Thank God We have a guard gate!

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Someone cut me off on the 8 freewAy in San diego once. I followed him for like 5 minutes. He switched lanes, I switched lanes. I would flash him with my brights. Then he exited the freeway. I was just having fun trying to teach him a lesson.
No it wasn't me. I wouldn't have done that to a woman because of the fear factor she would have experienced
So what is more of an overreaction? Following someone when they were "cut off" or calling in the rentacops, calling 911, calling the popo, sending an armed military on the hunt and posting threats about gun use on a forum?

Paris said:
Sometimes men don't understand that "protect your young by all means" as much as women do.

i think your letting your emotions get the best of you, which is understandable. but im pretty sure all the fathers on this board would protect their kids by any means necessary.
So I get going to the guard gate and asking them for help... but you lost me at calling 911, sending your Marine husband on a manhunt, reporting his license plate to IPD, talking about eating his head and then saying you would shoot him.

Who was experiencing road rage here?
I understand why you said all the above and why you feel this way, but if I had a penny for every time a parent cut me off to change lanes in a hurry not to miss their street in Irvine with their giant SUVs and hopeless minivans, I would become a quadrillionaire.

Next time be more responsible and plan your route (gradually change lanes and always drive in the lane closest to your turn/exit), or just be careful with your lane changes, and know that it is OK to miss your street and take a U-turn.  Keep your children safe.

Now it's troubling to know that if you had your gun, you would've started shooting at him. :o

That Asshole shouldn't have followed you and should have just flipped you off or something and I hope next time he follows a woman, he gets pulled over.  Following a bad driver mother with kids in the car is just bad business, and if you ever make a quick lane change or cut someone off, maybe wave hand in apology.

I hope you see my point, some people REALLY have absolutely Nothing to lose and are just waiting for an excuse.  Don't be the one giving those lunatics excuses to do something possibly irreversible. 

IHO is not in a sympathetic mood tonight. I can understand your anger and fear. I'm glad that you and your family were not hurt. Irvine drivers on Culver have gone all nutty lately.

I'm actually surprised the NP guards were able to scare off your pursuer. Several of the guards are young to middle aged women. I guess there is safety in numbers. You should also email/notify Lynda of the incident at the HOA office.

As for calling 911--IMHO you did the right thing. People call 911 for BS all the time. This is NOT one of those times. You sound like you were fearful for your life and that of your children. No telling what this idiot would/could do to you. He already showed a total lack of judgement and self control. I know many people who may tailgate or give you the bird but giving chase THROUGH a privately gated community takes some serious lack of brain power.
I'm so sorry to hear that you encountered road rage esp with two young kids in the car! It is every parents nightmare to be chased down by a lunatic.  I'm not sure why there's a lack of sympathy for what you had just went thru, I think some people are taking your remarks too literally you're expressing your emotions , it's part of survival instinct  fight or flight and I'm sure your adrenaline kicked in high gear .  I just want to say that we've all been there with dealing with aggressive drivers and we should all try to be safe on the road. I'm glad you shared your experience because it brings awareness . There are way too many people who think they own the road.
I'm glad your guard gate was able to protect you and your family . I grew up here in irvine, moved here in the early 80's when I was 8 years old and irvine has changed so much. I think this rise in road rage and agression is due to overcrowding and traffic .
Paris said:
When a large man three times my size is standing next to my drivers side window where my 2 year old is sitting behind and he is screaming his head off into the window I think you can say it is REASONABLE to call 911.
You didn't mention this in your original or follow up posts.

Based on what you originally said, I didn't get the notion that he ever left his car.

When did he get out of his car? After you went to the guard gate, while you were at the guard gate?

All I got from your story was that he was tailgating you and was parked behind you yelling at you:
... as he was parked behind me screaming nonsense. ...

To put this in perspective, I have had my fair share of people cut me off or even almost hit me, esp in Irvine, and it's usually by people who are distracted (parents with kids, teens on their phones, older people who are lost, yuppies on phone calls) and they always think they have the right of way (and no, just because you signal doesn't mean you can force your way in) and they don't realize what they had done (to support SoCal's point). From my arm's length inspection, if someone is going to follow you like that, regardless of your opinion, you probably almost caused him to have an accident which is why he was so angry.

Was it right for him to tail you and yell at you? No. But by the same token, if you almost cause me to swerve off the road while I have my own kids in the car, I will be pissed. So just as much as you felt you wish you had your gun so you can shoot him, maybe, just maybe he felt that you had endangered his life.

It's all about perspective, and it's not that I'm being unsympathetic, but whenever I hear someone say that want to shoot someone, that is where things become questionable.

That being said, I'm sorry you had to go through what you went through and you are correct, that is a good reason to have a guard gate.
Paris said:
qwerty said:
Someone cut me off on the 8 freewAy in San diego once. I followed him for like 5 minutes. He switched lanes, I switched lanes. I would flash him with my brights. Then he exited the freeway. I was just having fun trying to teach him a lesson.

So was it you?
And I didn't cut him off, I was just changing lanes fast to get to my turn. I wasn't scared, but my maternal protective instinct was in high gear - I wish I had our gun in the car, I would not have hesitated in shooting at him

This is kind of cutting off  ;)

no need to change lanes that fast.  Still.. no need for the guy to get all rage mode.
I agree with paris though.. something like that.. I would hope my wife did the same thing.  Gotta protect yourself and your kids. 

However, no need to change lanes real fast in any circumstance.  just asking for an accident.  Just take the next Uturn.