The 2020 Presidential Election

"Donating" while standing at the pointy end of a bayonet is not "donating".  If it doesn't work for the one, it will not work for the rest of the "ones" compelled to do so. The failure of Marxist collectivism or National Socialism should be a clear enough analog on how when lofty goals of greater good are pushed top down on every citizen, that these actions don't always end up working out right. Also, setting aside what you may tithe at your house of worship, a little additional charitable giving is not a bad thing.

Speaking of which: Take a look at every candidate who has released their tax returns. See how very little - if anything - each of them have donated to genuine charities. What is a "genuine" charity? Something other than the school you went to (AKA how K Harris "donates") to start. Bernie Sanders is very much against charitable giving - but I will concede his position has been the same for multiple decades - so he gets a pass on this. Robert Francis O'Roark (0.03% of income donated) said that the mere fact that he's a politician is his charitable gift.... ooof. I think the only one who gives real money to real charities is Warren.

None of the candidates that I've been able to see within their tax returns contribute to Planned Parenthood, Susan G. Komen, The Special Olympics, the United Negro College Fund, etc - yet, you're a bad person for not paying "Your Fair Share" (tm).

This goes again to the "do as I say, not as I do" mind set of the current crop of politicians who want to reach into your pocket for money they haven't earned. I'm not against taxation. Don't misread me on the subject.

I'm against hypocrisy, of which there is an ocean of to swim in during this election cycle.

Kenkoko said:
A 10% VAT would draw $2,435 from the poorest 20% and $11,042 from the richest 20%
Combined with a $12k UBI, that's a net benefit of $800/mo for the bottom 20% and a net benefit of $80/mo for the top 20%

It just goes to show, Freedom isn't really free.
Huh, not that i put a lot of faith in polls but this is pretty funny, and in Newsweek no less..


resident Donald Trump's job approval rating this week averaged across major polls surpassed that of his predecessor President Barack Obama at the same time eight years ago, giving some actual good news to Trump who is known to cite only conservative-leaning polls to bolster his image.

Trump's approval rating on Wednesday was 44.3 percent, according to a Real Clear Politics average of more than a half-dozen major polls. That is higher than Obama's average approval rating of 43.9 percent on September 18, 2011, by the same measure.

The 45th president's average approval rating surpassed that of his predecessor on Monday and stayed on top for the next two days. Trump's average approval rating on Monday was 44.1 percent compared to Obama's 43.9 percent on September 16, 2011, and 44 percent on Tuesday compared to Obama's 43.8 percent on September 17, 2011.
Soylent Green Is People said:
May I propose the following for those who support Candidate Yang and the "Freedom Dividend".....

1) The average middle income is about $80k per year. The average upper income is $180k per year (see stats below)

2) If your combined family income is lets say somewhere in between these figures ($130k and above) you're considered "upper middle class, to upper class". Is this you? Of course it is, dear reader... you live in The O.C.

3) Now get your 2018 year end credit card and bank statements. How much did you spend at Amazon and Costco for the year? I'm guessing that it's somewhere in the $10k to $20k range. Using the median, let's use $15k Why these two companies? Good question. Why not Apple, or Tesla, or IAC or some of the other companies that will ultimately pass through any VAT being charged to consumers - upper middle class consumers such as yourselves? Amazon and Costco are easy to chart as ongoing expenses.

4) As a Yang supporter, you feel strongly that the "Freedom Dividend (AKA: The robbing of Peter to pay Paul) is an acceptable economic model, please demonstrate your commitment to this belief. Write your own Freedom Dividend check starting today for $125 ($15k x 10% VAT / 12) to any of the following charities:

and continue to do so for the next 13 months until the November election.

Not willing to do so? Why not? What is preventing a Yang supporter from doing the same thing Candidate Yang is doing - spending his own money to demonstrate how well this works. Nothing. Nothing is stopping a Yang supporter from putting their money where their mouth is, other than pure, unadulterated "Do what I say, not what I do" thinking. Break the cycle of hypocrisy dear Freedom Dividend supporters. Open your checkbooks and show the world the benefits of your personal "Freedom Dividend" offered for the betterment of your fellow citizen.

This "Freedom Dividend" talk is really, really great in theory - until asked to put it into practice on a personal level. At that time, whenever one is compelled to write earned money from a personal account to a complete stranger, all I expect to see or hear are crickets.

My .02c

Conservatives often hate it when liberals talk about social issues like they hold some sort of moral high ground. Yet, conservatives do exactly that when they talk about economic issues. It's perplexing to me. Do you realize your ? taxation is theft and redistribution is evil? are nothing more than just opinions?

I encourage you to look beyond just conservative talking points and look at facts and numbers.

61% of young millennials prefers socialism over capitalism. (in contrast only 29% over the age of 55 prefer socialism)

Gen Z and millennials are projected to make up 37% of the electorate in 2020, easily the largest voting bloc.

If step outside of your ideological echo chamber, you will see for yourself that American is changing.

Like it or not, socialism is taking the younger generations by storm. I do not want socialism. Comments like yours are fueling that surge and driving us further towards socialism.

Lastly, Have you read Andrew Yang?s website or heard him speak? He is remarkably coherent and well reasoned. If anything the UBI issue is used to marginalize him by the field/pundits

Many conservatives and libertarians agrees with me that Andrew Yang is not the "UBI guy". Many people support Yang yet oppose UBI.
Kenkoko said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
May I propose the following for those who support Candidate Yang and the "Freedom Dividend".....

1) The average middle income is about $80k per year. The average upper income is $180k per year (see stats below)

2) If your combined family income is lets say somewhere in between these figures ($130k and above) you're considered "upper middle class, to upper class". Is this you? Of course it is, dear reader... you live in The O.C.

3) Now get your 2018 year end credit card and bank statements. How much did you spend at Amazon and Costco for the year? I'm guessing that it's somewhere in the $10k to $20k range. Using the median, let's use $15k Why these two companies? Good question. Why not Apple, or Tesla, or IAC or some of the other companies that will ultimately pass through any VAT being charged to consumers - upper middle class consumers such as yourselves? Amazon and Costco are easy to chart as ongoing expenses.

4) As a Yang supporter, you feel strongly that the "Freedom Dividend (AKA: The robbing of Peter to pay Paul) is an acceptable economic model, please demonstrate your commitment to this belief. Write your own Freedom Dividend check starting today for $125 ($15k x 10% VAT / 12) to any of the following charities:

and continue to do so for the next 13 months until the November election.

Not willing to do so? Why not? What is preventing a Yang supporter from doing the same thing Candidate Yang is doing - spending his own money to demonstrate how well this works. Nothing. Nothing is stopping a Yang supporter from putting their money where their mouth is, other than pure, unadulterated "Do what I say, not what I do" thinking. Break the cycle of hypocrisy dear Freedom Dividend supporters. Open your checkbooks and show the world the benefits of your personal "Freedom Dividend" offered for the betterment of your fellow citizen.

This "Freedom Dividend" talk is really, really great in theory - until asked to put it into practice on a personal level. At that time, whenever one is compelled to write earned money from a personal account to a complete stranger, all I expect to see or hear are crickets.

My .02c

Conservatives often hate it when liberals talk about social issues like they hold some sort of moral high ground. Yet, conservatives do exactly that when they talk about economic issues. It's perplexing to me. Do you realize your ? taxation is theft and redistribution is evil? are nothing more than just opinions?

I encourage you to look beyond just conservative talking points and look at facts and numbers.

61% of young millennials prefers socialism over capitalism. (in contrast only 29% over the age of 55 prefer socialism)

Gen Z and millennials are projected to make up 37% of the electorate in 2020, easily the largest voting bloc.

If step outside of your ideological echo chamber, you will see for yourself that American is changing.

Like it or not, socialism is taking the younger generations by storm. I do not want socialism. Comments like yours are fueling that surge and driving us further towards socialism.

Lastly, Have you read Andrew Yang?s website or heard him speak? He is remarkably coherent and well reasoned. If anything the UBI issue is used to marginalize him by the field/pundits

Many conservatives and libertarians agrees with me that Andrew Yang is not the "UBI guy". Many people support Yang yet oppose UBI.

america is changing....which is why trump was elected by a landslide

socialism is taking younger generations by storm, which is all fine and dandy because they don't understand how the real world works.  once upon a time, i was a bright eyed and bushy tailed socialist...until 50% of my paycheck every year went to various forms of government waste

yang is known as the ubi guy because literally any time he speaks he's given that title, so i wouldn't put that burden squarely on conservatives. 

also, i would check your sources on gen z.  trumpism is counterculture and the youngin's love that

Why the GOP Should Pay Attention to Gen Z

Entitled. Shallow. Disengaged. This is the stereotype of arguably the most misunderstood and overlooked generation participating in next year's election, Generation Z.

Democrats would have you believe that we are another ?snowflake? generation of bleeding heart Bernie lovers or ? simply put ? a lost cause for Republicans. Take it from Young Democrats of America President Louis Elrod, who says that what used to be seen as far-left platform positions are now ?standard if you want to reach out to the next generation.? 

The truth, however, paints a very different picture and provides a tantalizing opportunity for Republicans to win over Gen Z, so long as they take it. 

A recent Zogby poll found that nearly half of Gen Z voters ages 18-24 approve of President Trump, while a separate Morning Consult survey found that their support for Bernie Sanders dropped sharply from 45% to 33% in the past three months. These findings are consistent with a number of other studies that have found young people are swinging conservative, and the reasons go far beyond the typical allure to youth of countering the prevailing culture.
Won by a landslide?
Your right America is changing. People are fed up with gun violence. America is like turning into a 3rd world country. (No order no control) Not safe and it?s really sad

Don?t blame me and don?t say give me a solution. The senate and president needs to act for reasonable/red flag/safety for kids gun legislation.

Don?t blame video games. Lol

Kings said:
Kenkoko said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
May I propose the following for those who support Candidate Yang and the "Freedom Dividend".....

1) The average middle income is about $80k per year. The average upper income is $180k per year (see stats below)

2) If your combined family income is lets say somewhere in between these figures ($130k and above) you're considered "upper middle class, to upper class". Is this you? Of course it is, dear reader... you live in The O.C.

3) Now get your 2018 year end credit card and bank statements. How much did you spend at Amazon and Costco for the year? I'm guessing that it's somewhere in the $10k to $20k range. Using the median, let's use $15k Why these two companies? Good question. Why not Apple, or Tesla, or IAC or some of the other companies that will ultimately pass through any VAT being charged to consumers - upper middle class consumers such as yourselves? Amazon and Costco are easy to chart as ongoing expenses.

4) As a Yang supporter, you feel strongly that the "Freedom Dividend (AKA: The robbing of Peter to pay Paul) is an acceptable economic model, please demonstrate your commitment to this belief. Write your own Freedom Dividend check starting today for $125 ($15k x 10% VAT / 12) to any of the following charities:

and continue to do so for the next 13 months until the November election.

Not willing to do so? Why not? What is preventing a Yang supporter from doing the same thing Candidate Yang is doing - spending his own money to demonstrate how well this works. Nothing. Nothing is stopping a Yang supporter from putting their money where their mouth is, other than pure, unadulterated "Do what I say, not what I do" thinking. Break the cycle of hypocrisy dear Freedom Dividend supporters. Open your checkbooks and show the world the benefits of your personal "Freedom Dividend" offered for the betterment of your fellow citizen.

This "Freedom Dividend" talk is really, really great in theory - until asked to put it into practice on a personal level. At that time, whenever one is compelled to write earned money from a personal account to a complete stranger, all I expect to see or hear are crickets.

My .02c

Conservatives often hate it when liberals talk about social issues like they hold some sort of moral high ground. Yet, conservatives do exactly that when they talk about economic issues. It's perplexing to me. Do you realize your ? taxation is theft and redistribution is evil? are nothing more than just opinions?

I encourage you to look beyond just conservative talking points and look at facts and numbers.

61% of young millennials prefers socialism over capitalism. (in contrast only 29% over the age of 55 prefer socialism)

Gen Z and millennials are projected to make up 37% of the electorate in 2020, easily the largest voting bloc.

If step outside of your ideological echo chamber, you will see for yourself that American is changing.

Like it or not, socialism is taking the younger generations by storm. I do not want socialism. Comments like yours are fueling that surge and driving us further towards socialism.

Lastly, Have you read Andrew Yang?s website or heard him speak? He is remarkably coherent and well reasoned. If anything the UBI issue is used to marginalize him by the field/pundits

Many conservatives and libertarians agrees with me that Andrew Yang is not the "UBI guy". Many people support Yang yet oppose UBI.

america is changing....which is why trump was elected by a landslide

socialism is taking younger generations by storm, which is all fine and dandy because they don't understand how the real world works.  once upon a time, i was a bright eyed and bushy tailed socialist...until 50% of my paycheck every year went to various forms of government waste

yang is known as the ubi guy because literally any time he speaks he's given that title, so i wouldn't put that burden squarely on conservatives. 

also, i would check your sources on gen z.  trumpism is counterculture and the youngin's love that

Why the GOP Should Pay Attention to Gen Z

Entitled. Shallow. Disengaged. This is the stereotype of arguably the most misunderstood and overlooked generation participating in next year's election, Generation Z.

Democrats would have you believe that we are another ?snowflake? generation of bleeding heart Bernie lovers or ? simply put ? a lost cause for Republicans. Take it from Young Democrats of America President Louis Elrod, who says that what used to be seen as far-left platform positions are now ?standard if you want to reach out to the next generation.? 

The truth, however, paints a very different picture and provides a tantalizing opportunity for Republicans to win over Gen Z, so long as they take it. 

A recent Zogby poll found that nearly half of Gen Z voters ages 18-24 approve of President Trump, while a separate Morning Consult survey found that their support for Bernie Sanders dropped sharply from 45% to 33% in the past three months. These findings are consistent with a number of other studies that have found young people are swinging conservative, and the reasons go far beyond the typical allure to youth of countering the prevailing culture.
Ask Mitch to bring up gun legislation.
Hey he never wanted to bring up a bill regarding election security. But due to pressure he is bringing it up. Let?s go

Who doesn?t want election security?
Many people agree with me on many issues. I know because they message me and national polls.
Kenkoko said:
61% of young millennials prefers socialism over capitalism. (in contrast only 29% over the age of 55 prefer socialism)

Minor nit, the over 55 crowd LOVES socialism. Go ahead have your candidate attack social security and medicare, their ass will be handed to them.

They're not very fond of totalarians, but those messages have been mixed by 70 years of.propaganda.  I daily see the Trump and Pence attacks on 'Socialisim' and it destroying Venezuela.  What destroyed Venezuela was a guy like Trump.

Unfortunately, the Millenials are lied to by the Dems too.  Warren's 2 cents on the dollar on 'The Rich' won't pay for it.  Like Denmark.and other successful Social Democracies, that tax level will need to be paid by All.
About 90% of Germans supported National Socialism, 99.9% (if you believe the polls) supported Stalin. Same for Mao. How'd those socialist paradises work out?

People en mass can be wrong. Just because the numbers are bending that way doesn't mean it's the right path.

And yes, taxation is theft, no matter what the source of the thinking is. How much theft should be tolerated is open for discussion.

Odd that I'm still not hearing many readers signing up for their own "Freedom Dividend" commitments yet. Strange. Wonder if there is some sort of "I got mine, now leave me alone" thinking that's preventing such a blessed outpouring of generosity, freely given, by those who can. Remember, if you aren't willing to give "Your Fair Share" (TM) we'll see how it feels later when it's compulsory for you dear citizen.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
About 90% of Germans supported National Socialism, 99.9% (if you believe the polls) supported Stalin. Same for Mao. How'd those socialist paradises work out?

One of the things socialists are most famous for is training and education. Why, right this very minute there are over 1 million Muslims in mainland China enrolled in "Vocational Education and Training Centers."
Happiness said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
About 90% of Germans supported National Socialism, 99.9% (if you believe the polls) supported Stalin. Same for Mao. How'd those socialist paradises work out?

One of the things socialists are most famous for is training and education. Why, right this very minute there are over 1 million Muslims in mainland China enrolled in "Vocational Education and Training Centers."

Re-education is well on its way comrade...

College students think world will end in 12 years

Many of these students said they believe humanity is on a collision course with climate catastrophe and agree with Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that there?s only 12 years left before the planet becomes uninhabitable.
He makes a comment about AOC. But the chicken guy can?t respond to Raegan?s position on the environment.

morekaos said:
Happiness said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
About 90% of Germans supported National Socialism, 99.9% (if you believe the polls) supported Stalin. Same for Mao. How'd those socialist paradises work out?

One of the things socialists are most famous for is training and education. Why, right this very minute there are over 1 million Muslims in mainland China enrolled in "Vocational Education and Training Centers."

Re-education is well on its way comrade...

College students think world will end in 12 years

Many of these students said they believe humanity is on a collision course with climate catastrophe and agree with Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that there?s only 12 years left before the planet becomes uninhabitable.
Bring it!!! 

Nancy Pelosi will meet with House Democrats TODAY on impeachment as they reach 'tipping point' despite Trump insisting there would be nothing wrong with asking Ukraine's president for Joe Biden corruption probe

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will convene the Democratic caucus at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday to discuss whether to impeach President Donald Trump
The move comes after reports Trump encouraged Ukrainian officials to re-open inquiries into business dealings of former vice-president Joe Biden's son, Hunter
Biden forced out former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin as he was investigating an energy company called Burisma Holdings
The company paid Hunter Biden to be a member of its board
It is not clear what law, if any, Trump may have broken by pressing the Ukrainian government to re-open the case under threat of withholding military aid money
President otld reporters that 'it would probably, possibly have been O.K. if I did, but I didn't. I didn't put any pressure on them whatsoever'
morekaos said:
Reagan's dead...moving on.

Wow. What a guy! No respect to Ronald Raegan. The previous Governor of California, Previous President of United States, and famous actor.
The Reagan doctrine stopped communism spread. Also, someone might say help end the Cold War.
Tear down this wall. (Famous quote from Raegan regarding the Berlin Wall)