eviscerates mayor Lori Lightfoot for letting city become a 'death zone' as murders hit 25-year high
Keith Thornton posted video branding Lightfoot selfish for not supporting cops
Dispatcher said they're so short staffed that serious crimes cannot be dealt with
Thornton said that it took over ten minutes for police car to respond to shooting
Comes as murders hit 25-year high in the Windy City under Lightfoot's watch
Mayors set the tone with policy...Democrats kill people (probably to battle global warming)... ;D ;D >:D

Woke Baltimore mayor's 'violence reduction strategies' backfire as city sees annual murder and shooting rates RISE, with 337 killings in 2021
The Charm City saw a slight annual increase in murders from 334 to 227 while nonfatal shootings increased from 721 in 2020, to 726 in 2021
Baltimore's Democrat Mayor Brandon Scott had laid out a plan to reduce murders by 15 percent every year
But instead of lowering murders to less than 290 killings, the city reported 337
Among the victims were a 69-year-old woman killed in church by a man 'fresh-off parole,' and a police officer who was ambushed by her two assailants
'We can't accept that this life loss is normal,' Scott said about the shootings
Only 90 minutes into the New Year, Baltimore saw its first two homicides
Baltimore's police department pointed out that murder clearance has gone up from 32 percent in 2019, to 39  percent in 2020, and 42 percent in 2021
Mayors and DA's...recall them all....

Far-Left District Attorneys Have Unleashed Murder In Cities Like Philadelphia

Even before COVID or BLM riots, crime rates began to rise under leftist district attorneys who refuse to put criminals in jail.

Murder rates are a good proxy for violent crime generally, not only because it is the most horrific crime, but because it is harder to obscure statistically. Whether the authorities want to report it or not, whether or not the police get called, it is hard to hide the fact that someone was killed. Looking at that statistic gives us a fair impression of the level of violence in the city more generally.

The trend is discouraging, to say the least. In 2021, Philadelphia shattered the previous record in murders, which was 500 in 1990. As of December 31, a total of 559 people have lost their lives this year in the City of Brotherly Love. After some of the safest years in decades, the murder rate has climbed steeply since 2016. This year now has more than double the murders of just five years ago.
"It used to be *slick* and *rigger* and now it's "tax cut." - Black New York Congressman Charles Rangel during the Reagan Administration

It's just fine when blacks use *slick* and *rigger* but anybody else transgressing that color line are hateful racists, get it? Double standard always practiced by the Left - the malicious, arrogant, condescending, lying Left.
StarmanMBA said:
"It used to be *slick* and *rigger* and now it's "tax cut." - Black New York Congressman Charles Rangel during the Reagan Administration

It's just fine when blacks use *slick* and *rigger* but anybody else transgressing that color line are hateful racists, get it? Double standard always practiced by the Left - the malicious, arrogant, condescending, lying Left.

But the truckers protest in Canada is okay? So business and commerce are shut down because of this. (Allegedly to news reports)
against government vaccine mandates continues to disrupt Ottawa?s downtown core, forcing some businesses who were gearing up to reopen from Ontario?s COVID-19 lockdown on Monday to remain closed indefinitely.

COVID-19 protests threaten border trade between Canada, US

The blockade at the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, prevented traffic from entering Canada while some U.S.-bound traffic was still moving, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said, calling the bridge ?one of the most important border crossings in the world.? It carries 25% of all trade between Canada and the United States.

Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said such blockades will have serious implications on the economy and supply chains. ?I?ve already heard from automakers and food grocers. This is really a serious cause for concern,? he said in Ottawa, the capital.

Added Mendicino: ?Most Canadians understand there is a difference between being tired and fatigued with the pandemic and crossing into some other universe.?

Auto parts and other goods were still flowing across the border Tuesday evening, despite the bridge delays. But trucks had to travel almost 70 miles north to the Blue Water Bridge connecting Sarnia, Ontario, to Port Huron, Michigan. Authorities at that bridge reported a nearly three-hour delay for trucks to cross. In total, the trip will take more than five hours longer than normal.

Flavio Volpe, president of the Canadian Auto Parts Manufacturers Association, said the protesters have no right to park vehicles in the middle of roads. He questioned how many of the protesters were truckers because trucker associations and large logistics companies have disavowed the blockades.

?It is really a collection of kind of anti-government provocateurs,? he said.

The protests also threaten supplies of fresh produce, livestock and other food, Volpe said.

Even a five-hour delay can cause production disruptions because factories are running so lean on part supplies with an already fragile supply chain, said Jeff Schuster, president of the LMC Automotive consulting firm in Troy, Michigan.

?Everything is so ?just-in-time? these days,? he said. ?We?re still dealing with parts shortages in general and supply chain issues. This is just another wrench in the industry that we?re dealing with right now.?

Protesters also closed another important U.S.-Canada border crossing in Coutts, Alberta.

It looks like effecting commerce in Canada and trade between US and Canada. (Produce, live stock, auto parts) The article says it there is a detour but it takes 5 hours longer or maybe even longer factoring traffic.

...but how much of Toronto is on fire?  Traffic is an acceptable byproduct  of a peaceful and now successful protest...Bravo. no businesses burned or looted and objectives achieved.

Canadian provinces lift COVID restrictions

TORONTO (AP) ? A rapidly growing list of Canadian provinces moved to lift their COVID-19 restrictions as protesters decrying virus precautions kept up the pressure with truck blockades Wednesday in the capital and at key U.S. border crossings, including the economically vital bridge to Detroit.

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island announced plans this week to roll back some or all measures, with Alberta, Canada?s most conservative province, dropping its vaccine passport for places such as restaurants immediately and getting rid of masks at the end of the month.