Presidential Elections

NBC: Hundreds of Trump supporters stuck on freezing cold Omaha airfield after rally; 7 taken to hospitals

Hundreds of President Donald Trump's supporters were left in the freezing cold for hours after a rally at an airfield in Omaha, Nebraska, on Tuesday night, with some walking around 3 miles to waiting buses and others being taken away in ambulances.

Seven people were taken to hospitals suffering from a variety of conditions, and a total of 30 were "contacted" for medical reasons, the Omaha Police Department said in a statement. The Omaha Airport Authority had a slightly different figure for the number taken to hospitals %u2014 it said six were "throughout the duration of the event" and added that it could not confirm that the people were taken to hospitals because of the cold.

"Just look what happened last night in Omaha, after the Trump rally ended, hundreds of people, including older Americans and children, were stranded in subzero freezing temperatures for hours," Biden told reporters

The Trump rally was over at the Omaha Airport. But they were left stranded in the cold. I like you but I dont really? It is not Trumps fault they are freezing in the cold after the rally. (being sarcastic)
I guess that saying: Peace cya wouldnt want to be yah, applies here.
In roughly one week, we should know if like 2016, a whole lot of people lied on the polls or if Donald Trump has single handedly neutered the Republican Party into a toothless minority party like California Republicans for the foreseeable future.

I don?t see a middle ground on the result and I don?t see the Republican path back from Q-Anon, Militias and preppier anti-government mania.
So much fun for wonks like me...either way I enjoy the chase!  My whole family will go down to the polling place sons first election, I made him read and discuss all the propositions with me.  He is excited to cast his first ballot.
morekaos said:
So much fun for wonks like me...either way I enjoy the chase!  My whole family will go down to the polling place sons first election, I made him read and discuss all the propositions with me.  He is excited to cast his first ballot.

First vote for Kanye? JK
morekaos said:
That ain't gonna Kids are to the right of me...if that is even possible. >:D

They are part of the Q club.
The same group that strongly thinks that bin Ladin double was killed and JFK jr is still alive. That is the new GOP folks.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
That ain't gonna Kids are to the right of me...if that is even possible. >:D

They are part of the Q club.
The same group that strongly thinks that bin Ladin double was killed and JFK jr is still alive. That is the new GOP folks.

wait, I thought the Q-club was top Dem party members are a secret cabal of satan worshipping blood drinking child trafficking pedophiles who are planning to chip us all through a fake vaccine for a manufactured pandemic?
nosuchreality said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
That ain't gonna Kids are to the right of me...if that is even possible. >:D

They are part of the Q club.
The same group that strongly thinks that bin Ladin double was killed and JFK jr is still alive. That is the new GOP folks.

wait, I thought the Q-club was top Dem party members are a secret cabal of satan worshipping blood drinking child trafficking pedophiles who are planning to chip us all through a fake vaccine for a manufactured pandemic?

Nope the Fake Truth 4 Trump Group. The fake law and order policy. Trump bashed the Leaders of the military and FBI on a daily basis. Many of Trumps previous cabinet members/consultants plead guilty, found guilty or indicted.
Also, under Trump the DOJ dropped all charges for the Turkey bodyguards that went crazy in DC. I guess it turns out Trump has a financial relationship with Turkey. Is this why? Where is the law and order philosophy?
Donald C Trump (c for covid) continues to criticize Biden for social distancing and wearing masks. But the last daily toll of covid is around 91,000.
Led by women, 15% of Republicans so far have defected and are voting for Biden. He only needs 4% of Republicans to switch. Hispanics will show up on election day in Florida and Texas and we'll know the outcome sooner rather than later.

We need a landslide to repudiate the most corrupt President in the history of the nation as we know he is going to try all kinds of shenanigans to contest the election.

The States decide the votes, not him, so he can try, but Americans are too smart and too strong and have had enough.
Are you guys really ok with the shutdowns Biden is going to institute in Jan/Feb if he wins?  I don?t think it?s just Trump rhetoric that he?ll shut the whole country down if he wins, I think it?s true and he doesn?t care about the economic consequences.

It?ll be like starting over for the airlines, restaurants, etc.  Not a die hard Trump fan but he?s the better economic choice right now.
aquabliss said:
Are you guys really ok with the shutdowns Biden is going to institute in Jan/Feb if he wins?  I don?t think it?s just Trump rhetoric that he?ll shut the whole country down if he wins, I think it?s true and he doesn?t care about the economic consequences.

It?ll be like starting over for the airlines, restaurants, etc.  Not a die hard Trump fan but he?s the better economic choice right now.

Another fake post by the waterboy. But I am not surprised. Biden already said that schools and business should stay open with tools such as plexiglass.
You are okay with Trump administration giving up on Covid. (the chief of staff previously mentioned this) The fact is Trump lied to the American public regarding covid.
They can?t even protect the WH from covid. The safest place in the world with rapid testing. How are they going to protect Americans?

The Trump administration does not have a plan.
Not even political pondering but yes I?m fine with what you call ?giving up on COVID?.  I?m so over COVID, just let it burn itself out already.  So many more people than we?ll ever know already had this thing and have survived just fine.  The death rate is wayyyy lower than anything reported.

If you?re freaking out then I will defend your freedom to live in your basement or lock yourself in your room.  It?s your right, you should be able to freely do so. 

I think most rational and intelligent Americans share this sentiment they?re just too worried that they will be labeled if they say it out loud.

If Biden wins I hope you?re right about what you said with him not shutting things down, but I?m not convinced.
Its pretty clear a lot of people are done.  Stores have regular Christmas shopping crowds already.  No real.point keeping Disneyland closed if people are going to stand ina Costco return line for 45 minutes.

At same time, talking with Relatives in the upper midwest. Schools are shutting back down and going pure DL because their covid transmission rate is more than 300/100,000.  The ones that work in healthcare are totally stressed out because yes, the hospita!s are running out  beds.

aquabliss said:
Are you guys really ok with the shutdowns Biden is going to institute in Jan/Feb if he wins?  I don?t think it?s just Trump rhetoric that he?ll shut the whole country down if he wins, I think it?s true and he doesn?t care about the economic consequences.

It?ll be like starting over for the airlines, restaurants, etc.  Not a die hard Trump fan but he?s the better economic choice right now.

Biden and Kamala have never said that and have answered multiple times what they will do which includes support for small businesses and schools so they can do things like install shields and increase testing and contact tracing.

This is standard practice in places like Taiwan and Korea. Taiwan hasn?t had a new case in 200 days and has more travel with mainland China than any other country in the world. This virus CAN be beat but Trump makes it look much more insurmountable than it has to be. Good leaders make things look easy, bad ones make everything appear like a 5 alarm fire, and chaos benefits the guy and is part of his immoral strategy.

We have the best tools in the world to destroy the virus but they?re all sitting in the shelf due to mismanagement.

Trump also said we have special masks here in California where we have to eat through them. Have you seen any of these special masks because I sure haven?t?

The guy can?t go 30 seconds without making stuff up.

As far as the other stuff goes Trump IS the President not Biden and the evidence shows he?s destroying the economy like he does everything else.

Joe is a fixer who helped jumpstart the economy after the 2008 disaster and is the right guy to heal the country.

Trump is in debt and owes hundreds of millions to foreign banks (including China) and is not a businessman, he?s a Promoter/grifter.
icey said:
aquabliss said:
Are you guys really ok with the shutdowns Biden is going to institute in Jan/Feb if he wins?  I don?t think it?s just Trump rhetoric that he?ll shut the whole country down if he wins, I think it?s true and he doesn?t care about the economic consequences.

It?ll be like starting over for the airlines, restaurants, etc.  Not a die hard Trump fan but he?s the better economic choice right now.

Biden and Kamala have never said that
Asked specifically whether he?d push to shutter economic activity if scientists said it was necessary, Biden replied: ?I would shut it down.?