President Trump

I didn't know US intelligence chiefs could contradict the president...that sounds treasonous.
Aren't there systems in place to stop spies from letting the public know anything? a top secret clearance or something.

Are you saying Joe public is getting the same briefings as the POTUS?
zubs said:
I didn't know US intelligence chiefs could contradict the president...that sounds treasonous.
Aren't there systems in place to stop spies from letting the public know anything? a top secret clearance or something.

Are you saying Joe public is getting the same briefings as the POTUS?

Only IDIOTS will believe North Korea will completely denuclearize, and that ISIS is defeated. But then again you have GOOGLE CEO sit in front of congress and explained why TRUMP pictures show up as top hit when the word IDIOT searched on GOOGLE.😀😀😀Now that is a good laugh.
zubs said:
I didn't know US intelligence chiefs could contradict the president...that sounds treasonous.
Aren't there systems in place to stop spies from letting the public know anything? a top secret clearance or something.

Are you saying Joe public is getting the same briefings as the POTUS?

Can't tell this is sarcasm or not.
Nice job Trump!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. special envoy for North Korea laid out an extensive list of demands for North Korean denuclearization on Thursday that was likely to anger Pyongyang, even as President Donald Trump said the date and place for a second summit was set and hailed "tremendous progress" in his dealings with the country.

In excerpts of a speech he will deliver on Thursday in Palo Alto, California, envoy Stephen Biegun called for North Korea to declare all its nuclear and missile programs and warned that Washington had "contingencies" if the diplomatic process failed.

Biegun said Washington would have to have expert access and monitoring mechanisms of the key nuclear and missile sites and "ultimately ensure removal or destruction of stockpiles of fissile material, weapons, missiles, launchers and other weapons of mass destruction."

Pyongyang has rejected declaring its weapons programs for decades.

Trump is like the kid who does his homework 5 minutes before it is due and then blame everyone else.

Also ironic is that Trump stopped the Iran deal that had exactly the same level of scrutiny for Iran.
LOL...exhibit B.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his intelligence chiefs, including Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel, told him that they were misquoted when they publicly contradicted him during public on-camera testimony.

He made the claim a day after he tweeted that "Intelligence should go back to school!"

"They said they were totally misquoted and totally taken out of context," Trump said when asked by CNN if he raised the testimony with Coats and Haspel during his daily briefing on Thursday.

"They said it was fake news," Trump said.

The President did not provide examples of the areas the intelligence chiefs said they were misquoted. Their testimony was televised, and their written assessment of global threats was made public.
Gee...who saw that coming?

The future of Foxconn Technology Group?s $10 billion high-tech manufacturing campus in southeast Wisconsin was cast into uncertainty Wednesday after the company acknowledged the project was being ?adjusted? in response to changing global economics.

The world?s leading electronics manufacturer said in a statement Wednesday that it remained committed to creating 13,000 jobs in the state, which it promised in exchange for more than $4 billion in state and local taxpayer-backed incentives.

Later in the day, the company said it plans in the next 18 months to construct several facilities, including a back-end packaging plant, high-precision molding factory, a system integration assembly facility, a conceptual product testing center and research-and-development data center.

But in an interview with Reuters, a company executive said the bulk of the jobs at the facility would be for white-collar research and engineering jobs, rather than the types of blue-collar manufacturing jobs President Donald Trump touted when he and former Gov. Scott Walker broke ground on the project last June.
Irvinecommuter said:
zubs said:
I didn't know US intelligence chiefs could contradict the president...that sounds treasonous.
Aren't there systems in place to stop spies from letting the public know anything? a top secret clearance or something.

Are you saying Joe public is getting the same briefings as the POTUS?

Can't tell this is sarcasm or not.

While it's becoming more clear that Trump is delusional, I would like to believe that he has some kind of secret information which influences his decisions.  But more than likely it's just his narcissism.  His own people contradicts him all the time. 
One of the reasons I voted for the Tang Menace is that he might curtail American adventurism. With family in country during the Iraq fiasco, and after seeing the failed policy results both at home and abroad, I have become more of an isolationist than a interventionist. Trumps message about how he'd deal with overseas conflicts back in 2016 was a mirror to mine.

The closest "Intel Agency/POTUS" parallel is 1930's Britain. Many said we can make a deal with the German dictator, obtaining "peace in our time", others like Churchill said it was all wrong and the fight will have to be taken to them. The Intel consensus then was wrong, just as they were wrong in Iraq back in the early 2000's, as they may be wrong (as I believe) today in regards to Iran and Syria. Trumps campaign promises on adventurism are being pushed ahead, like it or not. That's rare for most politicians - to live up to what they said in the campaign.

PS - Notice as well that after POTUS began haranguing NATO members about funding, causing our intelligence chiefs to say "he's ruining our alliances!!!".... now NATO funding has increased, and the alliance remains strong. The methods aren't liked by many but the results in NATO's case speak for themselves.

My .02c

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost

President Donald Trump "is committed to NATO" and deserves credit in obtaining $100 billion more in defense spending for the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said Sunday.

"President Trump has been very clear: He is committed to NATO. He stated that clearly just a few days ago and also at the NATO summit in July," Stoltenberg said on "Fox News Sunday."

Stoltenberg's comment stands in contrast to Democrats who fear Trump wants to pull out of NATO, and some who have expressed concern he could be undermining the military alliance because it benefits Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Irvinecommuter said:
Gee...who saw that coming?

The future of Foxconn Technology Group?s $10 billion high-tech manufacturing campus in southeast Wisconsin was cast into uncertainty Wednesday after the company acknowledged the project was being ?adjusted? in response to changing global economics.

The world?s leading electronics manufacturer said in a statement Wednesday that it remained committed to creating 13,000 jobs in the state, which it promised in exchange for more than $4 billion in state and local taxpayer-backed incentives.

Later in the day, the company said it plans in the next 18 months to construct several facilities, including a back-end packaging plant, high-precision molding factory, a system integration assembly facility, a conceptual product testing center and research-and-development data center.

But in an interview with Reuters, a company executive said the bulk of the jobs at the facility would be for white-collar research and engineering jobs, rather than the types of blue-collar manufacturing jobs President Donald Trump touted when he and former Gov. Scott Walker broke ground on the project last June.

But did you see this coming?

After discussions with Trump, Foxconn says it will build factory in Racine County

Foxconn Technology Group said Friday it will indeed build a liquid crystal display manufacturing plant in Wisconsin, following talks between President Donald Trump and company CEO and Chairman Terry Gou.
Soylent Green Is People said:
PS - Notice as well that after POTUS began haranguing NATO members about funding, causing our intelligence chiefs to say "he's ruining our alliances!!!".... now NATO funding has increased, and the alliance remains strong. The methods aren't liked by many but the results in NATO's case speak for themselves.

This is all part of Putin's plan, right?
Florida is the fastest growing state in the nation, while New York is the fastest shrinking, followed by Illinois.  Why, oh why could that be??

Out-of-State Buyers Flock to Miami
Residents of high-tax cities are increasingly drawn to South Florida after last year?s tax law capped deductions
A growing list of public officials in high-tax states are expressing alarm that big earners are bolting to low-tax states as new data suggests some home buyers are moving in response to the year-old change in the federal tax law.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo became the latest on Monday when he blamed a $2.3 billion state shortfall on the new federal tax law that he said is driving people to leave the state. During a news conference in Albany, Mr. Cuomo said the 2017 law capping a deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000...
Liar Loan said:
Florida is the fastest growing state in the nation, while New York is the fastest shrinking, followed by Illinois.  Why, oh why could that be??

Out-of-State Buyers Flock to Miami
Residents of high-tax cities are increasingly drawn to South Florida after last year?s tax law capped deductions
A growing list of public officials in high-tax states are expressing alarm that big earners are bolting to low-tax states as new data suggests some home buyers are moving in response to the year-old change in the federal tax law.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo became the latest on Monday when he blamed a $2.3 billion state shortfall on the new federal tax law that he said is driving people to leave the state. During a news conference in Albany, Mr. Cuomo said the 2017 law capping a deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000...

There is a simple way to staunch the bleeding...lower state taxes.  None will see the light though

Seven U.S. states forgo individual income taxes as of 2018: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Residents of New Hampshire and Tennessee are also spared from handing over an extra chunk of their paycheck, though they do pay tax on dividends and income from investments.
nosuchreality said:
Loco_local said:

Because we're a nation of cake eaters.

Sure, some actually move.  Many are reside on paper.  Cali is full of them.  They want to live here, they want all the services this State offers, they just don't want to pay their part of it.

Cake Eater.

/rant off.

What services does this state offer?  I'm genuinely curious.
Liar Loan said:
nosuchreality said:
Loco_local said:

Because we're a nation of cake eaters.

Sure, some actually move.  Many are reside on paper.  Cali is full of them.  They want to live here, they want all the services this State offers, they just don't want to pay their part of it.

Cake Eater.

/rant off.

What services does this state offer?  I'm genuinely curious.

You mean that the state pays for and not the feds? Well there is the state of California defending people who are not legally supposed to be here.
What public services?  That is such a dumb ass comment.

I?ll write this but it?s not for you, you won?t really read, you?ll look it to find snippy little misdirects.  Anyone living in Southern California asking ?what government services? is, IMO, really ignorant of the way our State works and why they live here.

The first irony is asking what services in a forum around Irvine Housing, an upper middle class city whose primary draw for housing is public schools.  Not Private Schools, but quality Public Schools.  Pesky Government Service. That's State, Local and Fed all in one.

It goes much further than that.  We live here because of the good jobs, educated workforce & neighbors, our climate and beaches.

Yea, that?s all Government Services too.  Literally the air you breathe is a byproduct of a half century of onerous government services to clean it up. Without them, in Irvine, you wouldn?t want to sit in your California room.

It?s okay, without government services, you wouldn?t have a California room to sit in.  There roughly 19 million people in Southern California.  Why are 19 million people in this semi?arid region?  A century plus of massive Government Services and projects to provide you water.  Yea, without those giant water projects, most of those 19 million people couldn?t be here.  Without those 19 million people, most of the things you thump your chest about thinking you?re super successful, wouldn?t be here.

Well we have the economy.  Yea, almost too many government services to name.  The massive infrastructure projects, the 50+ year massive government service investment in the UC and Cal States systems or the government pork of cold war spending. California?s economy, population and vigor has been primed for a century with Government Services.

As you leave your job tonight which likely exists because it feeds on the people and business that feed on government services, and pull out on the government services (road) and think how nice it is now that the government services (lights) are government serviced (timed) and wave to the government services (police) that?s pulled over the shithead that ran the red light and think how nice it is to live in government services (safe) Irvine. 

As you tune in to Jon & Ken on the Radio, you don?t think about the government services making it possible.  As you catch the government services (traffic report) you?re thankful you aren?t a sheeple fighting the traffic on those poor government services in Los Angeles.  You?re rattled out of gloating, as another government services (Fire response) roars by on their way to help someone. 

As you turn towards your home in your carefully government serviced (planned and mandated) subdivision, you notice the vagrant panhandling outside the supermarket and think I need to call government services (Spitzer) and demand government services (someone) does government services (something) about him.  He?s probably a criminal and belongs back in the government services (jail). 

As you walk in your home you barely notice the earth tremor and don?t even think about the fact that the building isn?t collapsing on you because of those pesky government services (building regulations, inspections ad nauseam).  You hug your spouse and ask if they heard about the government services (recall) on the Romaine.  You don?t really think about the government services (clean) and government services (safe) food you?re going to eat or about the fact that you government services (know what?s in it).  You sit down to enjoy the beautiful evening in your California room, breathing the government services (clean air) and enjoying the government services (view you can see because your eyes are burning and blurred from watering).  You ask how your kid?s day went at government services (Public School). Wonderful they say, but complain about the government services (class size) which makes you grumble. 

You talk about maybe heading to the government services (Beach access)) this weekend.  You love that they are government services (clean).  You notice you forgot the government services (water) so you go inside and flip on the government services (electricity) for the lights, which actually  government services (come on and work).  You grab a government services (non-toxic) plastic pitcher from the counter and head to fridge and get some government services (filtered) water to remove the taste of the government services (chlorine) which keeps the water government services (safe).  After dinner, you head in to adjust temp because it?s getting chilly and the furnace government services (kicks on and burns gas).  You smile because it?s a very government services (efficient) new system.  You flip on the government services (TV broadcast) catching the news about government services (financial and economy indicators).  You?ve got an early day tomorrow back at your self-made job, so you head off to your government services (non-toxic) bed blissfully unconcerned that your  heater will government services (heat safely) and not smother you with carbon monoxide.  You lay down comfortable knowing that tomorrow the government services (shit you take for granted) will be there just like today and go sleep dreaming of a world free from all those pesky government services.

Liar Loan said:
nosuchreality said:
Loco_local said:

Because we're a nation of cake eaters.

Sure, some actually move.  Many are reside on paper.  Cali is full of them.  They want to live here, they want all the services this State offers, they just don't want to pay their part of it.

Cake Eater.

/rant off.

What services does this state offer?  I'm genuinely curious.