Recent content by halfnote19_IHB

  1. halfnote19_IHB


    This is creepy. I was just looking on craigslist and found a house for rent in Irvine that was REALLY cheap. I emailed the person to get more info and this is what they responded: <blockquote>I want you to know that you can go and see the house today but all I want you to know is that I have...
  2. halfnote19_IHB

    Property Taxes - Factored Base Year Value

    Okay, so I got the letter in the mail yesterday informing me that my taxable property tax was reduced. So I was excited, but then I looked at the other column the "Prop 13 Factored Base Year Value" and it went up. I read it over and it says that the county is <strong>required to add...
  3. halfnote19_IHB

    What do you guys think....

    Why such a large home?
  4. halfnote19_IHB

    Kids in a Wedding

    My lil cousin was 4/5 when I got married and was the ring bearer. We didn't prep him ahead of time for the photos so he was a little difficult. But he was really good for the ceremony, it helped that the groomsmen kept an eye on him.
  5. halfnote19_IHB

    Treasury secretary can't sell home

    <a href="http://''">Geithner faces sluggish market, rents out NY home</a>
  6. halfnote19_IHB

    Is there a private school this good?

    I went to a public school up to 5th grade and then switched to a private school. The public schools in my area were not very good at all. Attending a private school was like night and day. I truly believe if it was not for my private high school I would not have gone to college. My high...
  7. halfnote19_IHB

    Costa Mesa...good location gone wrong!

    I actually prefer CM to Irvine. As I have said before on other forums the schools on the east side of costa mesa are rated very well. <fieldset class="gc-fieldset"> <legend> Attached files </legend> <a...
  8. halfnote19_IHB

    Open Houses

  9. halfnote19_IHB

    How did you hear about IHB?

    I was venting on another site about not being able to afford a decent home and someone pointed me to IHB.