Would you stoop so low as to eat at McDonalds?

I do but I will only get stuff like the fruit and nut side, the fruit and yogurt parfait , grilled asian chicken salad (when they have it), or coffee. It was the closest thing to my old office and really the value was undeniable. I haven't had a burger or anything like that there in many years though. So I voted yes but its a bit misleading.
I'd rather stay at home and make some <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/15/AR2008041502881.html">Ahi Tuna with Napa Cabbage Salad</a>.
[quote author="NewToOC" date=1219187152]I do but I will only get stuff like the fruit and nut side, the fruit and yogurt parfait , grilled asian chicken salad (when they have it), or coffee. It was the closest thing to my old office and really the value was undeniable. I haven't had a burger or anything like that there in many years though. So I voted yes but its a bit misleading.</blockquote>

I second that.

About a month ago a few of my coworkers brought me back a salad from McDonalds.

Naturally, I was very skeptical at first but the salad was actually very good.

On occasion, I?ll have them bring me the Asian or Southwest salad.

Prior to that I hadn?t eaten there since childhood.

A few weeks ago they brought me back the Sugar-Free Vanilla Iced Coffee.

In general, I like Iced coffee but this one was extremely sweet.
Yes, thanks ten. Southwest Salad with grilled chicken. That was the other standby salad. Not bad and under 5 bucks.
For anyone wondering about the choices in this poll (or what this poll is doing in the POLITICS folder), here are a couple of references. It seems that "The Chosen One" (Obambi) thinks that he is better than all of us commoners:


At a campaign stop in Iowa last month, Obama tried to give the old "I`m just like you" speech. He was talking to farmers about, you know, how much he understood their frustration with sluggish crop prices. And he said, quote, "Has anybody gone to Whole Foods lately and seen what they charged for arugula?"


At a campaign stop in Manchester, N.H. while talking up his success, he revealed a little bit about his dining establishment preferences with his bravado about the legislation.

Obama recalled a conversation he had with another senator who was giving him grief about working for the meal ban. The other Senator questioned to Obama, ?What do you expect me to just start eating at McDonalds all the time??

Obama recalled his response, ?You get paid $160,000 a year, you can even afford Applebee's, you don?t even have to stoop so low as to eat at McDonalds.?
[quote author="Astute Observer" date=1219188826]What's wrong with McD? If you have kids, I am sure you go there at least once a month.</blockquote>

Oh yeah, the kids love fast food. We try to avoid indulging our child much --- but the few times we do we've been heading to the Burger King on Harvard and Main. They have a new kids meal with Mac & Cheese and apple slices that look exactly like fries. Seems to be much heathier than the typical fried nuggets or burgers. Plus the kids play apparatus at that Burger King is 2nd to none. All the cool kindergartners from Westpark hang out there, so my daughter tells me.

I guess we are one of those bitter families Obama speaks of, who cling to guns, religion, and now fast food.
It's all about kids. My husband and I hadn't stepped foot into a McDonalds for over 10 years until last year. Our nanny took our 3 and 2 year olds to McDonald's with some other neighborhood kids and their nannies. It was all over after that. He loves McDonald's. We try to limit our visits to once every couple of months and we actually don't even eat, just chicken nuggets for the kids (I tasted them and they really are awful).
[quote author="CK" date=1219192910][quote author="Astute Observer" date=1219188826]What's wrong with McD? If you have kids, I am sure you go there at least once a month.</blockquote>

I guess we are one of those bitter families Obama speaks of, who cling to guns, religion, and now fast food.</blockquote>

No arugula for you! - The Salad Nazi
What with the pace of my job, sometimes the drive-thru is all I can get...so yes, I will have a #2 Value Meal with a Diet Coke about twice a month. I have no problem with it.

I confess to loving McDonald's french fries. If I had a last meal, they would have to be included.

Our last best Prez loved his Mickey D's.

WINEX, say hello to your next President.

<img src="http://images.salon.com/news/feature/2006/12/12/obama/story.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="WINEX" date=1219192788]For anyone wondering about the choices in this poll (or what this poll is doing in the POLITICS folder), here are a couple of references. It seems that "The Chosen One" (Obambi) thinks that he is better than all of us commoners.</blockquote>

Nothing eases McSame's pleasure of mingling with the commoner like a good pair of <a href="http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/catalog/prod.jhtml?itemId=prod47260056&parentId=cat10580739&masterId=cat000550&index=40&cmCat=cat000000cat000470cat000526cat000550cat10580739">comfortable shoes</a>. He certainly understands the common folks.
Green Cactus, if you are looking for a nickname for McCain, McBain is a much better choice. Not only does "McSame" sound lame, but it's not accurate.

What makes Obambi work so well is that he is truly naive and inexperienced.

And it's all the better when you consider who originated the name...
Never been to Applebees.

From what I?ve read they?re kind of like Red Robin/TGI Friday?s

Very surprised one hasn?t opened in Irvine already.

Seems like it would be a good fit.
[quote author="WINEX" date=1219192788]For anyone wondering about the choices in this poll (or what this poll is doing in the POLITICS folder), here are a couple of references. It seems that "The Chosen One" (Obambi) thinks that he is better than all of us commoners:


At a campaign stop in Iowa last month, Obama tried to give the old "I`m just like you" speech. He was talking to farmers about, you know, how much he understood their frustration with sluggish crop prices. And he said, quote, "Has anybody gone to Whole Foods lately and seen what they charged for arugula?"


At a campaign stop in Manchester, N.H. while talking up his success, he revealed a little bit about his dining establishment preferences with his bravado about the legislation.

Obama recalled a conversation he had with another senator who was giving him grief about working for the meal ban. The other Senator questioned to Obama, ?What do you expect me to just start eating at McDonalds all the time??

Obama recalled his response, ?You get paid $160,000 a year, you can even afford Applebee's, you don?t even have to stoop so low as to eat at McDonalds.?</blockquote>

Wow! Thanks for ruining a perfectly good and fun poll. Jeezus, there is more to life than constantly finding everything bad about Obama, and this about as low as you can go. Really, this is rather desperate and pathetic. This is really a new low for you winex, you lost what little respect I had for you.

By the way, I like many others here have had enough of you calling Obama Obambi, so from now on I will just refer to W as dipsh*t and McCain as McCrap until you stop. Boy... are you going to be better for the next four years.
Trust me Graphrix, it would be very easy to post much worse material about Obambi. This is a light-hearted poll. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also, I hope I won't shatter any delusions you may harbor when I tell you that what you think of me doesn't really matter to me. Feel free to call President Bush or John McCain anything you want. It won't really bother me. However, if you are going to use derogatory names about them (or anyone else), I would suggest that you find something a little more clever.