Search results

  1. halfnote19_IHB


    This is creepy. I was just looking on craigslist and found a house for rent in Irvine that was REALLY cheap. I emailed the person to get more info and this is what they responded: <blockquote>I want you to know that you can go and see the house today but all I want you to know is that I have...
  2. halfnote19_IHB

    Property Taxes - Factored Base Year Value

    Okay, so I got the letter in the mail yesterday informing me that my taxable property tax was reduced. So I was excited, but then I looked at the other column the "Prop 13 Factored Base Year Value" and it went up. I read it over and it says that the county is <strong>required to add...
  3. halfnote19_IHB

    What do you guys think....

    Why such a large home?
  4. halfnote19_IHB

    Kids in a Wedding

    My lil cousin was 4/5 when I got married and was the ring bearer. We didn't prep him ahead of time for the photos so he was a little difficult. But he was really good for the ceremony, it helped that the groomsmen kept an eye on him.
  5. halfnote19_IHB

    Treasury secretary can't sell home

    <a href="http://''">Geithner faces sluggish market, rents out NY home</a>
  6. halfnote19_IHB

    Is there a private school this good?

    I went to a public school up to 5th grade and then switched to a private school. The public schools in my area were not very good at all. Attending a private school was like night and day. I truly believe if it was not for my private high school I would not have gone to college. My high...
  7. halfnote19_IHB

    Costa Mesa...good location gone wrong!

    I actually prefer CM to Irvine. As I have said before on other forums the schools on the east side of costa mesa are rated very well. <fieldset class="gc-fieldset"> <legend> Attached files </legend> <a...
  8. halfnote19_IHB

    Open Houses

  9. halfnote19_IHB

    How did you hear about IHB?

    I was venting on another site about not being able to afford a decent home and someone pointed me to IHB.
  10. halfnote19_IHB


    Actually my coworker was really upset with the bank for not letting her buy it. She does not care about the crack or the lawsuit and just likes the place. She was going to try to find another lender who would let her purchase the place, but fell out of escrow for some reason.
  11. halfnote19_IHB

    Am I right or my wife?

    using <a href="http://''">percent averages</a> and the cost of <a href="http://''">1 kid for the first year</a> this is what I estimated. Annual Cost...
  12. halfnote19_IHB


    I have a coworker who is (or was) currently in escrow for a unit at the watermarke. Turns out the bank will not give her the loan for a place here because the HOA is suing the builder. There are cracks in the cement, not sure where in the cement. Has anyone heard about this lawsuit? How...
  13. halfnote19_IHB

    Preliminary & Unconfirmed - Gunman on UCI campus

    all is good.... i think <blockquote>a man seen walking near campus armed with a rifle was a student heading to a paintball game and carrying a paintball gun</blockquote>