First Day of School Tips

irvinehomeshopper said:
You all arrived 12 years too late to Irvine. The best of Irvine is now a by gone era. Suburbia historically has not been able to handle population over 120,000 due to the way infrastructure was set up let alone this city has already double the allowable yield. Metropolitan infrastructure is drastically different from suburbia structure in governmental, civil, traffic, land use, transit, education and etc. Transitioning from a backyard to an urban model is extremely challenging.

I would like to think that future is in our hands.  Get the pro-development team out of the office - that's a start. 
It is interesting to see how history changes. I bought my house at 2000 when I just graduated. At that time, there was no traffic issue in Irvine even at 5pm. The biggest problem for Irvine is if El Toro airport should be converted for commercial use.  And Agran is the anti-commercial airport leader.  A few years later, Agran succeeded. But later pro-democratic Agran would like to make Irvine affordable for more people to move in. Newport Beach based republicans sent mayor candidate and wanted to stop Irvine?s over-development. Now it is opposite. Agran wanted to stop over-development and pro-republic Choi want more houses.
Great Park is a prime opportunity for $$$$. Agran and his cronies extorted 200 millions from its development. Now 5P wants to do the same by building total of 10000+ homes.

kiki said:
It is interesting to see how history changes. I bought my house at 2000 when I just graduated. At that time, there was no traffic issue in Irvine even at 5pm. The biggest problem for Irvine is if El Toro airport should be converted for commercial use.  And Agran is the anti-commercial airport leader.  A few years later, Agran succeeded. But later pro-democratic Agran would like to make Irvine affordable for more people to move in. Newport Beach based republicans sent mayor candidate and wanted to stop Irvine?s over-development. Now it is opposite. Agran wanted to stop over-development and pro-republic Choi want more houses.
lol on Gaido. She just wants more $$$$ in her pocket. just look at the 200 million dollars wasted by Agran and his cronies (Krom, Fox, Gaido)

Veronica said:
Gaido.  Her platform is to stop overdevelopment of Irvine and I really hope she will deliver.  :D
irvinehomeshopper said:
You all arrived 12 years too late to Irvine. The best of Irvine is now a by gone era. Suburbia historically has not been able to handle population over 120,000 due to the way infrastructure was set up let alone this city has already double the allowable yield. Metropolitan infrastructure is drastically different from suburbia structure in governmental, civil, traffic, land use, transit, education and etc. Transitioning from a backyard to an urban model is extremely challenging.

I was living in Irvine 12 years ago but in WB.  I was considered a newbie next to all the old-timers in the community.

It was a slow laid back community but even 12 years ago, the residents there didn't really like the change that was happening.  The majority of the residents in my area moved out and sold their houses at the peak of the market.  The ones that stayed in their own private exclusive circles.

When the market crashed there were some SUSPICIOUS people moving in.  Including a guy who sold drugs to the local teens in the neighborhood.  Cops were at his unit almost every day.

I have to say it is true the vibe of Irvine has changed.  The housing crash did a number on Irvine.  I think that's why they are building so fast because they want to get rid of as much land as possible before the next crash.

I find this very sad because it does destroy the quality of life here.  I wish construction could slow down a bit so builders have time to build quality homes.

As for CV, I absolutely love it.  I'm no longer a newbie but an old-timer.  Mostly everyone in my neighborhood haven't even started growing a family yet.  I know a lot of babies will be coming very soon and that's very exciting.  It's more fun living in a neighborhood filled with laughter (and cries) of kids than complaining old people.

Veronica said:
No wonder teachers were unfriendly and could not find your kid on campus (ZeroLot) - they have a crazy overflow of students and untrained staff to deal with this problem.

There is some truth to that.  The school didn't anticipate the number of students that was going to enroll on the first week of school.  Literally the elementary school doubled in size due to last second enrollment. 

That's pretty unnerving considering how many people waited until the start of school to enroll.  Why can't some of these parents follow DEADLINES???

One parent registered and had to waste time opening all her utilities bills on the spot.  They were sealed for months!  It boggles my mind how she kept the lights on in the house.
kiki said:
It is interesting to see how history changes. I bought my house at 2000 when I just graduated. At that time, there was no traffic issue in Irvine even at 5pm. The biggest problem for Irvine is if El Toro airport should be converted for commercial use.  And Agran is the anti-commercial airport leader.  A few years later, Agran succeeded. But later pro-democratic Agran would like to make Irvine affordable for more people to move in. Newport Beach based republicans sent mayor candidate and wanted to stop Irvine?s over-development. Now it is opposite. Agran wanted to stop over-development and pro-republic Choi want more houses.

Interesting indeed.  I don't care who was for or against what years ago.  Right now I want stop crazy overdevelopment of Irvine and overcrowding of our schools.  If Agran and Gaido can accomplish that then it's my team.  I am glad that Agran crushed the commercial airport idea?WTF we need a commercial airport in Irvine?? Noise, traffic, pollution...No thanks!

Choi has got to go.  He is destroying the quality of life here, so let's get him out of the office, people!
The California Court Company said:
lol on Gaido. She just wants more $$$$ in her pocket. just look at the 200 million dollars wasted by Agran and his cronies (Krom, Fox, Gaido)

Veronica said:
Gaido.  Her platform is to stop overdevelopment of Irvine and I really hope she will deliver.  :D

I am not happy about the GP spending.  I am even LESS happy to see 10,000 houses being built over there.  This is not about selecting a perfect candidate, but getting the pro-development team out of the office.  My kids will be going to IUSD system soon and that's my priority. ?and I don't want to live in "Irvine Manhattan"!
Just saw my first irvine pd ticket today, guy pulled a uturn in the middle of the street,  about time, seen so many violations first 3 weeks already.  Same motor cop that gave me the window tint ticket.
ps9 said:
Same motor cop that gave me the window tint ticket.


Still adjusting to two drop-offs/pick-ups. The one in the new school is still adjusting to how things are done... but still doesn't really like school. Is concerned because got blamed by one of the other kids for talking and got in trouble. Had a math test or quiz and didn't read it thoroughly and got a low score so was told to be more careful and on the next one didn't finish because was going so slow.

Have to remind them that poor scores are okay as long as they understand the problem and do their best... it's not like these are Ivy admission exams. :)
@IHO, how many tiger moms in your class?  We got one, kids writing full sentences already.  Hard not to get caught up in the 'race'.  Just want kid to enjoy socially with teachers and classmates. 
I'm in a non TigerMom impacted area (another clue for the #monitors) so no one is pushing for Calculus before basic math.

I'm not sure how to tell who is striped or not... do TigerMoms show up to BackToSchoolNight? Less than half the class' parents were at ours and the crowd was very diverse. I think we are the only Austrians but it's hard to tell as any one can be Austrian.

In K, if the other kids have been in preschool for at least a few years, you may see some difference in performance. But don't worry, I think public school is pretty good at normalizing the population. Just remember, they don't start getting grades until 4th (I think) so don't really sweat K-3.
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm in a non TigerMom impacted area (another clue for the #monitors) so no one is pushing for Calculus before basic math.

I'm not sure how to tell who is striped or not... do TigerMoms show up to BackToSchoolNight? Less than half the class' parents were at ours and the crowd was very diverse. I think we are the only Austrians but it's hard to tell as any one can be Austrian.

Interesting post. At first glance, it would seem you're in a rough area. OVER HALF missed BTSN? That sucks!! However, knowing you, I am quite positive you do not live on the "wrong side of the tracks" at all. I can't imagine the reason for the huge absence, wondering if it's something else like poor communication on the date & time or something like that. Tiger Moms absolutely do not miss BTSN. They are the ones with their hand shooting up in the air, interrogating the teacher, leaving others to not be able to get a word in edge-wise.

"I think we are the only Austrians but it's hard to tell as any one can be Austrian." - - WTH?? Backwards, strange, but funny. This reminds me of something my son told me the other day which was similar but I don't think I should post for everyone to see. Will PM you shortly...
Hey, wait a sec. Is this for elementary or is your big kid in junior high now? Maybe that's why attendance dropped off. In highschool, they don't do BTSN at all.
So sorry this is off topic guys - just had to vent

I'm walking my little kinder across the parking lot to school at hicks canyon this am and this "ghetto " mom is sitting in front of the school by her mini can (parked right next to the school office) screaming at the top of her lungs at her child "get out of the F$CKING"  car right now"!!  :eek:

Am I in Irvine or Compton??? I could not believe that my child is going to school with people like this. I was about to tell her to lower her voice, using explicit terms in front of these young kids  :mad: unbelievable! How do these people afford to send their kids to Irvine? It's likely the apartment people.

Anyway - it was the first time I was seriously thinking of putting down $30k a year for private school!!
Man... school staring in August is just wrong.

So how many of you survived today?

I actually think we could have dropped them and left (esp the older one) but that helicopter instinct wants to watch them until the class door closes.

As the kids get older, I find that the donated school supplies are less... this year they only asked for tissue boxes (or is that just our school?).
We're year round so just about in the groove now.

Actually, the tissues are for the crying parents as their kids go inside.  :p

irvinehomeowner said:
Man... school staring in August is just wrong.

As the kids get older, I find that the donated school supplies are less... this year they only asked for tissue boxes (or is that just our school?).