Orchard Hills - Pesticides

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
JBean72 said:
lnc said:
hello said:
I think the irvine company owns these orchards.  I spoke to a representative from irvine pacific and he said the orchards are actually owned by TIC. 

Not only TIC own these avocado orchards, they are making a killing on it.  TIC produce 10 millions ponds of avocado a year and the revenue rumors to be $14 millions a year.

Fruits of Irvine Co.'s labor

Regardless, we are getting the vents cleaned, run the IQ air filter in the house daily, and keep the house immaculate - it's literally as clean as you can get. Those are the only precautions we can take for now until we can at least figure out what could be going on.

I have three IQ airs and I love them.  They are pricey but I think they are worth it.  I also have an austin air also but IQ air seems better...
SoCal said:
I have read about half but not the entire thread. Do you have hard floors in your home? When something happens like this happens, our minds tend to jump to the worst. It may not be due to pesticides at all. It could be a very simple reason. The reason I asked about the flooring is because I've read online about how the flooring trend has worsened allergies for some people. It may seem counter-intuitive but carpet will trap dust and debris and prevent it from being airborne whereas with hard flooring, obviously it is not trapping particles and the resident is exposed... that's what it was saying. It's worth thinking about.

I mentioned this before in another thread, but wood flooring will off gas formaldehyde as well as other VOCs (primary from glues if used). 
something to consider...
zubs said:
Here's some ammo for you OH homeowners.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-...nfirms-roundup-will-be-labeled-cancer-causing
I wonder if Avocado groves use roundup.

When people say regulations and the EPA are driving away CA business's, this is a good example.  What's a little cancer to keep jobs in CA!?!


Roundup (glycophosphylates) is a horrible horrible chemical.  Monsanto has made billions off of this and has lobbied hard to keep information regarding roundup out of the public eye.  Roundup is basically the main reason why there is soooooooo much criticism of GMO farming (most GMOs are basically made so that they are resistant to roundup, hence roundup could be used without destroying crops).  The non-GMO crowd may sound like a bunch of tards to many people, but if you understand why they are against GMOs (mainly the reasons of pesticide/herbicide use) I  think people would understand their cause much more.
JBean72 said:
And out of curiosity, @Qwerty [...] do you have kids? What would you do if an allergist or physician pointed the finger at pesticides causing their symptoms without a shadow of a doubt?
You are asking the wrong person.

1. qwerimmune grew up getting cropdusted every day
2. qwerdeaf can't hear trains or airplanes
3. qwertoxic lives on soil you can't grow edible plants on
4. qwerfastfood eats McDs and Taco Bell daily
5. qwermutant doesn't mind if his kids and dogs grow extra limbs, he'll just take a picture and brag about it on a housing forum

qwertyman is a superhero... pesticides, HOAs, money issues, veteran rights, etc etc have no effect on him.

:) x 10
irvinehomeowner said:
JBean72 said:
And out of curiosity, @Qwerty [...] do you have kids? What would you do if an allergist or physician pointed the finger at pesticides causing their symptoms without a shadow of a doubt?
You are asking the wrong person.

1. qwerimmune grew up getting cropdusted every day
2. qwerdeaf can't hear trains or airplanes
3. qwertoxic lives on soil you can't grow edible plants on
4. qwerfastfood eats McDs and Taco Bell daily
5. qwermutant doesn't mind if his kids and dogs grow extra limbs, he'll just take a picture and brag about it on a housing forum

qwertyman is a superhero... pesticides, HOAs, money issues, veteran rights, etc etc have no effect on him.

:) x 10

Man the hate is getting strong. It's called being practical. I'm not a bitch that thinks irvine is the center of my happiness and universe  :-) x 20
irvinehomeowner said:
JBean72 said:
And out of curiosity, @Qwerty [...] do you have kids? What would you do if an allergist or physician pointed the finger at pesticides causing their symptoms without a shadow of a doubt?
You are asking the wrong person.

1. qwerimmune grew up getting cropdusted every day
2. qwerdeaf can't hear trains or airplanes
3. qwertoxic lives on soil you can't grow edible plants on
4. qwerfastfood eats McDs and Taco Bell daily
5. qwermutant doesn't mind if his kids and dogs grow extra limbs, he'll just take a picture and brag about it on a housing forum

qwertyman is a superhero... pesticides, HOAs, money issues, veteran rights, etc etc have no effect on him.

:) x 10

zubs said:
Look what I found on the internet!http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/29/us-monsanto-lawsuit-idUSKCN0RT2L220150929

If the avocado trees are using Glyphosate (roundup), you should probably get them to stop...and wash your veggies people....with an industrial sprayer.

One of the main reason people argue for NON-GMOs and organics is because of glyphosates.  A overwhelming majority of GMOs are made to be more resistant to glyphosates so that more and more glyphosates could be used.  The common misconception with GMO's is that the modified genes itself lead to bigger and healthier crops.  That is not the case, they are simply made to be resistant to this herbicide, thus allowing more of it to be used...  thus companies like Monsanto can continue to make billions off this product.  Its no wonder why their lobby is so strong and why they even have board members in the Obama cabinet...
Sorry for reviving such an old thread, but how are your allergies now?  We moved to OH from Stonegate in January and are experiencing the same thing; allergies we've never had before.  I've had allergies before, but these are different.  A few in our household, including me, are having eye pain.  Not itching or burning, but aching. Also having headaches, draining, and feeling lethargic.

I've seen them spray, a truck drives down the dirt paths in the orchard, with a geyser of green liquid shooting up and over the trees.  It's hard not to think that's not drifting across the street to our home.

The orchards are owned by TIC but operated by Irvine Valencia Growers: (949) 936-8000

I've called and emailed, trying to find out what type of pesticides they use and how often they spray. Still waiting for a response.

I've also talked to the Orange County Agricultural Commission: http://www.ocagcomm.com/ (714) 955-0100

They told me to fill out this form:http://www.ocagcomm.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=3089
and send or email it to them.  Then they'll send someone out to investigate, but I'm trying to get in touch with the growers first.

I'm also going to contact the HOA.

Maybe it's not the pesticides, but since that's the biggest difference from where I used to live, I'm trying to rule that out first. Maybe with enough of us bugging them, we can get some movement on this...
Mr. Murca said:
Sorry for reviving such an old thread, but how are your allergies now?  We moved to OH from Stonegate in January and are experiencing the same thing; allergies we've never had before.  I've had allergies before, but these are different.  A few in our household, including me, are having eye pain.  Not itching or burning, but aching. Also having headaches, draining, and feeling lethargic.

I've seen them spray, a truck drives down the dirt paths in the orchard, with a geyser of green liquid shooting up and over the trees.  It's hard not to think that's not drifting across the street to our home.

The orchards are owned by TIC but operated by Irvine Valencia Growers: (949) 936-8000

I've called and emailed, trying to find out what type of pesticides they use and how often they spray. Still waiting for a response.

I've also talked to the Orange County Agricultural Commission: http://www.ocagcomm.com/ (714) 955-0100

They told me to fill out this form:http://www.ocagcomm.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=3089
and send or email it to them.  Then they'll send someone out to investigate, but I'm trying to get in touch with the growers first.

I'm also going to contact the HOA.

Maybe it's not the pesticides, but since that's the biggest difference from where I used to live, I'm trying to rule that out first. Maybe with enough of us bugging them, we can get some movement on this...
The allergies may not be a cause of the pesticides, but rather a result of the pollen that comes from the trees. Every season is avocado season in California, so that means thousands upon thousands of avocado blossoms on these trees year-round.

That being said, as a fellow OH resident, it is important to get to the bottom of what pesticides are being used in the surrounding trees. I don't really believe that any sort of pesticides would be cause of any draining or lethargic feeling, but it'd be good to know.
I haven't logged into this thread in such a long time, and just happened to see this thread revived when looking for info for a friend in Irvine and thought we should respond.

In a nutshell, we followed up with the city of Irvine, and they do in fact spray Roundup in the Avocado Orchards. They gave us a long list of chemicals, but that was the one listed at the very top.

What was alarming to us was the timing - we had just moved in not even a few weeks after they had sprayed, and that is when we started to notice the symptoms. I had horrible rhinitis, so did our kid, and other people that came to the house also noticed symptoms. We traveled to the East coast for a few weeks and our symptoms also vanished completely.

I'm not saying it was the chemicals, because it literally could have been the off-gasing from the new paint and appliances, or it could also have been the construction dust as well. But the thing is, we have lived in new contsruction homes before and NEVER had this problem. This was the first time I ever had horrible rhinits symptoms ever in my life, and I am not prone to getting allergies.

The real alarming thing was that we heard a neighbor of ours had kids who had even worse symptoms. One had facial tics, and the other one had a rash after swimming in the pool right across from the Orchards, around the same time they sprayed in that area.

Needless to say, we were not going to put our family at risk, so we moved out of the area. We felt fortunate enough that we could make that decision for the best interest of our kid, given the circumstances of just having moved in. We ended up doing an out of State move anyway to save money financially, so the timing of it ended up working out in our favor.

I personally, no matter how small the risk, would never live near any Orchards where they are spraying roundup when having kids of any age in the home.

I felt like, given the information in hand, that we had enough to make a sound decision. I wish everyone luck in theirs, and I'm sure we are in the minority in terms of moving out, but I was not about to risk our child's health at all. It's not worth it to us.

Also, I am not an anti-vaxxer or a crunchy as they call it :P I was in the medical field for over 10 years. I consider myself to be of sound mind when it comes to making medical decisions like this, and for our health, and especially our child's health, the risk was not worth staying.

Hope this info is helpful, and feel free to DM us if you have any additional questions.

I also moved to OH from Stonegate, but for me I had bad allergy issue at Stonegate.  At OH, I have no allergy problem so far maybe because I am further away from the Orchards. 