Where are you men hiding?

<p>but, what's wrong with well-to-do men?</p>

<p>just because they're doing well in their lives/careers doesn't mean that they embrace the stereotypical OC lifestyle.</p>
Agreed, LL. Nothing wrong with a man (or a woman) who drives a BMW if he can afford it. Sensibility and luxury can happily co-exist.

<p>Nothing wrong with them, per se. I'm sure there are a few good ones out there.</p>

<p>It's the same problem men have with really hot women. Well-to-do men have too many attractive women throwing themselves at them, tend to have big egos, etc. I can take care of myself. I want a man who will enrich the quality of days (and nights!) and vice versa by making me laugh, bringing me out of my shell at times, hold me back at times, do fun stuff together, and let's me fall asleep snuggled against his chest :) </p>

<p>To me, the ideal is someone you can consider both family and a partner in life. Someone you can take of and vice versa. I haven't met very many well-to-do men with a similar attitude. </p>

<p>If someone loves cars and really wants to have a cool one, that's great. But driving a flashy car to look cool, is just the opposite of the kind of strength I need in a man. </p>

<p>You know what I mean?</p>
4walls, I was just talking about this issue with a pal. Always try to play the "I don't want your money" card. It's music to the responsible single guy's ears.
Man, I *really* lucked out with my significant other.

She just doesn't give a damn about material possessions. At all. I thank the heavens.

We've never had a single solitary argument of any magnitude over money. It rules.
<p>Careful guys - I know too many women who tell you that story. You get to know them and love them and then out of know where - THEY SOCK YA - why didn't you buy me a Louis Vuitton pocketbook for my birthday? Don't you think I deserve it? Don't you think you should upgrade that Honda for a BMW? Blah Blah Blah. Then they suck every penny out of your bank account.</p>

jwbrown77 - glad you found a great woman. I'm the same - not into "money." My biggest fear is that something will happen to me and my husband will end up with some girl who takes him for everything that he's worked so hard for.
She's SE Asian and she grew up in a family with over one dozen aunts and uncles and their family was (and still is) consumed by money. They argued constantly over some kids not having money and others getting things. "It's not fair."

e.g. Her mom didn't buy her a car because it wasn't fair to her cousin when she needed it to go to school functions.

So she's basically decided that money and any ensuing fights over it are stupid.

That's not to say that we don't enjoy splurging once a year on something or we like living in a cave, but overall our attitude is much more about saving than spending.
CG, those girls tend to do a poor job at hiding their proclivities for long. I'd argue that the signs were there all along and the hapless guys didn't pick up on it.
<p>Well, I have found that *usually* (repeat usually) women were not educated about money management when they were growing up, what it really means to save money (to their credit they know the concept, but they gave up at the middle of the road when implementing a savings plan) and they like to go shopping until they drop dead with a credit card that they know how to manage.

<p>4 Walls</p>

<p>The car thing is a real guy issue. Especially for those of us that sold the house. Got divorced. Paid for our kids college and now want to have some fun. Not so much about ego as about enjoyment. Putting the top down and going to Temecula for wine tasting. Or Del Mar for the races. Yes we do attract female attention. Normally its the toxic type so we get cautious who we allow as a companion. Now if I can keep away from the Narcissist and the Ex. And just date and enjoy myself. Keep it simple is the name of the game for me at this point in life. </p>

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I heart the girls of the OC. I drive a fairly sensible car and have no car payments. If a girl wants to chase the guy in the Lambo with $1600/month in car payments that's fine by me. She is not the type for me anywho. Have you tried attending one of the churches around here? I really find the people significantly more wholesome and "real" than at the clubs and bars. The OC has lots of attractive boys and girls and I think people are more laid back here since it's not quite as old money as where I grew up. Sure there are lots of people obsessed by what you wear or who have done breast augmentation or botox. Yes my boss did tell me to get teeth whitening in a snide tone. That doesn't mean you have to date those types of people. If someone tells me they want a 10,000 ft house on the beach, maids, and to have 4 kids and to send them all to private schools (yes I was actually told this by a girl...) then that person can be on my friends list but not my girlfriend list. Just be selective on what's important to you and have fun!!! Enjoy the beautiful OC!
<p>I was fortunate growing up - my mother taught me how to properly spend and how to save. The best lesson she gave me was when I borrowed $5 from her when I was young. She kept a note on the fridge that I owed her $5. If I gave her $1, she would cross off the $5 and change it to $4. It really taught me that if I borrow something - it needs to be paid back. It's a simple concept - but I think there a lot of people out there that just don't "get" it. </p>

<p>I guess I should be thankful that she didn't charge me interest ! </p>
<p>I think every parent should neg-am their kids once.</p>

<p>Picture the implications if everyone had some experience with that type of loan. We might not be here. </p>
<p>My dad did that to me on my first car. Automatically the money went from my account to his monthly. After the loan was paid off. I paid the interest and everything. He told me. Now you got to pay the VIG to me. 2 more months before he let me off the hook. In later years he was just as cheap. We went to Costa Rica together. He never once offered to pay a dime. He is gone now. But he sure tought me how to save and not have any bebt I agree Neg Am your kids and teach them what it means early !!!</p>

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