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morekaos said:
Morning just have to laugh even though you should cry.... ;D ;D >:D

?Checking privilege in the animal kingdom?: Biologists investigate animal ?inequality?

?Squirrel privilege is real.? ?Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom.? ?Even Hermit Crabs Have Wealth Inequality.?

These headlines hail from Salon and The New York Times, respectively, and represent a growing trend among scholars and the media to tackle animal ?inequality? ? and also argue humans can learn important lessons about income inequality and privilege from such studies.

?Inequality is a threat to our social fabric, but it?s not just a human problem,? argued the World Economic Forum in January in a piece that connected human and non-human inequality.

Headlined ?Inequality is not confined to humans. Animals are divided by privilege, too,? it was based on an essay published in Behavioral Ecology in December 2021, an essay which helped spawn a spate of recent articles on the topic.

So we need to make animals PC as well?
what do we know? LGBTQ+ rights for animals are also overlooked.

USCTrojanCPA said:
morekaos said:
Morning just have to laugh even though you should cry.... ;D ;D >:D

?Checking privilege in the animal kingdom?: Biologists investigate animal ?inequality?

?Squirrel privilege is real.? ?Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom.? ?Even Hermit Crabs Have Wealth Inequality.?

These headlines hail from Salon and The New York Times, respectively, and represent a growing trend among scholars and the media to tackle animal ?inequality? ? and also argue humans can learn important lessons about income inequality and privilege from such studies.

?Inequality is a threat to our social fabric, but it?s not just a human problem,? argued the World Economic Forum in January in a piece that connected human and non-human inequality.

Headlined ?Inequality is not confined to humans. Animals are divided by privilege, too,? it was based on an essay published in Behavioral Ecology in December 2021, an essay which helped spawn a spate of recent articles on the topic.

So we need to make animals PC as well?
"Animals" is an offensive pejorative and should not be used.

Are any of these posters Biologists? How then does one even know these are in fact non-human entities? Shame on you for assuming... SHAME!!!

PS - what color will need to be added to the rainbow flag for these entities?
Tell that to my company level brown ballerina.

Dance School Boots Ballet Because It's Wickedly White

According to ?Head of Undergraduate? Francesca McCarthy, ballet boasts a ?contentious nature;? it?s saddled with the wickedness of ?white European ideas.?

Hence, from NSCD?s entrance auditions, ballet has been booted.

Not only is the style race-riddled; it?s also sexist, classist and fatphobic.
They really are the stupidest generation?.

Facing extreme heat and drought, young Californians cope to beat climate anxiety and doom
When he was 6 years old, Sim Bilal began to have nightmares of floods pouring through his South Los Angeles home.

The bad dreams started when he first watched Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," a seminal documentary about human-driven global warming, with his parents. For years, he struggled with severe anxiety over the fate of the planet. For a time, he would return from school and lie in bed, feeling powerless over the growing climate crisis.

"I?m not a very emotional person, but this is such a huge existential issue," said Bilal, 20. "It's really debilitating.?

As he learned more about what sea level rise would look like, he began to imagine what his city could become. Homes flooded, native trees withering in the heat, butterflies and bees facing extinction, widespread famine, dying crops in the Central Valley. Last summer he felt it was all coming to fruition with wildfires raging across the state, filling the skies with smoke for months.

In this era of drought, heat waves, wildfires and rising seas, young people are especially prone to falling into a sense of environmental doom, as they are coming of age when every year feels more dire. Experts call these feelings of despair climate anxiety, with symptoms that include panic attacks, insomnia, obsessive thinking and grief.
I will always refer to my boat as ?She??it is a sign of respect for me?.

The AP Style Guide Doesn?t Want You To Use ?She? To Describe A Ship Now,

Our style: Don't use the pronoun "she" in reference to nations, ships, storms or voice assistants except in direct quotations. Use "it" instead.

? APStylebook (@APStylebook) August 22, 2022 
Man, i can?t even beat up the Little white ball and not be called a racist? ;D ;D >:D

'Golf balls are a product of colonial exploitation!' British Empire 'imposed' the game around the world and harvested rubber from Southeast Asian territories to make balls for the European market, exhibition reveals
?        A new exhibition at St Andrews in Scotland shines a light on golf's murky history
?        It reveals that the game was 'imposed' abroad by the British Empire in the 1800s
?        Colonial countries' resources were also exploited to make golf balls, it says
Another stupid and useless solution to a non-existent problem in the pursuit of virtue signaling Unicorns and rainbows.  Let?s just neutron bomb all humans and problem will be solved.

Retailers pull lobster from menus after ?red list? warning
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) ? Some retailers are taking lobster off the menu after an assessment from an influential conservation group that the seafood poses too much of a risk to rare whales and should be avoided.

Whales can suffer injuries and fatalities when they become entangled in the gear that connects to lobster traps on the ocean floor. Seafood Watch, which rates the sustainability of different seafoods, said this week it has added the American and Canadian lobster fisheries to its ?red list? of species to avoid.

The organization, based at Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, said in a report that the fishing industry is a danger to North Atlantic right whales because ?current management measures do not go far enough to mitigate entanglement risks and promote recovery of the species.?


The lobster industry in Maine, where most of the U.S.?s lobster comes to land, has not had a documented interaction with a right whale in almost two decades, said Patrice McCarron, executive director of the Maine Lobstermen?s Association.

?Lobster is one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world due to the effective stewardship practices handed down through generations of lobstermen. These include strict protections for both the lobster resource and right whales,? McCarron said.
Remember when everyone got all hot under the collar when I pointed out the Emily Ratajkowski was a tad hypocritical for protesting sexual abuse by Brett Kavenaugh in half an outfit? I thought it was pretty funny..turns out she actually supports her own sexualization…as long as she can make a buck (Libs are so blind to their own hypocrisy…but hey, makes them feel better about themselves)😂😂😂

'That's the way the world works': Emily Ratajkowski admits 'sexualizing' herself in pinup snaps mangles beauty standards but she needs to do it to sell books

And in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine, the model, feminist and My Body author said there is a reason for showing so much flesh.

Basically, it sells books.

'I completely understand that sexualizing myself and putting images out into the world that reinforce the beauty standard is difficult,' the 31-year-old pal of Kendall Jenner admitted. But the problem is hard to solve: 'I'm not trying to shake accountability. But I also don’t think I would have sold as many books had I not done that.' It also helps sell her Inamorata swim line.


Just can’t take a joke…less smiles in Snowflake land…

Airplane! director David Zucker slams people inside woke Hollywood for DESTROYING comedy because they 'don't have a sense of humor' - and says his iconic satire films would be made 'without the jokes' if they were produced today

· Hollywood comedy legend David Zucker, 75, said the movie industry has neutered itself over fears of offending people

· Zucker, who's films include Airplane! and the Naked Gun series, said Hollywood has 'destroyed' comedy by pandering to a minority of easily offended viewers

· The director said the only way Airplane! could have been made today was if they removed all the jokes from the movie

· Airplane! is rife with decidedly non-PC humor, including a scene where two black characters are given subtitles as they speak 'jive' to each other

Funnier and funnierer…🙄😂🤣

Wokism for dummies! Researchers claim CPR mannequins aren't diverse enough - and rely too heavily on lean, white men

· Researchers found 90% of mannequins in CPR social media posts were white

· Additionally, they found only a sixth were of women and none were of fat people

· Experts said this was 'problematic' and could lead to poorer patient outcomes

· General CPR guidelines are the same for all adults including for pregnant women

· Researchers want to ditch the reliance on default 'lean white male' models.

· Doing so will help overcome 'bias' among bystanders and help improve the survival of other groups, they say.

2 posts up you were talking about emily ratajowski

If you had added her picture there would be more activity..................
sorry Zubs…this was the photo in question…


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Space is so cold it grows snowflakes everywhere…

Royal Astronomical Society CANCELS NASA's James Webb Space Telescope over claims its namesake discriminated against gay employees - and orders its 4,000 members to stop using the telescope's name in studies

· The James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful observatory ever built

· It was named in honour of the man who ran the space agency in the 1960s

· Royal Astronomical Society has ordered members to stop using its full title

· It follows claims Webb was a homophobe who oversaw a purge of gay employees
Not even cartoons can escape snowflakes…don’t think any of the blue people on Pandora are very offended…

'White man's fantasy': Indigenous groups call for a boycott of Avatar 2 after director James Cameron is slammed for being 'tone-deaf' and 'condescending'

· One critic called James Cameron 'tone-deaf' and 'condescending'

· Cameron in 2010 said Avatar was inspired by the Lakota Sioux tribes

· Indigenous Pride Los Angeles has called for a boycott of the movie

· Writer Jason Asenap wanted an actual indigenous filmmaker at the helm
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