Economy and Climate Change

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That's not what I'm referring to but keep misinforming. I was at Seal Beach a few days ago and it was just as hot as more inland places.

Your claims of 85 during the day is suspect.
I really hope purple font is right, but it was 111 degrees outside my house on the weekend....I don't think I have ever seen that.
Plus it snowed next to the 91 freeway near the new vet graveyard 2 years ago...what the hell?
That is what I don't get. I'm not saying the world is ending tomorrow but there has been some climate change... it's just logical if you look at the science.

Whether or not this makes you hug a tree shouldn't keep you from recognizing the change.

This is NOT political.
Hottest days by year in LA…. you can go back 100 years…do you see a pattern here? No one does because there isn’t one. See my 80’s 100 degree days? I remember them well.🤷🏽‍♂️🦄🌈

don’t believe all the panic porn, it hasn’t changed in 100 years, the only thing your conservation efforts have done is driven up the price of energy for all of us.🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈
You know who likes "Corporate Greed"? Your 401k and your stock portfolio. If that's not the case then certainly dear readers of this thread you must be 100% invested in gold and nothing else? No? Then please stop complaining about presumed "Corporate Greed"...

Greed, as we know, is good.
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Just one big con…👎🏽😂😂😂🦄🌈

Shrinking island, vanishing polar bears — the climate scare stories that turn out to be false

Looking back on more than 20 years of climate agitation, two themes emerge: a stubborn unwillingness by campaigners to acknowledge any inconvenient science, and ever-shifting favorite stories, first elevated and then dropped by the wayside.

The one constant: a fixation on scaring the public, which has in turn shaped bad climate policies.

At the start of this century, the polar bear was the emblem of climate apocalypse.

Protesters dressed as polar bears, while Al Gore’s hit 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth” showed us a sad, animated polar bear floating away to its death.

The Washington Post warned that polar bears faced extinction, and the World Wildlife Fund’s chief scientist even claimed some polar bear populations would be unable to reproduce by 2012.

And then in the 2010s, campaigners just stopped talking about polar bears.

Why? Because after years of misrepresentation, it finally became impossible for them to ignore a mountain of evidence showing that the global polar bear population has increased substantially from around 12,000 in the 1960s to around 26,000 in the present day. (The main reason? People are hunting a lot less polar bears).

The same thing has happened with depictions ofAustralia’s Great Barrier Reef.

For decades, campaigners shouted that the reef was being killed off by rising sea temperatures

After extensive damage from a hurricane in 2009, official Australian estimates of coral cover reached a low in 2012.

The media was flooded with claims of the “Great Reef Catastrophe” and scientists predicted the reef would be decimated by 2022. The Guardian even published an obituary.

The latest official statistics show a completely different picture. For the past three years, the Great Barrier Reef has had more coral cover than at any point since records began in 1985, with 2024 setting a new record.

Remember when the Government was giving out money (subsidies) for anyone who would tear up their beautiful lawns and replace them with plastic?...More unintended consequences of virtue signaling social engineering in the name of climate change that does just the opposite…idiots…🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡🦄🌈

What’s more environmentally irresponsible than a thirsty L.A. lawn? A fake plastic one

Let’s start with some common sense: Covering the Earth with plastic carpet is a terrible idea. And yet we continue to cover an ever-growing swath of our public and private open spaces with artificial turf in a way that will surely leave future generations scratching their heads in confusion.

In fact, it’s clear that artificial turf is bad for our ecosystems as well as our health.

Artificial turf exacerbates the effects of climate change. On a 90-degree Los Angeles day, the temperature of artificial turf can reach 150 degrees or higher — hot enough to burn skin. And artificial turf is disproportionately installed to replace private lawns and public landscaping in economically disadvantaged communities that already face the greatest consequences of the urban heat-island effect, in which hard surfaces raise local temperatures.

Artificial turf consists of single-use plastics made from crude oil or methane. The extraction, refining and processing of these petrochemicals, along with the transporting and eventual removal of artificial turf, come with a significant carbon footprint.

Remarkably, artificial turf doesn’t even save water compared with grass. Industry marketing materials claim that an artificial field can save millions of gallons of water a year and that homeowners who use the product to replace a conventional lawn can reduce their water use by more than half. But artificial turf must be regularly cleaned with water, and in warm climates such as Los Angeles’, artificial fields get so hot that schools must water them down before children play on them.

L.A. lawns waste water, but artificial turf is even worse - Los Angeles Times (
I put artificial turf in my backyard, and I get way less mosquitos than the original grass.
I use to have a lawn and broken sprinklers that would cause all kinds of flying bugs in and around that area.
After changing it to the fake grass and capping the water, I'm really happy with it.

I thought the 110 degree weather we had 2 weeks ago may damage it, but it's still the same.

If you are thinking of getting fake grass, be sure to have the installer zigzag the seams, otherwise you will be able to see them.