
Came across this....


Anyone care to guess which development?  Future or past?  (This is Irvine Pacific)

I wasn't aware iPac built homes this big
Kid wants to be Elsa for Halloween just like every little girl in the neighborhood.  The cheapy $20 costume from Target sucks.  Looks like it's gonna fall apart and really itchy.  Might go with this instead:

Yes it's a nightgown, but it's fancy enough for parties.  Good sub in case the costume fails on Halloween. 

Maybe I'll go as Elsa too.. that would be scary
Target Frozen costumes on sale:|All-Material|matchallpartial rel C|all categories
The Disney store in SCP yesterday got their Frozen stock; it was a mad house and parents were buying off every Elsa costume, shoe and tiara. The check out line was long and 80% of the merchandise are Frozen themed.

The premeir costume costs $100 and sold out by noon; the regular one costs $50 and were mostly gone by the time we left the store.

We got a tip 9/28 would be the day so we were fortunate enoug to be there.
The California Court Company said:
The Disney store in SCP yesterday got their Frozen stock; it was a mad house and parents were buying off every Elsa costume, shoes and tiaras. The check out line was lone and 80% of the merchandise are Frozen themed.

The premeir costume costs $100 and sold out by noon; the regular one costs $50 and were mostly gone by the time we left the store.

We got a tip 9/28 would be the day so we were fortunate enoug to be there.

So your kid will look like every other kid in America.
The California Court Company said:
except my kid is going to wear legit costumes from Disney store that costs hundreds, not some cheap knockoff from Target or Walmart

I went to the Target website and I noticed the low end frozen costumes are licensed by Disney.
I guess the material is better at the Disney store.

According to you the "cheap knockoffs" are not the same. My opinion most kids don't know or possibly care. Also in general, it really doesn't matter, they will wear it once and outgrow the costume.
eyephone said:
The California Court Company said:
except my kid is going to wear legit costumes from Disney store that costs hundreds, not some cheap knockoff from Target or Walmart

I went to the Target website and I noticed the low end frozen costumes are licensed by Disney.
I guess the material is better at the Disney store.

According to you the "cheap knockoffs" are not the same. My opinion most kids don't know or possibly care. Also in general, it really doesn't matter, they will wear it once and outgrow the costume.

Whatever happened to kids making their own costumes? $100 for a Frozen costume... WTF! No wonder all the Chinese can buy our homes with cash.
got the elsa premium costume today.. the usps mail lady 'stuffed' it pretty tight into my traditional mailbox.  it was damaged when I opened, elsa 'star' was chipped off.  not sure if it was due to the 'stuffing'.  now i have to return it at the local target and re-order.. arghhhh
ps9 said:
elsa 'star' was chipped off.  not sure if it was due to the 'stuffing'.  now i have to return it at the local target and re-order.. arghhhh

Do you mean ripped instead of chipped?? Maybe fixing it would be easier than re-ordering? I'm curious what the damage looks like. Maybe a simple mend?
plastic star pin with elsa picture right in the middle of the costume, pretty obvious defect, corner of star completely gone, gonna have to return
The Target on Tustin Ave in Orange has a ton of Elsa of 10.03.2014