Crimes/protests related to COVID

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The Hill Article: Denver man accused of shooting Waffle House cook after being told to wear a coronavirus mask

A man is facing attempted first-degree murder charges for allegedly shooting a Waffle House line cook after after a dispute over wearing a mask in the restaurant. Watson was refused service because he was not wearing a mask.
He returned the next night and fired on the cook.

Video shows Costco worker calmly handle customer berating him over mask policy

I'm not doing it, the customer says of the requirement to wear a mask. Because I woke up in a free country. The Costco employee's response won him praise online.

A Costco employee is being lauded online for his handling of an encounter with a customer who recorded himself berating the worker and refusing to wear a mask.

A video of the incident posted to Twitter on Monday has been viewed millions of times and highlights a reality for many retail workers who are having to enforce stores' rules and public health guidelines on masks. The original video was posted on Instagram before it was deleted.

In the video customer says: He's going to take the cart away. Because he's a p---- little b----.

The president and chief executive officer of Costco, Craig Jelinek, explains the warehouse chain's mask policy in a letter addressed to members posted on the company's website. The letter cites the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as advising that face coverings can help slow the spread of the virus, including by those who are not aware they are infected.

(click the link for video to see customer and employee interaction)

So you want these boneheads dictating to you what to do with your lives...bang up job so far guys, please continue....

Man arrested 3 times in 1 day under CA's coronavirus-based zero-bail policy

Officers in Los Angeles County arrested and released a suspect three times in one day after he was repeatedly let go based on the zero-bail policy that California has put into effect due to the coronavirus pandemic, police said.

The policy is intended to keep the jail population lower due to COVID-19 concerns, officials say.
8 arrested at San Clemente protest yesterday:

The protest began at about 9 a.m. and drew an estimated 200 people to the beach city?s pier area, according to the Orange County Sheriff?s Department.

?The vast majority of demonstrators peacefully exercised their First Amendment rights,? the department said in a written statement.

?Unfortunately, despite numerous warnings prior to the event, some individuals chose to commit unlawful activity,? the statement said. ?Eight people were arrested.?

Four of those arrested were booked on suspicion of trespassing, and another three were booked on suspicion of failing to disperse, officials said.

But one of those arrested, identified as 55-year-old Alan Shane Hostetter of San Clemente, was accused of inciting a riot, destruction of city property, trespassing and resisting arrest, according to sheriff?s officials and county booking records.

Hostetter organized the protest and is a former chief of the La Habra Police Department, the Orange County Register reported. He took a disability retirement from the department in 2010 after eight months as the city?s top law enforcement officer.

Hostetter was taken into custody while attempting to dismantle fencing and refusing orders to stop, according to the Register.

He has organized three similar rallies in the past, the newspaper reported.

?We always have and always will protect First Amendment rights,? Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes said in a written statement. ?That does not entitle individuals to commit other violations of law. We appreciate the support we have received from the community as we defend the rights afforded to us by the Constitution and uphold the law.?


The Orange County sheriff on Tuesday made it clear he will not enforce an order issued over the weekend requiring people to wear cloth face coverings in public.

Way to boost consumer confidence! Sometimes it is better to say nothing.
In my opinion, this is why elected local officials do not get business. I guess it is a Big stretch for them to understand consumer confidence.
There are laws on the books for public heath. Other public safety agencies will enforce the law. Last time I checked police agencies are required to enforce the law.

I guess this is why myself and other will continue to shop online or do pickup.
Dailymail Article: Moment elderly man refusing to wear a mask fights his way into a Florida Walmart and falls to the floor after shoving a worker

Video from National Scoops YouTube Channel (original video from twitter)

TMZ article: More detail

My comment: Walmart employee calm and collective enforcing mask policy. Way to go!  ;D
Much props to the guy recording on his cell phone. It makes the video hilarious.
CBS News: Florida insurance agent fired after mask meltdown at Costco

A Florida man has been fired from his job as an insurance agent after his videotaped tirade when asked to wear a face mask at a Costco Wholesale store drew a massive audience on social media.

The video posted Monday on Twitter shows a man wearing flip-flops and a red T-shirt emblazoned with Running the world since 1776 shouting in the store after reportedly being asked why he was not wearing a face covering, as required at all Costco locations.
Y?all think he?s dumbass, but by shouting out ?I feel threatened?, he paved his way for clearance under stand your ground for any response in the altercation he ended up doing.
nosuchreality said:
Y?all think he?s dumbass, but by shouting out ?I feel threatened?, he paved his way for clearance under stand your ground for any response in the altercation he ended up doing.

Is there something he can yell to pave the way from getting fired? :-)
Oh I agree, however we have already seen several stupid stand your ground decisions.  That response he gave is a trained response.
Job loss > than stand your ground (which has nothing to do with this article)

(I am guessing many cameras around the checkout place in Costco. I assume the confrontation happened near the cash registers by watching the video.)

Hypothetical: I do not know how stand your ground got into this topic. But let?s play out your hypothetical. I do not think he will win in court if the guy shot him over asking about a mask. There was only one guy yelling in the video for what I can tell.

Are you willing to risk you being in jail using the stand your ground law in that state? (keep in mind over a mask) lol
My point, that everyone is missing isn?t that he isn?t a dumbass. It is that he is a dangerous dumbass that is using a canned phrased much like a cop saying he grabbed for something in his pants, to justify a shooting.

Ha ha look at the dumbass getting fired, in that State, with their laws, is doubly dangerous.