The new iPhone 4 is HAWT!

irvinehomeowner said:
Poor fe9000... iCarbons or skinit.

Apple should just imitate what HTC does (and what they did with the 3G on up) and only make the back white.

There's a rumor that the white on the back of the iPhone 4 is interfering with the color balance when taking pictures with it's camera.
Last rumor I read is that they may be scrapping the white iPhone4 altogether.

Since the delay will bring it close to the next release cycle for the iPhone5... they may just not waste the manufacturing headache on the 4.
At least I've got a $100 credit due at Vz for upgrades coming due. The bad news is that my teen (Soylent Yellow) needs a new phone and likely will get the iJebus 5 before SGIP senior does.

All of their smart phone require a $30 data package. Want to turn the phone into a Wi-Fi hot spot - that's another $30 per month! Spensive, but at least you can use the phone for what it was intended for - to make calls efficiently.

My .02

So has anyone even looked at a new Win7 phone?

They came out on Monday, been out in Europe for a few weeks.

Other than their commercials... it's like there is almost no buzz for them.
Usually good apps cross over between iOS and Android so you and the Mr. might be able to use your Droids one day to figure out all those signs in the Jeffrey/Walnut shopping centers (or the groceries at 99 Ranch).
So whatever happened to my damn Verizon Iphone? It is 2011 already and still no announcement! Maybe after CES is over? At this rate I might as well wait for the Iphone 5 already.
I'm confused... the article says Apple employees have the vacation blackout... not Verizon. It just says Verizon launches products on Thursday which coincides with Apple's blackout but that doesn't say Verizon is making the announcement.

Am I reading that wrong?
Oh okay... I didn't see that link in the BGR article.

I'm waiting for the iPad 2, a better Win7 tablet (Asus announced a 12" one at CES) or a cheaper Android tablet.
does anyone have a Samsung Galaxy tab? if so how do you like it?

We dont want the ipad because it doesnt run flash. I saw a article that the wifi only version of the galaxy is coming out on 2/3, but then i read another article that you may be better off waiting because of googles new operating system that will render the wifi and 3G version obsolete and that your better off waiting for the Galaxy version 2.0 (or whatever they will call it) later in 2011.

Is is finally here!!! And it will come in white too!
"January 11, 2011 8:07 AM PST
At last, iPhone comes to Verizon
by Erica Ogg

Apple COO Tim Cook and Verizon COO Lowell McAdam on stage at the Verizon iPhone announcement this morning
(Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET)
At a press conference in New York City today, Verizon said it will soon begin selling Apple's iPhone.
The device will be available on its network starting in early February, COO Lowell McAdam said to a gathering of press at Lincoln Center. While it's the same model iPhone 4 that AT&T and international carriers currently sell--except that it connects to the CDMA network instead of GSM--Verizon will be selling the iPhone in black and white. The white iPhone for all other carriers has been delayed several times since June.
Starting on February 10, a 16GB model will cost $199.99 with a two-year contract, according to Verizon Wireless' Web site. The 32GB model will sell for $299.99. An extra feature Verizon will offer is the phone's ability to be a personal Wi-Fi "hot spot." Up to five Wi-Fi devices can connect to the Verizon iPhone at one time.
While Steve Jobs did not join McAdam on stage for the announcement, Apple COO Tim Cook did. He told the gathering of press that Apple is "very excited to bring the iPhone to Verizon's 93 million customers and new customers who want to use the iPhone 4 on Verizon."
Verizon's customers will get first dibs on the phone. On February 3, a week before the scheduled launch, existing subscribers will have opportunity to pre-order the phone, Verizon said.
Speculation that a Verizon iPhone announcement was coming today had been rampant following a press invitation from the carrier Friday announcing a "news" event. But rumors of such a device have been around for much longer than that. At the event this morning, McAdam said, "If the press writes something long enough and hard enough, it comes true."
AT&T had an exclusive contract to carry the iPhone in the U.S. for what was initially reported to be five years, starting in 2007.
McAdam said the journey to bring the iPhone to Verizon began two years ago. In 2008 they talked about bringing an iPhone to the CDMA network and it was designed and tested "to make sure it would come up to the standards of Verizon."
Despite its launch of almost a dozen 4G phones for its upcoming LTE network at CES last week, the iPhone Verizon sells will use CDMA technology, not LTE. Apple's Cook said there were two reasons for that: the first generation of LTE chipsets "forced design compromises," and "Verizon customers want the iPhone now."
Though it is first, Verizon does not have an exclusive contract to carry the CDMA model iPhone, Cook said. Which means we can likely expect announcements from CDMA carriers in other countries in the next few months.
More to come."

Read more:
So it's CDMA... which renders it incapable of doing voice and data simultaneously... I wonder how they will manage that because although on an alleged superior network, being able to look something up while talking to your friend is a useful feature.

And even if it has a mobile hotspot, if you receive a phone call... the hotspot goes down.

Unless they've changed something about CDMA technology.
irvinehomeowner said:
So it's CDMA... which renders it incapable of doing voice and data simultaneously... I wonder how they will manage that because although on an alleged superior network, being able to look something up while talking to your friend is a useful feature.

And even if it has a mobile hotspot, if you receive a phone call... the hotspot goes down.

Unless they've changed something about CDMA technology.

Why so much hate? This thing just got announced a few hours ago. That white color option more than makes up for CDMA technology short falls  ;)

But I did hear Verizon was upgrading their CDMA to allow simultaneous data + voice. I just don't know the time frame for deployment. It might not come out until Iphone 5 / LTE version.

In either case, the Verizon sheeple such as my self don't care about that feature since we never had it to begin with. Just remember this video when it comes to Iphone Sheeple  :)


It would be easier to go to LTE since that does support voice/data.

Maybe fe9000 (who has disappeared off the face of TI) will switch to Verizon to get that white iPhone he has been craving.

IHO: "Does it do voice/data at the same time?"
VZW: "But it's an iPhone!"
IHO: "I don't care."
VZW: "But it's on the most reliable network in America... and it's a white iPhone!"
IHO: "I don't care, I'm not fe9000."
VZW: "But it transforms into a robot that will do all your chores."
IHO: "I don't care."
VZW: "And it can turn into a 3CWG."
IHO: "I don't... wait... what?"