Orchard Hills - Pesticides

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
OCLuvr said:
Nope. I am not talking about any specific neighborhood. This is valid for ALL neighborhoods.

I think all potential environmental elements should be discussed including pesticides.

Is there a double standard?
OCLuvr said:
Nope. I am not talking about any specific neighborhood. This is valid for ALL neighborhoods.

Thanks for posting that article up, very informative & also very tragic for those family members involved, and their kids' health.

So they have stopped using roundup at certain neighborhood parks, why not an outright ban of using roundup in all areas of Irvine?

Last I spoke with the city of Irvine, they said they were using it in the Orchards. It's one thing to cease use in the parks and schools, but another in the Avocado Orchards where they generate tons of revneue. That will be an uphill battle & we weren't willing to sit around and wait for them to make a decision on that. Good luck to those involved.

This is a handy map showing pollution levels including pesticides as a general function. I find it useful when looking at new homes especially when they are billed as luxury. I have nothing against OH but this stuff is important to consider IMHO.
I was just helping someone who had concerns. I am not at all saying which neighborhood is good or bad. Rather I am saying round up is used in all neighborhoods.
eyephone said:
OCLuvr said:
Neighborhood parks are managed by HOAs. City of Irvine has stopped using round up. Work with HOAs to stop using it.http://www.ocweekly.com/news/how-irvine-became-socals-first-non-toxic-city-7317638

OCLuvr said:
People, mostly salaried folks, are investing their hard earned money while buying --no entertainment involved.

I guess it's okay to talk about pesticides and nothing else?

Double standard..

I don't think anyone is discounting other environmental concerns. Pesticides are something that can easily be eliminated. Roundup is known to cause cancer.

If you're talking about smog, cell tower radiation and other things, those are not as easy to tackle or modify, but also should not be discounted.
Orchard Hills Neighbors,
Living next to the orchards gives us amazing views and a secluded atmosphere, but it also brings us in close proximity to the pesticides/herbicides they use on those orchards.  Before purchasing, I was assured that any pesticides/herbicides would only be sprayed on non-windy days and that we were safe, but seeing the workers in full hazmat suits, driving trucks that spray green liquid over the tops of the trees not more than 200 feet away from our homes, got me a little concerned.

According to the following articles, pesticides can drift over a quarter mile.  That's 1320 feet.  Considering the orchards are well above to the roof-lines of most of our homes, it's not unreasonable to think that these chemicals are settling on our playgrounds, pools, and backyards.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pesticide-drift/
This article explains that all pesticides are harmful, just in varying degrees.  Long term effects include: cancer, tumors, brain and nervous system damage, birth defects, infertility, damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and other body organs.Short term effects include: irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, headache, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.  Me and my family have been experiencing these short term effects and although I don't want to jump to conclusions, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

The Orchards at Orchard Hills are owned by the Irvine Company, but operated by Irvine Valencia Growers.  I requested a list of Pesticides/Herbicides they use on their trees and this is what they sent me:


Glyphosate (Round-Up, Glphyos Extra)Princep Caliber 90

Success NaturalyteSupreme 415 OilAgri-Mex 0.15Veretran DPCQ Bait (Diphacinone Granules)Rait Bait Block (Diphacinone Blocks)Diazinon G-14

Nutri-PhiteSulfuric Acid FertilizerUrea Ammonium Nitrate 32%Urea Solution 46%Potassium thiosulfateZinc 9% SolutionGypsum

Copper Count N SolutionTri Basic Copper Sulfate 53%

That first one, Glyphosate, has been in use for over 40 years and only recently has been tangled in multiple legal battles for causing cancer.  Even with the monetary might of Monsanto/Bayer, manufacturer of Glyphosate, the victims of these cases are winning their lawsuits.  The latest to the tune of $2 billion.  


So what do we do?  I started a petition that we can take to the HOA meetings and send to the Irvine Company to urge them to make their orchards Organic.

Please sign the Petition!:  http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc

I have spoken to numerous people who say they love Orchard Hills but are afraid to move here because of the pesticides.  If we can turn the orchards organic, it would not only be good for the environment, our health, and our future, but also our home values!
Mr. Murca said:
Orchard Hills Neighbors,
Living next to the orchards gives us amazing views and a secluded atmosphere, but it also brings us in close proximity to the pesticides/herbicides they use on those orchards.  Before purchasing, I was assured that any pesticides/herbicides would only be sprayed on non-windy days and that we were safe, but seeing the workers in full hazmat suits, driving trucks that spray green liquid over the tops of the trees not more than 200 feet away from our homes, got me a little concerned.

According to the following articles, pesticides can drift over a quarter mile.  That's 1320 feet.  Considering the orchards are well above to the roof-lines of most of our homes, it's not unreasonable to think that these chemicals are settling on our playgrounds, pools, and backyards.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pesticide-drift/
This article explains that all pesticides are harmful, just in varying degrees.  Long term effects include: cancer, tumors, brain and nervous system damage, birth defects, infertility, damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and other body organs.Short term effects include: irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, headache, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.  Me and my family have been experiencing these short term effects and although I don't want to jump to conclusions, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

The Orchards at Orchard Hills are owned by the Irvine Company, but operated by Irvine Valencia Growers.  I requested a list of Pesticides/Herbicides they use on their trees and this is what they sent me:


Glyphosate (Round-Up, Glphyos Extra)Princep Caliber 90

Success NaturalyteSupreme 415 OilAgri-Mex 0.15Veretran DPCQ Bait (Diphacinone Granules)Rait Bait Block (Diphacinone Blocks)Diazinon G-14

Nutri-PhiteSulfuric Acid FertilizerUrea Ammonium Nitrate 32%Urea Solution 46%Potassium thiosulfateZinc 9% SolutionGypsum

Copper Count N SolutionTri Basic Copper Sulfate 53%

That first one, Glyphosate, has been in use for over 40 years and only recently has been tangled in multiple legal battles for causing cancer.  Even with the monetary might of Monsanto/Bayer, manufacturer of Glyphosate, the victims of these cases are winning their lawsuits.  The latest to the tune of $2 billion. 


So what do we do?  I started a petition that we can take to the HOA meetings and send to the Irvine Company to urge them to make their orchards Organic.

Please sign the Petition!: http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc

I have spoken to numerous people who say they love Orchard Hills but are afraid to move here because of the pesticides.  If we can turn the orchards organic, it would not only be good for the environment, our health, and our future, but also our home values!

Including links to article check
Including health facts check
Environmental issue check
Organizing an event/petition check

Fits the criteria. Is that you belly?
Mr. Murca said:
Orchard Hills Neighbors,
Living next to the orchards gives us amazing views and a secluded atmosphere, but it also brings us in close proximity to the pesticides/herbicides they use on those orchards.  Before purchasing, I was assured that any pesticides/herbicides would only be sprayed on non-windy days and that we were safe, but seeing the workers in full hazmat suits, driving trucks that spray green liquid over the tops of the trees not more than 200 feet away from our homes, got me a little concerned.

According to the following articles, pesticides can drift over a quarter mile.  That's 1320 feet.  Considering the orchards are well above to the roof-lines of most of our homes, it's not unreasonable to think that these chemicals are settling on our playgrounds, pools, and backyards.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pesticide-drift/
This article explains that all pesticides are harmful, just in varying degrees.  Long term effects include: cancer, tumors, brain and nervous system damage, birth defects, infertility, damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and other body organs.Short term effects include: irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, headache, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.  Me and my family have been experiencing these short term effects and although I don't want to jump to conclusions, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

The Orchards at Orchard Hills are owned by the Irvine Company, but operated by Irvine Valencia Growers.  I requested a list of Pesticides/Herbicides they use on their trees and this is what they sent me:


Glyphosate (Round-Up, Glphyos Extra)Princep Caliber 90

Success NaturalyteSupreme 415 OilAgri-Mex 0.15Veretran DPCQ Bait (Diphacinone Granules)Rait Bait Block (Diphacinone Blocks)Diazinon G-14

Nutri-PhiteSulfuric Acid FertilizerUrea Ammonium Nitrate 32%Urea Solution 46%Potassium thiosulfateZinc 9% SolutionGypsum

Copper Count N SolutionTri Basic Copper Sulfate 53%

That first one, Glyphosate, has been in use for over 40 years and only recently has been tangled in multiple legal battles for causing cancer.  Even with the monetary might of Monsanto/Bayer, manufacturer of Glyphosate, the victims of these cases are winning their lawsuits.  The latest to the tune of $2 billion. 


So what do we do?  I started a petition that we can take to the HOA meetings and send to the Irvine Company to urge them to make their orchards Organic.

Please sign the Petition!: http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc

I have spoken to numerous people who say they love Orchard Hills but are afraid to move here because of the pesticides.  If we can turn the orchards organic, it would not only be good for the environment, our health, and our future, but also our home values!

Good luck getting any support on this forum.  Although I agree with you that people are at long term risk here, most here will not care or they are too worried this will hurt their property values.  Money>health. 
A group of concerned residents will be attending the Irvine City Council Meeting on Oct. 22nd, 2019, where we will be presenting the the petition and asking the Council Members to add discussion of banning all non-organic pesticides/herbicides within Irvine, including all Orchards/farm land, to the agenda.  If you are at all concerned about this issue, I encourage you to join us and/or sign the petition so we can get this fixed!  Thanks!

Petition: http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc
Mr. Murca said:
A group of concerned residents will be attending the Irvine City Council Meeting on Oct. 22nd, 2019, where we will be presenting the the petition and asking the Council Members to add discussion of banning all non-organic pesticides/herbicides within Irvine, including all Orchards/farm land, to the agenda.  If you are at all concerned about this issue, I encourage you to join us and/or sign the petition so we can get this fixed!  Thanks!

Petition: http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc

Signed. Let?s keep our air clean. And as little pollutants if we can help it.
Agreed, there is no perfect location, it's a pick your poison or what your family can compromise and live with. 

relaydiver said:
akkord said:
Is the odor an issue for you as a potential buyer? 

relaydiver said:
Signed as well.
This is the main thing giving me hesitation in buying at OH.

Absolutely. I love almost everything about OH and am very seriously considering buying in Terra, but I have to admit the pesticide/odor issues are giving me great pause.

Granted, you can find something to nit pick about with virtually any area of Irvine. If not's not pesticides/asphalt, then its landfill, plume, jail, low income housing, fire hazard, highway pollution, power station, earthquake fault line or liquefaction zone, and so on...
One more reminder that a group of concerned residents will be attending the Irvine City Council Meeting on Oct. 22nd, 2019, where we will be presenting the the petition and asking the Council Members to add discussion of banning all non-organic pesticides/herbicides within Irvine, including all Orchards/farm land, to the agenda.  If you are at all concerned about this issue, I encourage you to join us and/or sign the petition so we can get this fixed!  Thanks!

Petition: http://chng.it/Y2nLhjsBbc
akkord said:
Agreed, there is no perfect location, it's a pick your poison or what your family can compromise and live with. 

relaydiver said:
akkord said:
Is the odor an issue for you as a potential buyer? 

relaydiver said:
Signed as well.
This is the main thing giving me hesitation in buying at OH.

Absolutely. I love almost everything about OH and am very seriously considering buying in Terra, but I have to admit the pesticide/odor issues are giving me great pause.

Granted, you can find something to nit pick about with virtually any area of Irvine. If not's not pesticides/asphalt, then its landfill, plume, jail, low income housing, fire hazard, highway pollution, power station, earthquake fault line or liquefaction zone, and so on...

In this case, it is literally poison. 