Where are you men hiding?

4walls: I feel your pain. In fact, I'll one-up you. Try finding a decent, smart, financially responsible man willing to date a 37 year old with a kid? One who shops for clothes at Target and doesn't have blonde hair and wear size 4? And one who would rather go hiking in my little available free time than go to some car race or watch the Speed Channel? Thanks, no more settling for me, ever again. I would rather be alone and lonely than married and lonely!
<p>awww ISM -</p>

<p>blondes don't necessarily have more fun! and some guys like a woman who can not only cook a good meal, but eat it, too! </p>

<p>I am with you. You are smart to acknowledge that fact. I know many decent, smart, financially responsible men who seem to want a matching SO and will not settle for less. I have a theory that men are not worth it.</p>

Where can you afford a Lamborghini for only $1600/month in payments?

New ones are about $300k and used go for 1/2 as much.

For $1600/month in payments you might be able to afford an used Ferrari.


$2350/month to lease a new lambo. I know there is some blood on the table if your genuinely desiring one right now. I think the person I know getting theirs repoed bought not leased theirs so they may have a nasty term or something.
It is not difficult even to buy an exotic car for $1600/month if you're willing to get one with a few thousand miles on it and is a couple years old. It is with the automobile equivalent of an exotic loan... 120 month term.
<p>As far as the high end Benz market most people 2 year lease. The RE girl that had my car before me was paying $ 1700.00 a month. She hit the mileage cap early 22K Miles and got out of the lease and into another car that was more affordable. Lots of blood in the streets on exotic cars right now. The sales guy I know at MBLN says lots or Mortgage and RE people are self repo-ing their cars. They just pull in and hand over the keys and walk away from the lease or loan. </p>

<p>Irvine Single Mom. Keep working at it. Not all of us want to watch Football or Nascar all weekend either. </p>
<p>Irvine Single Mom: *hug* Men can be so much trouble :) Did you notice how they turned a girly thread into something about cars and mileage? Can't decide if it's cute or if it just makes me wanna smack 'em. </p>

<p>PS Being blonde doesn't really help that much....gets you the wrong kind of male attention. I'm 30 and thus probably over the Irvine-ant-hill as well in terms of age. Maybe we can hike together. </p>
I'm a natural blonde and quite frankly don't understand why so many women dye their hair blonde. I like a girl with natural brown or black hair...like my wife =)
<a href="http://forums.irvinehousingblog.com/account/296/">4walls4me</a>


<p> I'm 30 and thus probably over the Irvine-ant-hill as well in terms of age. </p>


<p class="CommentBody"> </p>

<p>I don't think so, but then again, i'm over 30 and appreciate a woman who is not a 20something y/o ditz who only wants to spend, spend, spend. Its nice talking to somebody about their experiences, travel, issues. I guess i'm old and I require more from my mate than just looking good and sex.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>But yes, my dad taught me about neg am and high interest loans.... he made me pay for my first bicycle with a neg am loan. He let me out of the neg am and then put me into a regular interest loan. I think the interest at that time was in the 18-20% rate....</p>

<p>I also want to say, maybe you should try going to a salsa class or maybe attend some ballroom dances.... </p>

<p>good luck</p>


<p> </p>