Thank God We have a guard gate!

twisting the story and add strange elements, using her own words? don't be so gullible. I am not the one who put down gun threats in a public forum. What's your take on that?

JustSayin said:
The California Court Company said:
Where is your manhood?
If a woman almost hurt me with her reckless driving or threatens to shoot me with her gun or have my ass kicked by her US marine hubby, I would do more than just following her.

My manhood is secure.
My manhood is not threatened when someone cuts me off.
I have enough civility to take up for, not threaten, women and children.
I have enough perspective in life to forgive slight driving annoyances.
I have enough self-awareness to realize that I too commit those same driving annoyances.
I have enough intelligence to realize that confronting drivers is a no win situation.

The way you twist the story and add strange elements leads me to believe that you are being purposefully contrarian just to be provocative. 
But, as Irvineguy said, "stop the madness."
Maybe your memory was fuzzy from what happened but this:

Paris said:
This freak of nature who thought in his deranged mind that I cut him off decided to follow me home tonight. He tailgated me through the resident gate and continued to follow me. I turned right around and went straight to the guard gate and talked to security while calling 911 as he was parked behind me screaming nonsense. I had my 2 young babies in the car - I would have eaten his head!

I had 3 security guards with me within seconds and finally he took off.  He didn't even live in the community! Thank god I had a guard gate.

Is not the same as this:

Paris said:
Well he followed me in super close through the resident side that the arm didn't have time to close to block him. when I realized he was following me I went straight through the exit of our community to the guard gate and he came up and parked behind me. He wasn't afraid of the guards, that's when he got out of his vehicle and came up to our window. Only when there were. 3 security guys and they told him to leave because I was calling the cops, he reversed and went out the second exit lane of our community.

I think if you had posted your 2nd version initially, there would have been more sympathy (at least on my part).

The timing of how you called security, when he actually went to your window and when and what number of guards were there I am still unclear on.

But I recant my claim of overreaction for you calling 911 because with the additional details, that is a valid response but the threats of shooting him I'm still questioning, although you have admitted that it was venting so it may have been hyperbole (did you really send your husband out with a gun to hunt him down?).

At least you admitted that you did cut him off (or at least I think you did). :)
Points goes to the daughter who honked the horn from the passenger seat.  That's gonna put some weight on her shoulders for the rest of her life...