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Who needs N95 masks when you can easily buy tampons in bulk  ;)


Please stay alert and wash your hands frequently, no matter where you are, especially to those who travel to Asia for business. Check-in with friends and colleagues nearby. I'm sending extra prayers and courage to those who are closer to the fast developments. 🙏🏻

If you haven't noticed...In less than 3 months, more than 78,811 individuals in 32 countries got the disease and 2,467 have died. 35 cases of the disease are confirmed in the USA and more updates are coming each day. World Health Organization (WHO) has stated the "Disease X" global spread is worrisome but no panic is needed yet.

I know in Asia, many others who are impacted in their supply chain, business, and lives - empty streets, teleworking offices, and lives lost. The more we educate ourselves, stay alert and resilient will we be able to find hope in this face of fear and uncertainty.

Here are some places you can read more about it.

Sending courage and positivity to those who are there. 🙌 Hang tight. To others, please be respectful and mindful.

NYT Map:

WHO Advice to Public:

Center for Disease Prevention Alert:

US State Department Travel Alert Warning:
I consider the film "Contagion" as a documentary now.... Just hope "12 Monkeys" isn't one as well.

Thanks Panda for the links. All very helpful.
The flu is global, killing many people, and has several methods of palliative care - not cure, but care.

The Coronavirus is extraordinarily contagious with limited care options. The virus has prompted countries to quarantine a population equal in numbers to the entire population of the United States. Not so with the common flu.

While both are bad, one has the potential to become considerably more dangerous IMHO

My .02c
Current Corona Virus = Mortality Rate of 1% to 3% (100 million infection = 1 to 3 million deaths)
Current Corona Virus Treatment = None as of Today
Vaccine = None
Side Effect = High chance of permanent lung damage upon having pneumonia (lifetime medication required) - Inflammation and Pulmonary fibrosis
Probability of Pneumonia = Moderate to Very High
Level of Contagious = Very High (Airborne, fluid, etc.)

Flu = Mortgage Rate of 0.01% to 0.02% (100 million infection = 10,000 to 20,000 deaths)
Flu = Symptoms Treatable with Medication
Vaccine = Available/Possible
Side Effect = Mostly cured with no significant side effects
Probability of Pneumonia = Low to Moderate
Level of Contagious = High to Very High
Depends on if the counts are right.  The estimate is that the actual infection count is artificially low, comparable to counting hospitalization rates on the flu. Death rate if hospitalized with the flu is closer to 6%.

A week ago, 1/3rd of my kids class (ten kids) where out sick on a My kid brought it home, 103 fever,cough diarrhea, not the flu. Flu test was negative. Spread to the rest of us. 

Every year, the 'flu' comes thru. Every year its a dice toss on the vaccine mix and whether it mutates towards a Spanish Flu type event.

The precaution you are thinking of taking are the precautions you should already be doing for the flu.
I think the comparable virus to corona are SARS and MERS.

I don?t think comparing the flu to the corona virus is apples to apples.
eyephone said:
I think the comparable virus to corona are SARS and MERS.

I don?t think comparing the flu to the corona virus is apples to apples.

SARS and MERS had significantly higher mortality rate of approx. 10% and 35%, respectively.  Nasty stuff.
Anyways, just wanted to share that Corona Virus is definitely more dangerous then the seasonal Flu.

Hopefully, they can get the Vaccine and treatments out before next Winter. 
Goriot said:
eyephone said:
I think the comparable virus to corona are SARS and MERS.

I don?t think comparing the flu to the corona virus is apples to apples.

SARS and MERS had significantly higher mortality rate of approx. 10% and 35%, respectively.  Nasty stuff.
Anyways, just wanted to share that Corona Virus is definitely more dangerous then the seasonal Flu.

Hopefully, they can get the Vaccine and treatments out before next Winter.

NIAID Article/information for researchers: Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, in people. However, three times in the 21st century coronavirus outbreaks have emerged from animal reservoirs to cause severe disease and global transmission concerns.

There are hundreds of coronaviruses, most of which circulate among animals including pigs, camels, bats and cats. Sometimes those viruses jump to humans?called a spillover event?and can cause disease. Seven coronaviruses are known to cause human disease, four of which are mild: viruses 229E, OC43, NL63 and HKU1. Three of the coronaviruses can have more serious outcomes in people, and those diseases are SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) which emerged in late 2002 and disappeared by 2004; MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), which emerged in 2012 and remains in circulation in camels; and COVID-19, which emerged in December 2019 from China and a global effort is under way to contain its spread. COVID-19 is caused by the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.

Thanks to research investments into the SARS and MERS outbreaks, NIAID scientists and grantees are better prepared to develop diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines against COVID-19. Included in those projects are basic research to understand how the virus infects cells and causes disease; adapting platforms used to develop diagnostic tests and vaccines; and evaluating treatments such as broad-spectrum antivirals and potentially monoclonal antibodies.



In January 2020 a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was identified as the causative agent of an outbreak of viral pneumonia centered around Wuhan, Hubei, China. That disease is now called COVID-19. The virus has caused a widespread outbreak of disease similar to SARS throughout China, with exported cases occurring in four other continents, including the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a test to diagnose COVID-19 in respiratory and serum samples from clinical specimens. NIAID also is accelerating efforts to develop additional diagnostic tests for COVID-19. These tests would help facilitate preclinical studies and aid in the development of medical countermeasures.

Much of NIAID?s work on COVID-19 is an expansion of its work on Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Click the link to read more.
San Fancisco State-of-emergency of Corona Virus this morning. If this thing spreads, it will spread from the West Coast to East Coast.
Irvine Home Shopper... Any insights on your part? 

"She added: ?It?s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses."
Trump calls this fake news.  In the coming months, we will see who is right.  CDC or Trump.
Do any of you guys have the real numbers infected by state? It is weird.. I would look at one article and the stats would suddenly disappear. We just want honest numbers.
Panda said:
San Fancisco State-of-emergency of Corona Virus this morning. If this thing spreads, it will spread from the West Coast to East Coast.
Irvine Home Shopper... Any insights on your part? 

"She added: ?It?s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses."

Here is the most important part of her declaration...follow the money...

She says not only does the declaration kickstart the mobilizing of city resources, streamlining staff, and coordinating agencies across the city, but it allows for future reimbursements from the state and federal governments.
This is the most accurate link i found. More than 1200 South Koreans infected and 59 in the U.S. If this outbreaks in the U.S., San Francisco is the first city we need watch closely. With such close proximity between China and Korea, I wonder why there is no infection reported in North Korea?

Other links to look at:
WHO Advice to Public:
Center for Disease Prevention Alert:
US State Department Travel Alert Warning: