Who bought the 2010 home?

[quote author="mikeirvine"]Hi

I can see most forum members here are waiting, but just wonder how many pull the trigger on the 2010 new home.

I know at least 4 of my friends did this month. It's going to be a year of house warming parties in WB & WBE. I have at least 20 friends are current home owner and renting here in WB .......

To confess, I bought one this week ..... I hope this post will be for the new home owners and a positive one to talk about the future of Irvine and their new home.

Pls stay clear of this post if you are here to tell the new home owner that our new home will be worthless soon and how bad you think about the new house, I think there is enough of space to post on other threads.

I know a lot of member here have a lot of knowledge in home and Irvine .... will be helpful to new home owners.

I'm excited about my new home in WB and the upcoming great park and hope to interact more with new or current home owners.

I will ignore any negative opinions, and hope that this post can serve as a informative place for new home owners and looking forward to owning a home in Irvine.



Congratulations! I wish you all the best on your new home purchase.

Let us know how the building/purchase process goes with your Plan 3 Sonoma. I liked that plan as well--always wanted an upstairs loft area.
[quote author="USCTrojanCPA"]
[quote author="scubasteve"]I am the poorest of the new 2010 home owners! You all probably know, but I got Coronado Plan 2. I'm pretty excited to move in!

1. Were you renting before?

Yes, since 1998.

2. If not, did you sell your previous home to buy in WB/WBE?


3. Did you live in Irvine before, if not, and if you can share... where did you live?

Irvine (5 years), CM (2 years), LR (5 years), and currently Woodbury for about about 7 months...

4. What drew you to the particular builder/plan you bought?

Cheapest 4 bed config...

5. Were you high up on the Interest List?

Yes (registered at 10:01am)

6. Why Irvine?
Went to undergrad at UCI. Work in Irvine. Wife works in Irvine. Currently going to B-School at UCI. Love Irvine. Love the Open Space Trail. Love all the 99 Ranches. Love Motorcourts (okay last 2 were a joke...)
First year B-school student? If so, one of my buyers is your classmate.[/quote]

Yup. Who who?!
[quote author="mikeirvine"]I think most of us bought the new home knows the prices are high ... but compare to our priorities ( FAMILY ) over investment. Heart over Brain .... most importantly, I can afford it and sleep at night.

They are others way to make money and places to buy cheaper for investment and better returns.

If Irvine properties drop, let it be as long as the schools are good, safe and my family is happy & healthy, that more important.

Mike, don't ever second guess your decision. There are things more important than money in the world and some people see owning a home as more than an investment or commodity. As long as you plan on living in the home for the next 7-10+ you won't lose a dime.
Thanks for all the answers... I'm not TIC (or BK) so it won't be going into a database anywhere. I just like to know what the psychology is behind non-FCB (well... some of you may be FCB and I wouldn't know) buyers and what lead you to Irvine.

I don't hide the fact that I love this city and while some may think it's due to the mighty PR machine that TIC has built... your answers show a commonality of how people who have either gone to UCI, work/ed in Irvine or have been exposed to Irvine in the past gain an appreciation and affinity for it.

And while there is considerable friction over motorcourts and home density, almost every neighborhood in Irvine has such products and those homes are fine and still in high demand (as noticed by any of you buyers who have been trying to find a resale home). Woodbridge, Westpark, Quail Hill, Oak Creek, Northpark and on all have some type of place similar to what's available in the 2010 collection right now and who knows... maybe back then there were a bunch of people complaining about the prices too?
Fe9, Aj, and Scuba are all Asian buyers. Many Asians seem to use the reason that they can't no longer tolerate renting or staying with relatives. Is there any Caucasian in this buying pool bought for the same reasons?

Mike, are you also Asian? If you are then the buyer samples would be 100% for this forum.

I notice Asians have a much lower tolerance of being a renter.
Congrats to all who have bought... Woodbury is truly a great place to live; I have to apologize for being such a grouch lately, indeed the boards is such a easy place to vent when I'm not centered and in the right place. Our family would be lucky if we ever get to buy a decent place here. I hope all of you take the time to enjoy and discover the many hidden treasures around town. I look forward to meeting and getting to know more new neighbors. Woodbury does have a small town feel, you'll run into the same people walking their dogs/babies, at Ralph's, Starbucks & tot-lots. Thanks for starting a positive thread, and welcome to Woodbury!
Just wondering: For those who have experience with being on the waiting list, do you think it is too late to get pre-approved and join now? Do you have any sense of how many people on average are on the lists and how quickly they cycle through? (I know this will depend on plans and how popular they are, so any anecdotal information would be useful!)
I think the priority list as mentioned many times is just a list of people who are interested in knowing about these homes. It doesn't mean they are all going to buy. The prequalified list only says how many people can afford those homes, doesn't mean they are planning to buy. I got a call to buy coronado plan 3 in their phase 5 eventhough i registered and pre qualified on jan 15th. (1.5 months after they opened registration).

[quote author="irvinefan"]Just wondering: For those who have experience with being on the waiting list, do you think it is too late to get pre-approved and join now? Do you have any sense of how many people on average are on the lists and how quickly they cycle through? (I know this will depend on plans and how popular they are, so any anecdotal information would be useful!)[/quote]
[quote author="irvinefan"]Just wondering: For those who have experience with being on the waiting list, do you think it is too late to get pre-approved and join now? Do you have any sense of how many people on average are on the lists and how quickly they cycle through? (I know this will depend on plans and how popular they are, so any anecdotal information would be useful!)[/quote]

Just like what Mike said, there is no harm at all to just sign up. However, I wouldn't pre-qual for the heck of it. You still have to make sure it's something you want then go through with the process. The sales people will tell you there are a lot of people on the list but things change you just never know. At Montecito, sales told me that through phase 2, they got to people registering at 10:07. That is a amazing number however, people registered for Montecito thinking the pricing will be high 600. They increase the price shortly after the registration on 12/3.
The reason I ask about the pre-reg list is every model home I toured... they pushed that list. I think it's a requirement of TIC to quantify on paper the number of interested people.

In reality, maybe only a 1/4 of that list will actually buy... and if I walked in with a sack of gold pieces, I'm sure a salesperson will move mountains to sell me a house I want without having to get onto the pre-reg list (they'll probably just put my name on there themselves).

Once they stop asking me to register... that's when I know that the tables are turning and I'll be in a position of power. That may never happen... but we'll see in 6 months during the fall season when sales typically slow down.
I have definitely registered on the website already, just have not gotten pre-approved yet. I asked the salesman (at Santa Cruz) whether I could still get a home if I got pre-approved now and he said yes, but I don't know how much of that is realism and how much is salesmanship. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

Just thought I'd ask you guys for a reality check.