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  1. W

    Please Remember to Vote

    I have no problem discouraging the uninformed from participating in a process that they obviously don't care about. The choice to become informed is an individual choice that anyone can make.  And while I wouldn't expect most people in this forum to already know that the 2014 elections will be...
  2. W

    Please Remember to Vote

    I only hope that that persons mother was named Elizabeth...
  3. W

    Please Remember to Vote

    In Saddam Hussein's Iraq, he regularly was elected by 100% majorities.  Look at any "Banana Republic" of a country and you are sure to find 100% voter participation rates.  Freedom to be uninformed is an American freedom.  Thinking that having uninformed people voting improves the process is...
  4. W

    Please Remember to Vote

    It would bother me even more if my mother were named "Mitt" or "Barrack"...
  5. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    It looks like Vladimir got the message about Obama having more flexibility after the election -
  6. W

    Please Remember to Vote

    I've never been one to shy away from speaking the truth just because is unpopular.  So here goes .... If you need to be reminded that today is election day, you shouldn't be voting.  Our system of government isn't improved when uninformed/uninterested people have the ability to cancel out the...
  7. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    Mr Burns endorses Mitt Romney -
  8. W

    Xmas gift ideas

    Hey, it's not all scat, there are some useful things in that list - take the wine rack for example -
  9. W

    Xmas gift ideas

    It is a year old, but the gift ideas are timeless -
  10. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    A new low in campaign ads has been reached. A group of children singing the following song: Imagine an America Where strip mines are fun and free Where...
  11. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    I would love to be wrong and see the Republicans take the Senate, but looking at the latest election map from, it doesn't look very hopeful.  We would pretty much need to run all of the toss up states...
  12. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    That would be a Democrat clean sweep.
  13. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    I voted for mixed government with the Democrats holding the Senate and the Republicans taking the White House and Congress.  What I would love to see is a clean Republican sweep with a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.  But that isn't going to happen.
  14. W

    Election Predictions - Federal Government

    Vote for what you expect, talk about what you want.
  15. W

    How to avoid Foreclose from FengShui aspects

    Call me old fashioned if you want, but I'd like to see for than just a few handpicked examples.  How about a sufficiently large dataset and a regression analysis to start with.  If R is sufficiently high, then we can do some more advanced analysis.
  16. W

    Would you rather...

    I think I would be willing to cut off a finger.
  17. W

    October 22nd Presidential Debate Opinions

    The Mitt Romney that no one sees -
  18. W

    October 22nd Presidential Debate Opinions

    Obama - I want windmills manufactured here in China -
  19. W

    October 22nd Presidential Debate Opinions

    Obama - Where's my plan?  I couldn't find my plan -
  20. W

    October 22nd Presidential Debate Opinions

    And in other news, James O'Keefe is still out there doing good work.  Here is Project Veritas exposing one of the many things that Democrats will be doing to hang on to power: