Trump Says the time to buy is within 6 months.


New member
<p>Was watching a show called Trump: The Billionaire Inside on CNBC and he said that he warned people that this would happen (the credit crunch and declining values) over 2 years ago. He says that the time to buy is between now and 6 months from now- when the market will finally bottom out. He seems to think that the worst is behind us and that all the "bad loans" are finally weeded out. In 6 months we will begin to see a rise in purchases.</p>

<p>So he says.. buy buy buy!!!! He cannot believe that so many people are afraid to buy now when so many deals are out there, when they should be buying LOW. He says that the prices today are lower than they were 2 years ago, and to Buy!</p>

<p>Did I mention, he said BUY?!?</p>

<p> </p>
Isn't Trump the one developing the land in PV right now? How much you wanna bet a bunch of new homes in Portugese Bend will for sale in about six months? How much ya wanna bet Frump goes into bankruptcy again?
I was born, raised and surfed my whole life just minutes from where Dump put up those boxes. He must have greased quite a few palms because when I was growing up that land had feet. It still does. No one would develop that side of the hill because of all the land movemet. Now he dumps down a bunch of HUGE boxes there and is still trying to sell them. Good luck. If the 5 million dollar lot you bought was accross the street from the ocean just wait a bit and you will have ocean front soon enough. The only problem is the wreckege of your neighbor will obstruct your ocean view. Anyone who buys those boxes is NUTS!!!
<p>Is Trump still giving his two cents at the real-estate investment seminars? It seems like only yesterday there were billboards in LA.</p>

<p>Was that really just a summer ago?</p>

morekaos - Lunada? I couldn't go out there, because I was from Manhattan, but I used to go out at that break near Malaga cove, but I can't remember the name of it.<p>

I am fairly sure Frump built on land which is not moving. I don't think the city would let him build otherwise. They have lost too many lawsuits.
Speaking of hair, He let an audience member (who had Hellraiser spikey hair dyed blonde) touch his hair. He lifted his front bangs and asked the audience member to touch it. He said, people always talk about my hair, see it's real! His point being, be yourself and dont care what other people say about your looks.
awgee, growing up in the south bay as an active golfer, i remember back in '99 when the entire 18th hole of ocean trails golf course fell into the sea because of a landslide. i think the donald bought it back in '02 and renamed it "trump national golf course" right? i doubt he built any homes in landslide areas, but that does go to show that the area is fairly unstable along the coast.
<p>After reading a post above, I noticed someone said that Trump declared Bankruptcy (I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY! - Michael Scott 'the office") </p>

<p>I thought so too. But he said in his show, he never did. Is that a lie?</p>
He forced a cram down on various junk bond holders during the 80s. It wasn't a personal bankruptcy, but as part of the cram down, he did have to control his personal spending for a while.
He did say he bought a skyscraper in Manhattan in 1990 (i think was the year) for 1 million. It is worth 600 million today. wow.
<p>What he said 2,1 years ago, and I have a good memory, is:</p>

<p>"Housing demand will stay high, interests low"

Last year he was still cashing in the real estate wave with his seminaries in LA Convention Center. along with the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" guy.</p>
Hey awgee, back in the day we just called it "The Cove". But if you do remember it remember in the mid 80's when a big house was allowed to be built right at the top of the street that overlooks the cove? Some hotshot sued the city for not allowing him to build there then when he built the monstrosity it slid into the cove and he sued the city for letting him build it. Won both times. That city council is just as stupid today and even after the 18th slid into the Pacific they approved these permits. Wait and you will see the lawsuits fly...right out of the water.
Trump was on tv.

Buy now he says. All the bad bad mtges have just gone away.

My hub, who just looked at the negative am chart I showed him, said

how can he say that, did he not look at the charts.

I guess all the rich guys are circling the wagons, trying to get poor slobs to buy

so the won't take losses on their pools.

I stopped watching after a very short time. I think he said only one single thing that was valid, and I forget what that was.