Thank God We have a guard gate!

Devil's Advocate:

If someone cut you off and hit your car and didn't stop, would you follow them?

Is it reasonable that if someone cut you off so suddenly that you almost got in a car accident that you would follow them to give them a piece of your mind?

And do we know for sure he doesn't live in that gated area? He took off but that doesn't necessarily prove that he's not a resident there.

Always try to consider both sides.
yes another voice of reason.

"I'm signaling and changing over 3 lanes to make my turn"
lol 3 lanes. Perhaps he is trying to be a good citizen and probably thought Paris was under the influence of something. So he followed her to confirm whether she is drunk or not, for the safety of the general republic.

now that poor bastard is going to be cited for trespassing or getting his ass kicked by a US marine.

irvinehomeowner said:
Paris said:
I'm signaling and changing over 3 lanes to make my turn
Signal or not, if that's not cutting someone off I don't know what to call that.
I immediately turned into my gated community so he didn't even start to follow me until I was already in my neighborhood. Thank god I realized he was following me so I didn't go near my home so he wouldn't even know what vicinity of the neighborhood I lived in.

But if it was not for the 3 male security officers at the guard gate who were there immediately I wouldn't be surprised if he attacked me physically. 
You don't mention him leaving his vehicle in your retelling.

Did he get out of the car or not? If he did, wouldn't the guards have talked to him?

Something just doesn't seem right with your story.
irvineguy said:
Why did he take off then?
If you are really considering both sides:

1. He saw the guards and didn't want to deal with it.
2. Calmed down after yelling
3. Had to be somewhere

For all we know he came back through a different entrance.

Or on the others side, he's an angry man, has warrants and couldn't risk involving the police.

My take on all this:

1. Drive carefully, esp if you have kids in the vehicle.
2. If you do get in a situation where someone is following you, going to your guard gate is a good solution. Or keep driving until they stop following you or to somewhere public where you can ask for help.
3. But bragging about how you would have shot him or had your husband shoot him is not good forum etiquette.
hey this forum is racist so I need to play the race angle. and doing a fast 3 lane change to make a turn is certainly not a signage understanding issue. Paris got her priority wrong; instead of thinking about shooting at any one who appears to threaten her kids life, SHE is the one who put them in danger in the first place by driving recklessly

AA said:
What I'm saying is that the more people/drivers you have on the road the more road rage incidents.  Just think how wide open Culver or Jeffrey would be if all those 1000's of apartments weren't built.  Get my point?  And please don't stereotype bad drivers as just be female asians.  if you ever driven in any part of Asia, you are definitely a professional driver.  The only reason some have trouble in the USA is b/c they are new to the country and might not be able to understand all of the traffic signs.
I wouldn't go that far. But if something like this happened to me. My wife would blame/scold me to drive responsible since I'm a Father. (Just saying)

The California Court Company said:
hey this forum is racist so I need to play the race angle. and doing a fast 3 lane change to make a turn is certainly not a signage understanding issue. Paris got her priority wrong; instead of thinking about shooting at any one who appears to threaten her kids life, SHE is the one who put them in danger in the first place by driving recklessly

AA said:
What I'm saying is that the more people/drivers you have on the road the more road rage incidents.  Just think how wide open Culver or Jeffrey would be if all those 1000's of apartments weren't built.  Get my point?  And please don't stereotype bad drivers as just be female asians.  if you ever driven in any part of Asia, you are definitely a professional driver.  The only reason some have trouble in the USA is b/c they are new to the country and might not be able to understand all of the traffic signs.
I am just pulling statistics out of my ass. but accidents caused by reckless driving probably have higher chance of causing injuries or loss of life, than being followed by a guy with road rage.

eyephone said:
I wouldn't go that far. But if something like this happened to me. My wife would blame/scold me to drive responsible since I'm a Father. (Just saying)

The California Court Company said:
hey this forum is racist so I need to play the race angle. and doing a fast 3 lane change to make a turn is certainly not a signage understanding issue. Paris got her priority wrong; instead of thinking about shooting at any one who appears to threaten her kids life, SHE is the one who put them in danger in the first place by driving recklessly

AA said:
What I'm saying is that the more people/drivers you have on the road the more road rage incidents.  Just think how wide open Culver or Jeffrey would be if all those 1000's of apartments weren't built.  Get my point?  And please don't stereotype bad drivers as just be female asians.  if you ever driven in any part of Asia, you are definitely a professional driver.  The only reason some have trouble in the USA is b/c they are new to the country and might not be able to understand all of the traffic signs.
Of course you would probably get into an accident before a road rage incident. But if you honk, cut somone one off nasty style, and give them the bird. (just guessing on giving the bird). Do you think nothing will happen???

The California Court Company said:
I am just pulling statistics out of my ass. but accidents caused by reckless driving probably have higher chance of causing injuries or loss of life, than being followed by a guy with road rage.

eyephone said:
I wouldn't go that far. But if something like this happened to me. My wife would blame/scold me to drive responsible since I'm a Father. (Just saying)

The California Court Company said:
hey this forum is racist so I need to play the race angle. and doing a fast 3 lane change to make a turn is certainly not a signage understanding issue. Paris got her priority wrong; instead of thinking about shooting at any one who appears to threaten her kids life, SHE is the one who put them in danger in the first place by driving recklessly

AA said:
What I'm saying is that the more people/drivers you have on the road the more road rage incidents.  Just think how wide open Culver or Jeffrey would be if all those 1000's of apartments weren't built.  Get my point?  And please don't stereotype bad drivers as just be female asians.  if you ever driven in any part of Asia, you are definitely a professional driver.  The only reason some have trouble in the USA is b/c they are new to the country and might not be able to understand all of the traffic signs.
wait a minute. where did she mention honking or flipping a bird? according to her own words, she was being tailgated by this guy in the right most lane (or in other words, she was blocking traffic) and that guy changed to the left most lane. Then she quickly changed 3 lanes in a row to be right in front of him of all people, and my guess he was going faster so there was a near accident.

she showed no remorse of being a reckless driver, touted her love of using guns and her US marine husband, and the benefits of living in a guard gated community.

I would actually be afraid if I were her neighbor; if I am getting a shot at I'd certainly wish the community is not gated so I can get the fuck out ASAP.

eyephone said:
Of course you would probably get into an accident before a road rage incident. But if you honk, cut somone one off nasty style, and give them the bird. (just guessing on giving the bird). Do you think nothing will happen???
The California Court Company said:
irvineguy said:
Why did he take off then?

maybe he had something else better to do; maybe he heard she was calling her husband who is coming out with a shot gun.

I'm sure he was on his way back from helping the sick and about to deliver meals to the homeless.
Then he thought he'd help the world again by calmly instructing Paris on how to drive a little more safely-- for her own safety.

Give me a break.  Any man who chases down a woman, much less a woman with kids, is a complete loser douchebag.

Which reinforces the real lesson here: Low-lifes with nothing to lose wont think twice about assualting anyone who dares challenge their manhood.  Try not to change into THEIR lanes. 

Where is your manhood?
If a woman almost hurt me with her reckless driving or threatens to shoot me with her gun or have my ass kicked by her US marine hubby, I would do more than just following her.
The California Court Company said:
Where is your manhood?
If a woman almost hurt me with her reckless driving or threatens to shoot me with her gun or have my ass kicked by her US marine hubby, I would do more than just following her.


Would you stop this madness already? You don't know for sure if she was indeed driving reckless or that the other party almost got hurt, and what she said on this forum came long after he already followed her... You know nothing about the other driver, repeatedly reminded us that we've only heard one side of the story, yet you are so sure that it was Paris' fault... Where's the logic? I think it's evident that you have something against Paris personally, but let's at least try to be fair to the rest of the forum would you?
Rice Vino said:
Why a gun? Just get a taser. Especially with little kids.

I'm not Paris and can't speak for her, however, the reasons are many why one would not prefer a taser.

Disadvantages: The difficulty & necessity of aiming two barbs at once vs. a single bullet; having only 1 chance or 2 at most depending on the type vs. several rounds; reloading time is significantly longer; must be within a closer range; heavier than a compact handgun; it is a compliance tool not for self-defense; requires a charged battery; can not defend yourself against more than one aggressor; may not work on someone with certain drugs in their system; not likely to work if attacker is wearing 2" or more of clothing i.e. a coat; if your one and only aim is successful you get about 30 seconds to grab all your kids and run like hell...

I pick gun.
Of course no one here except her knows what actually happened (probably not herself either, as the other driver also has his own right to his lane), and she obviously thinks very low of the other guy, so I only want to comment on what she did or she is doing, using her own words. She is highly educated so I don't think she is incriminating herself, right?

Her own words, not mine.

"BUT this guy was tailing me for a mile and moved over to the far left lane so as I'm signaling and changing over 3 lanes to make my turn he already had a vengeance."
she was in the right most lane and changed over 3 lanes to be in front of him. I don't know about you but the left most lane usually is faster than the right most lane. When a slower vehicle moves 3 lanes to be in front of you, you'd have to hit the brakes pretty hard.

"And I didn't cut him off, I was just changing lanes fast to get to my turn"
So she admitted she changed 3 lanes FAST to get to her turn

"I had my signal on and it was obvious I was trying to get to the left turn lane. Plus prior to that he was tailgating me for a mile down culver so he had an agenda"
Again more like she was blocking then traffic and when the guy thought he got away from her, 3 lanes to the left, she cut him off in order to make her turn. if he had an agenda, he would not have moved THREE LANES left prior to she made a fast lane change

"I wish I had our gun in the car, I would not have hesitated in shooting at him"
So she would have shot that guy, guilty or not.

"And asshole if you're reading this right now my United States marine husband is on the lookout for your old ass with his gun"
Her response in a public forum is a man hunt threat.

She is definitely the aggressor here; I consider changing 3 lanes fast reckless driving and I consider threating to shoot somebody, whether he is guilty or not, whehther you are protected by the first or not, is very very wrong.

Lastly, I don't have anything personal against Paris. I just don't like polical over-correctness; the race card, the woman protecting her child card...etc.

She put her children in danger through reckless driving; in this case some guy who followed her but fortunately he is not the same NRA member as she. But in some cases she could've gotten run over by a 18 wheeler. No guarded gate or high priced Irvine real estate can save you if you want to make a last second multiple lane change and get run over.

It is for her own good to see the truth; the guy who follows her is secondary. her reckless driving is more an issue here

irvineguy said:
The California Court Company said:
Where is your manhood?
If a woman almost hurt me with her reckless driving or threatens to shoot me with her gun or have my ass kicked by her US marine hubby, I would do more than just following her.


Would you stop this madness already? You don't know for sure if she was indeed driving reckless or that the other party almost got hurt, and what she said on this forum came long after he already followed her... You know nothing about the other driver, repeatedly reminded us that we've only heard one side of the story, yet you are so sure that it was Paris' fault... Where's the logic? I think it's evident that you have something against Paris personally, but let's at least try to be fair to the rest of the forum would you?
The California Court Company said:
Lastly, I don't have anything personal against Paris. I just don't like polical over-correctness; the race card, the woman protecting her child card...etc.

Congratulations CA Court on NOT being politically correct! Your multiple posts bashing Paris really shows how much your are in touch with being human.
All we know is that there are more reckless drivers (influx of slanty eyed peeps) and lots more road rage drivers (working them long hours to pay for that Irvine home) in Irvine.  Not a good combo.  Let's me try to reflect on my road rage moment.. WOOOOSAAAAAAAAH
Being human or being a mother does not put you above the law.
I will bet you 100 dollars if it was a cop who pulled her over she would not have acted so tough (unless she really thinks she is Sarah Conor whose kid is the futures leader of human resistance and the cop is from the future sent to kill her child) and she would pull the other classic mother card, the my kids were distracting me card.

Being human also means having a brain to think. If you only believes her side of story, what about the other driver?

Lesson learned: don't drive recklessly and put your kids life in danger. Accident or road rage incidents are bound to happen. Being a mother or living in a guard gated community does not put you above the law.

iacrenter said:
The California Court Company said:
Lastly, I don't have anything personal against Paris. I just don't like polical over-correctness; the race card, the woman protecting her child card...etc.

Congratulations CA Court on NOT being politically correct! Your multiple posts bashing Paris really shows how much your are in touch with being human.
The California Court Company said:
Where is your manhood?
If a woman almost hurt me with her reckless driving or threatens to shoot me with her gun or have my ass kicked by her US marine hubby, I would do more than just following her.

My manhood is secure.
My manhood is not threatened when someone cuts me off.
I have enough civility to take up for, not threaten, women and children.
I have enough perspective in life to forgive slight driving annoyances.
I have enough self-awareness to realize that I too commit those same driving annoyances.
I have enough intelligence to realize that confronting drivers is a no win situation.

The way you twist the story and add strange elements leads me to believe that you are being purposefully contrarian just to be provocative. 
But, as Irvineguy said, "stop the madness."