Is there a Global Crisis on its way?

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irvinehomeowner said:
I'd like to hear from one TI member who supports Russia on this stupidity.

Tell me something to help me understand the other side.

Maybe morekaos?

Putin is going to roll over Ukraine eventually and six months from now we will be focused on something else.  Probably the Winter blend of covid, or the ongoing inflation or the deep recession or the election...whatever.

So you support Putin's invasion of Ukraine?

Despite how many innocents are killed?

Now I am beginning to understand you more.
irvinehomeowner said:

So you support Putin's invasion of Ukraine?

Despite how many innocents are killed?

Now I am beginning to understand you more.

Where did I say I supported it?  Is this Eye?  You asked what I thought I  told you he will probably eventually win...and the world will move on, just like Covid (until the winter breakout) when they will resurrect Faucci (what happened to that guy?)
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Please read better... what was my original question?

Just telling you what is going to happen without taking any sides. 

But that wasn't my question, was it? Do you support the Putin invasion of Ukraine?

You throw it aside like some news cycle so that makes it sound like you have little regard for the people of Ukraine.
Wars go on constantly, every day, every year. We aren?t incumbent to take sides on any of them. I always root for the underdog but let?s be honest?they are eventually going to lose and there is little our government will do to stop that. It will be swept away, like Covid, by the news cycle.
morekaos said:
Wars go on constantly, every day, every year. We aren?t incumbent to take sides on any of them. I always root for the underdog but let?s be honest?they are eventually going to lose and there is little our government will do to stop that. It will be swept away, like Covid, by the news cycle.

morekaos, GO F?CK YOURSELF
MoreKaos sounds cold hearted but a lot of Americans only care about themselves so it is not a shocker.

But realistically, what we can do to help? Donate to Ukraine? Write letters to your representative demanding for more action, boycotting Russian imports?
akula1488 said:
MoreKaos sounds cold hearted but a lot of Americans only care about themselves so it is not a shocker.

It?s true, everyone is selfish to some degree, but if there?s a scale of selfishness, his would be like his political stance, far right
As I have noted before...China is going through something similar to Japans collapse in the 90's. 

Meanwhile In China, All Hell Is Breaking Loose

1.  China on brink of biggest Covid-19 crisis since Wuhan as cases surge
2. Chinese stocks are crashing
3. Chinese bonds are crashing
4. China's property sector is (still) crashing
5. China Credit Collapses
6. Didi crashes
7. ESG blues
8. China Doubles Yuan Trading Band for Ruble
9. Foreigners dump Chinese bonds in record amounts
10. GDP on verge of contraction
morekaos said:
Wars go on constantly, every day, every year. We aren?t incumbent to take sides on any of them. I always root for the underdog but let?s be honest?they are eventually going to lose and there is little our government will do to stop that. It will be swept away, like Covid, by the news cycle.

Thanks for the worthless response.

Why take a stand in politics, environment, Covid, energy, oil etc and ignore war?

You can't care so much for the funny things Joe Biden says or point out snowflakes or disinform about effectiveness of masks and vaccines and then say you can't take sides when it comes to war.

I'm not asking you to tell me who you think will win... I'm asking if you agree with the reasons why Putin is invading Ukraine?

This isn't war... as I've said, that would imply 2 sides having a conflict... this is bully ball.
Weakness begets weakness. All those other topics have fed into why this war came about. Feckless, foolish and ideologic policies has opened the door to exploitation, war and economic pain.  Who supports a war? I certainly do not support it but all those other topics have contributed to why we find ourselves in the current situation and why the cycle will soon swing the pendulum the other way and rectify the mistake.
No one with any morals would support a war and Putin is an evil mad man. With that said, US does provide an opening for people like him to take advantage of; from the disastrous military withdrawal in Afghanistan to promoting gender equality in our military; The inflation has been running hot and with Russia's vast resources in natural gas and oil, Putin is testing our resolve for even higher inflation.
Let's put this way, if gas hits $10 per gallon, how many Americans will want the war to stop with Ukraine surrendering much of its sovereignty?
akula1488 said:
No one with any morals would support a war and Putin is an evil mad man. With that said, US does provide an opening for people like him to take advantage of; from the disastrous military withdrawal in Afghanistan to promoting gender equality in our military; The inflation has been running hot and with Russia's vast resources in natural gas and oil, Putin is testing our resolve for even higher inflation.
Let's put this way, if gas hits $10 per gallon, how many Americans will want the war to stop with Ukraine surrendering much of its sovereignty?

I think it's crazy that gender equality in our military gets talked about like a top issue.

Not the fact that the Pentagon failed every audit ever conducted, while our military budget has grown more than 2x from 320 billion in 2000 to 778 billion in 2020.

Nobody seems to even question why we spend more on our military than the next nine highest spending countries combined.

Don't think it'll even get to $10. By maybe $8, we'll sign up for WW3.
Liar Loan said:
Where were all these anti-war voices when the US invaded Iraq?  1,000,000 Iraqi's died and nobody cares.

The same place the #bringbackourgirls are or the #neveragain crowd...nowhere.